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Let's score with 4 minutes left to take the lead. Miss the 2 pt conversion because.....UK. UT drives and kicks a field goal with 1 minute left to take the lead. UK drives and somehow intercepts its own pass securing a UT win and finding an impossible way to lose and a new way for UK to go all UK.
If I'm Conrad, I'm pissed. How can they not target more than two or three times in a three game span? Where's that baller ass RPO play?
They are going to get a FG off. Believe the everloving shit out of that

Edit: Connect on Hail Mary for TD
Raise the beer [cheers]barrel baby!
I saw the last play described perfectly on another board - it has to be the first time in history that the fans of the team throwing the Hail Mary were more nervous about converting than the fans of the defense.
That two-point conversion

Centre has used that exact play on 5 straight two-point conversions and made all 5 of them.

Here you go, SAE - some really high quality Jeff Piecoro in this one.

See ya. (Snell gets tackled at the 2-yard line)
Get him! Put him down!
Yes sir!

As a color commentator I strive to be like Jeff Piecoro when it comes to timing the interjections. Really hoping the Wildcat ball team will let Centre make a NICE PASS or two.
BKH--Coach Frye was the D. Coordinator when I played at Centre. Good man. G. Mason was a fraternity brother. Great guy. I appreciate you keeping GYERO (and me) updated on what's going on over in Danville. Looking forward to Friday. 74-65 Colonels.
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