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TE="wildcat1973, post: 6253847, member: 3390"]Milwaukee's throwback Mecca floor is straight :fire:.[/QUOTE]

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Football, a sport made up of gigantic tough guys who love and get to be violent, is also the one where someone is least likely to get what they deserve for shit like that Flacco hit.

Alonso should've legitimately been pummeled by an O-lineman, but instead just got a push into the ground. I guess the continual violence keeps tempers somewhat at an even level; but even in non-contact sports like basketball or baseball that blatant attempt to injure would've been met with some serious fighting
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I remember when this country was great and fans cheered and celebrated a QB getting his clock cleaned.

Brax is showing that flacco clip to his badasss LB son right now as they sip Pepsi, eat jerky, and laugh maniacally around the breakfast table.

Then they'll probably ride into Lexington and set fire to a municipal ball park because Lexington doesn't even have the stones to play middle school baseball???? Wtf is that about? That's the dumbest crap I've ever heard. Fayette co is a joke.
Discovered a little gem of middle eastern cuisine near my house. Not quite Detroit Good, but pretty pretty pretty good.

I see you Nefertiti.
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Well your old friend MaxPowerrr snatched another life victory from the jaws of defeat.

“Don’t forget we have the kids trunk or treat at church Saturday night and you ‘volunteered’ to bring chili.”
“Kentucky plays at night. So no.”
(Kids) “You skipped last year for a football game.”
(Wife) “also we need to decorate our car”
(Me, making the best of a bad situaish) “Fine. We’re dressing up like a tailgate. Chili, crafties, cat flags, portable TV/radio set up, the works really. And we’re home by halftime.”
(Everyone) “Yayyyyy!”
Soccer stadium —> in.

Fat guy with his drum —> happy.

Looking forward to the YMCA U-4 Orange Slices providing an instrumental $2.7B in TIF money after the futbol club heads to beautiful Spartanburg North Carolina or South Carolina whichever one that is.

Edit: Deener’s guest says the stadium *can* be expanded in 5k increments up to 50k as attendance warrants this is an great news was concerned about that

Edit 2: Deener says “I don’t want to call this ‘minor league’....I call it ‘non-major league’”

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I'm never getting married, but if I do, it's gonna be tough to keep K-CI and JoJo off the playlist.

This is a good one, but I prefer "Meet Me at the Alter in Your White Dress" for a wedding song. I had a friend get married and walk down the aisle to a slow version of that song and then once they were married, they played the fast version of it for the recessional. It was awesome. And the next day I drove to Lexington for the UK/UL game and met anthonys735.

She's not hot, but let's just say I wouldn't kick her out of bed lololol

Have you ever kicked anyone out of the bed? lololol

- If you think I’m going to waste a Saturday coming down to some kid farm has-been tailgate with a bunch of parents yucking it up about how Junior can already read, then you just don’t know me.
What time are you getting to the tailgate on Saturday, Chad?
Alright, I can't take it anymore. How can I make catpaw more compatible to use on my desktop? I am constantly inundated with "Secure Content" warnings, script bullshit or whatever, and usually have to copy and paste from word because typing is so damn slow.

What can I do about this? TIA
Use firefox instead of Internet Explorer. Or Google Chrome and control which pop ups, etc. it allows in your settings.

EDIT: Also check which extensions you're using in Chrome. Type chrome://extensions in your web address bar at the top and turn off anything you don't use that's slowing you down.
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Great day with the lass yesterday. Got her to Keeneland for the first time in years. Great weather, saw some peeps we haven't seen in a while, and cashed exactly one ticket.

Carson's last night was :100points:. Cowboy ribeye was outstanding, pork belly mac n'cheese for the wife was solid, also. Will return.

I feel like Jarred Vanderbilt is the difference between the team going out in the first weekend in March or being a legit Final Four team. Kid just seems to have an edge to his game that will be a difference.

I have no faith or confidence in beating Tennessee this weekend. I refuse to buy in after so many nut punches. That said, I will be there Saturday night acting a fool hoping my Cayts prove me wrong.

Friday 5
I'll Be Missing You- Puff Daddy/Faith Evans
It Ain't Over Til It's Over- Lenny Kravitz
Finish What Ya Started- Van Halen
Eric Clapton/Robert Johnson- Sweet Home Chicago
Dear Mama (remix version)- Tupac
As if any middle school player worth his salt wouldn't already be on three travel teams ... You want middle school baseball to be Upward?

Go get pumped upward. Every school worth a crap has a middle school team. That's just part of being a school. You play AAU in the offseason. My middle school team was 40-0. I'm a man.
Football, a sport made up of gigantic tough guys who love and get to be violent, is also the one where someone is least likely to get what they deserve for shit like that Flacco hit.

Alonso should've legitimately been pummeled by an O-lineman, but instead just got a push into the ground. I guess the continual violence keeps tempers somewhat at an even level; but even in non-contact sports like basketball or baseball that blatant attempt to injure would've been met with some serious fighting

Flacco slid late. This isn't tennis. Gotta protect yourself.
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