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They did however, severely crack down on parties on campus AND off-campus housing after that incident. Like house parties were the reason that knucklehead Jason Watts drank 20-something beers at a bar off campus and then decided to go hunting. His stupidity had a measurable impact on my fun sophomore year.
Service companies are notorious for occasionally stealing people's shit. Remember, they are in your home mostly unsupervised. You would be surprised the records that some employees have.
Would you rather have a cho mo with three felony burglaries on his record in your house around your kids, or a guy with a clean record.
Nice little video going around Facebook now, of a s Indiana heating and air conditioning company caught on camera stealing a home owner blind.
Actually if he was “stealing a home owner blind” he wouldn’t have been caught on video
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You're right. Tennessee is stricter than Kentucky on the devils lettuce. He's probably got community service, two years probation, and a weekend in the slammer coming his way

Or maybe that's just if they catch someone from Kentucky with weed in Tennessee
"With their star running back suspended, Tennessee had to open up the playbook, and air the ball out, and they went to Lexington today and rediscovered their offense. Breathing new life into the tenure of embattled head coach Butch Jones... Third string quarterback Turdell Burglerton was an absolute REVELATION"
My mother doesn't get eBay bid increments, or really any of the bidding process and it's driving me nuts.

We bid 82, it shows 70 because that's the next highest bid below us. She's dumbfounded as to why it only shows 70 and not 'our bid'. Like, how do you not get it. Does anyone have a link that explain this process to stupid people because my mom is incredibly smart and I'm dumbfounded at the trouble she is having figuring out a certain concept.
This is one of the smartest people I've known, and can't figure it out. It's so frustrating. can you not get it? It is what it is. If I could buy the bid increments and how they work section of that book I would for sure.

The odd thing is that she's incredibly smart, runs a very successful company, and is very computer literate yet can't figure out how eBay bidding works. You f'ing kidding me?

Just figure it out.'s not the least bit difficult.
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The dude who flipped the double birds to Bama's end zone section last Saturday is apparently starting at RB Saturday.

I meant DB not RB. My bad. Still though, if you're keeping score:

Middle fingers - OK
Weed - Suspended

(Neither are OK. Stupid kids should know better in both accounts.)
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I wonder if this is the first World Series game in history where more people have seen the penis of the starting pitcher spraying splooge over the backside of some sloot than have seen him previously pitch in a baseball game.
I think of all the things grinding HOFCRP’s gears right now the fact there was a loud public outcry to keep TOM at UL, when his crimes went way beyond HOFCRP’s imo, while his downfall was met with a meh and a welp.
To his credit, it looks like Rick invested his monies in such a way that he can live/retire wherever he wants without dealing with the local backlash.

Tomma Tittyman, however, currently is concerned about who will be handing out fun size Snickers at his shitty ass McMansion next Tuesday.
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