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SKJ boarding it tonight... encouraging and I think he can help back up Richards instead of a complete year on the pine

Green runs our show, any early talk of SGA taking a starting spot is bunk. Also a very capable shooter from outside but

Love SGA’s D... little bit of Liggins out there

This team coming up together will help, good chemistry, togetherness, when they lose they will fight for each other, a great brotherhood that will win wars together

Knox is a badass and will be our takeover games guy when we need him

Richards is damn good and could be quite dangerous at the end of he year not unlike Cal’s other bigs

Diallo can stuff the stat sheet if he focuses on steals, blocks, boards, run outs and put backs but his shooting probably will not come around.
Shot just doesn’t look good.

Gabriel just run that motor and board, block shots and defend

Washington is Terrence Jones with a brain
Extremely encouraged
No way I’ll be able to rid this image this season.
Why is Brad so unlikable? Other than obviously the ridiculous tat.

Really surprised he doesn't call himself some sort of rapper name (ß-Cälpo)

Just be yourself kid. Don't be afraid to smile and have a personality. Can't put my finger on it, just seems like a really unlikeable kid.

People don't have the cash to pay that for an exhibition, Cal. The people who are going to give have already done it. Put it on TV and give the ad revenue to the fund.

Team looking way past what I expected. Knox is unreal. Lots of pleasant surprises.

Richards plays within himself. Love that from a big. Be a goon, dunk, block, and board.

SGA may be the best perimeter defender in the country by the end of the year.

PJ Washington was fading on his jumper which caused misses but that'll get fixed. Such a wide body, he's just a bully out there and can score in so many ways.

Diallo looked like he didn't give an eff. Get out there and try, bud. I get these kids are scrubs but that too cool for school stuff ain't gonna fly here.

Love having a point that can hit 3s. That's such a major weapon that will cause defenses to spread where Knox and Washington can really dominate.

PJ Washington

Are my favorite five right now. Diallo should get in there when he decides to start playing hard. The potential of Diallo and SGA defensively on the wing is a thing of beauty. Richards is a true high caliber defensive center, will alter a ton of shots and block 2-3 a game.

Wenyen looked shakey but settled in. Love him when he's flailing/bouncing around grabbing boards and steals and just bringing more energy than everyone else. That's what got him ranked so high in HS, was just flat out working people in the Rodman like hectic style.

Cal with no update on Vanderbilt other than x-ray looked good. Of course not. Baker evidently had surgery on his knee.

Hold Vando out until next year if this is going to be a thing. I just want us to see him play a few games for Kentucky before he moves on.

Overall very impressed. Obviously a work in progress, but we've got a hell of a group to start with.
No way I’ll be able to rid this image this season.


BJW will have that tatted somewhere before the season is over. I get he has misshapen features but damn that dude sure exaggerated every one of them on Knox. The eyes were borrowed from a small Asian child, evidently.
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Feel like there’s going to be a lot of ‘going to the monitor’ for Nick Richards’s elbows coming down on guys’ heads.

Richards is going to be in foul trouble in 100% of the games he plays in.

I could definitely see us getting into some scuffles with he and PJ down there, neither of them take any sh*t and Richards has already gotten into it with Cousins during a pickup game so he clearly isn't skeered.
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I'm announcing the game next week for the Centre Sports Network.

FUN FACTS: Centre has 19 wins against Kentucky, 9th most of all time and more than Louisville. In 1910 Centre beat Kentucky 87-17, which is still the worst loss Kentucky has ever had.

Now that that's out of the way...

Give me things to say during the broadcast and I will say them, because that's what a GYERO Man does. I've already promised to throw shade at Syracuse for us getting Quade Green. But it's going to be a long broadcast. So I'm open to suggestions.
Can you do one he went to war on that one for a tribute to Cawood.

  • "He went to war on that one."[3] – Used to describe a player who demonstrated exceptional or extraordinary effort on a play while encountering significant physical opposition. Said especially of players who drove the lane and shot the ball while drawing a foul, fiercely contested for a rebound, or exerted sustained intense effort over the course of a key play.
I like how Knox thinks that the bigger players on better teams won't flop like Thomas More was.

See how this was done @Jeff Drummond ?
That's what I was talking about in the HOB, just didn't know how to type it out. Having to zoom and unzoom my entire window is kind of a total pain in the ass to read stats every few minutes. I have no idea if it's easy to post it this way vs. linking to Twitter, but if its not too much of a pain I think it'd be better for everyone for it to be formatted like it was in this post(one click auto zoom > having to open Twitter and having to manually zoom/unzoom the entire window. TiA.

/Rolleyes to whoever deleted my 'Should we say something about LV being a total perv/creep' thread on HOB. Would've went multi and really got the people going.

I hope, for your all's sake, that we win tomorrow. People are going to absolutely lose their ish if we blow it against UT. Definite must win to stake our claim as a legit squad trying to climb the SEC ladder.

This place has been the best I've ever seen football coverage wise since Drum came back. Good time to be a wild cats friend.
Richards is going to be in foul trouble in 100% of the games he plays in.

I could definitely see us getting into some scuffles with he and PJ down there, neither of them take any sh*t and Richards has already gotten into it with Cousins during a pickup game so he clearly isn't skeered.
Did him getting into it with Cousins happen over the summer in Lexington? I am not tracking.
You know, I'm cool with my center fouling out of every game. When is the last time we had that happen? Orbzut?

It's not like Richards is going to be playing at crunch time anyway. He might as well take a few scalps in the process, imo.
Did him getting into it with Cousins happen over the summer in Lexington? I am not tracking.

I have no idea, was told Cousins was trying to bully/intimidate(you know...initiate them into how bigs play at UK) and Richards was giving it right back. Think someone on the current team got a pretty bad cut during one of these games. Cousins made Richards look like a fool on the court after things calmed down but still....nice to know if someone takes a shot at one of our guards like last year, our big man won't be allowing it. Bam was too nice to fight/threaten/defend our guards and they needed it against Arky. Those dudes we're teeing off on our guards and nobody did a thing. Love big men with a mean streak that take no ish and 'protect' their guys. PJ and Richards are both like this.

Every time I pray for the sake of this post I pray that Richards plays like Magloire.

Exactly. Like. Magloire.
I have no idea, was told Cousins was trying to bully/intimidate(you know...initiate them into how bigs play at UK) and Richards was giving it right back. Think someone on the current team got a pretty bad cut during one of these games. Cousins made Richards look like a fool on the court after things calmed down but still....nice to know if someone takes a shot at one of our guards like last year, our big man won't be allowing it. Bam was too nice to fight/threaten/defend our guards and they needed it against Arky. Those dudes we're teeing off on our guards and nobody did a thing. Love big men with a mean streak that take no ish and 'protect' their guys. PJ and Richards are both like this.

Every time I pray for the sake of this post I pray that Richards plays like Magloire.

Exactly. Like. Magloire.

hard to picture dudes from Jamaica with a mean streak. i mean those people always seems do damn happy. maybe it was his time in Queens that brought it on.
Maybe they can rubber band his nutsack like the do to bulls when they want them to be all pissed off and wild acting.

Would be entertaining until he got kicked out.
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