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10 years from now when the city starts to pick up the tab for the debt service owed on that soccer stadium through tax subsidies while Nashville picks up a NBA franchise and we’ve still yet to host 1 SEC B-ball Tourney will be awesome. Go get em, Mayor Fischer!

That’s ok. It was all worth it for a sub minor league soccer franchise. I sure hope all of the losers that dress up like freaks so they can be Euro posers marching down the street screaming nonsense are happy.
He also publicly contemplated using "Silverback" as his nickname, which would have not only been the awesomest thing ever but it would have also been the awesomest thing possible.

Boogie Cousins is cool. But Silverback Cousins? The world's largest and most frightening black dude in any given zip code?

Shew. That's Shaft-level cool.
Been in the hospital with our oldest, the one who is 7 and I was worried about being late joining in on baseball, as we found out Tuesday he is type 1 diabetic! Unreal how quick that sets in without super obvious alarms, but we were lucky his mom is a good nurse and caught earlier than most would.

Talk about a scary alarming situation that really has become a normal part of life. Emotions went from "what's it take to get my pancreas in him to get past this" to "we got this let's GTFO of this hospital".

For all the grief Louisville catches here our medical facilities have to be some of the best and my dumbass couldn't be happier.
We are going to get the absolute shit zoned out of us this year. More than any other. Every half court possession is going to be a grind.
Well something we haven't had the last 2 years that we have again is we are going to block the shit out of teams.
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