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Besides getting decent players what else is he good at? Stopping the opponent on fourth down sure isn't something. Hell at this point if it's fourth down we need to just go prevent and give them the one or two yards that they need
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Besides getting decent players what else is he good at? Stopping the opponent on fourth down sure isn't something. Hell at this point if it's fourth down we need to just go prevent and give them the one or two yards that they need

Listen, we have a relatively solid defense. That has not happened in my lifetime.

I've seen Steve Spurrier hang infinity on us multiple times.

The fact that our defense does not objectively make you want to die of embarassment in and of itself is literally a miracle.
Besides getting decent players what else is he good at? Stopping the opponent on fourth down sure isn't something. Hell at this point if it's fourth down we need to just go prevent and give them the one or two yards that they need
A poster on HOB pointed this out...

For total defense, Kentucky was better every single season under Joker than in any of the seasons under Stoops. When you consider a much easier strength of schedule in recent years, it's even harder to understand. I hoped that a couple of good games earlier in the year meant progress, but it certainly no longer seems that way. At this point five years in, it is what it is.

Team Defense numbers
Year Tot.D Rnk SOS
A poster on HOB pointed this out...

For total defense, Kentucky was better every single season under Joker than in any of the seasons under Stoops. When you consider a much easier strength of schedule in recent years, it's even harder to understand. I hoped that a couple of good games earlier in the year meant progress, but it certainly no longer seems that way. At this point five years in, it is what it is.

Team Defense numbers
Year Tot.D Rnk SOS

Pretty hard to f'n argue with the actual numbers.
by way of followup

I got he blazer - Banana Republic
I had 3 grown men putting their hands on me admiring the thing last week

at least that's what they said......and I trust 'em

that damn jacket was made for me man

but I have to stop wearing the pants that unzip themselves
at least 5 times last week I walked away from engaging conversations and performing an audit on a supplier.......

only to find out that the Fly was wide open
maybe they thought I was just a REALLY confident dude

drinking time
more later
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Pretty hard to f'n argue with the actual numbers.

Not when someone is trying to say that the defense was better under Joker Phillips rather than Mark Stoops.

That might be the easiest argument in history, actually.

But the larger point is this --> Stoops is learning on the job and generally does a damned good job but can be absolutely infuriating when he tries to get chippy about defending his mistakes.

I don't want to hear any bullshit excuses about explaining why there were 7 men on the field.

A simple "That was inexcusable. This is my first time as a head coach and I am as upset about that as you are. We will be reviewing our procedures to do our best to ensure it never happens again. I am not perfect but I want our fans to know that we are going to do everything in our power to go kick some ass. Now go f***ing Cats!" will do.

We got our ass kicked at MSU. It happens and Dan Mullen is a damn good coach. So, ok.

But Stoops really needs to play his cards a little better. That said, Christ we are lucky to have him.

I mean, we are Kentucky. It is basically us, Vandy, and Northwestern for world's shittiest football programs.

And under Stoops, we are decent. I ain't gonna argue with that.
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A solid rule in life is this: if your numbers tell you that the defense under Joker was better than under Stoops then your numbers are stupid and you need to learn how to ask better questions because Good, Sweet Lord that is ridiculous.
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We have gotten to the point of Kit Kat quesadillas from Taco Bell.

Break you off a piece??
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Or our backs broke a tackle?

King doesn't need to. One game, I think we accidentally got it to him in space and he ran like 80 yards for 4 catches or something like that.

We have not gotten him in space since. If he ain't tough enough to run tween them er tackews then he ain't playon. Not sure who says that, but I felt it needed be typed.
I can see it now some guy named Quentin throwing to a guy named Quadarrius over the middle who breaks 3 tackles(Westry gets injured) and outruns everyone for a touchdown. Quadarrius was spending championship time at the jail per order of the state pending from a failed 'victory' heist.

God, if we lose to UT this fanbase will explode and deservedly so. Stoops is dumb. He's not going to get any smarter but Gran is incredibly smart and way too GD smart for the piss poor job hear been doing.

I kinda feel bad for blockhead. He's really just not all that smart and he truly gives it all hes got but his brain just can handle only so much at once and end of half situations are over that limit as is anything to do with time.

Feel bad for SJ. He is best when he gets in a rhythm, like *really* good when just slinging it around. Could you imagine his numbers in what clearly should be a pass first offense(not to abandon the run but to set it up). Some form of RPO nearly every play with a moving pocked where he is also elite(throwing on the run) and great at making decisions on whether to just toss it away or try to fit it in there. I'm talking beat fit for this particular team, of course he'd get 350 and 3td in a Mumme/Leach system. There's so much you can do out of RPO, and you can roll him out which eliminates the issue of him having zero time because of our pussy shit oline and it's dildo chair of a coach, and worst case he can't find anybody, made a bad read and kept it from Snell , and throws it away or runs for a couple yards. We'd shit on people, and still be able to run.
And a special shit sandwich to Schlarman. He was awful all but one year, had 2 highly rated OL fall into his lap(who are playing fairly shitty) and now he recruits the state of KY where we signed exactly 0 players from this year, including missing one 4 star playmaker to effing Purdue. He's done an awful job recruiting, he's done an awful job coaching, so why TF is he still here?

Oh, BTW, bye bye any big-time OL recruits in the future if Landon Young doesn't improve significantly. I get he's young but he was much better last year and looks like Jeremiah Drobney out there just whiffing which should never happen. Yet it does here.

If I'm Benny or SJ, I'm ready to fight the OL. Every minute of every day. And poor Juice, kid is friggin electric with the ball and barely gets it.

That whole issue with the players joking and it being heard Marrow ripping them for it....I sure as fug hope they were making fun of our God awful play calls. If not I hope Marrow tazed each one multiple times to make sure things are to be taken seriously.
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We have gotten to the point of Kit Kat quesadillas from Taco Bell.

Break you off a piece??

Man. I fux wit that. Heavy. Needs side of whip cream tho.

Taco Bell >>>>> Stoops

Listen, we have a relatively solid defense. That has not happened in my lifetime.

Then your definition of solid is rather soft.

Defense got shredded by the best 2 offenses they have played (to date)...secondary got ripped by 2 backup QB's in the opening game...and even EKU had success in the air.

UGA is going to do whatever they feel is needed, and UL might hang 50 just because. UK is fortunate the Rebs QB is lost for the year or that would be ugly. And lets see how an offense that hasn't scored in a year does against them this Saturday.

Entire staff is a sham. *clueless*.
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Fall is finally showing up this weekend. Game time temp will be in the 30’s.

Good thing I drained, refilled and cleaned the bubbly yesterday. Hot tub season bout to officially open.
I went back and crunched some numbers and found some interesting stats. Turns out we were 13-24 under Joker and we sucked, and since he left, we're not and we don't.
I didn't share that to argue Joker was better than Stoop, btw. Stops has most certainly improved the program in every aspect since arriving on campus.

But, as a defensive coach, it is a head scratcher that we continue to struggle on that side of the ball despite seemingly have playmakers all over the field...and guys who have some experience.
Not when someone is trying to say that the defense was better under Joker Phillips rather than Mark Stoops.

That might be the easiest argument in history, actually.

But the larger point is this --> Stoops is learning on the job and generally does a damned good job but can be absolutely infuriating when he tries to get chippy about defending his mistakes.

A simple "That was inexcusable. This is my first time as a head coach and I am as upset about that as you are. We will be reviewing our procedures to do our best to ensure it never happens again. I am not perfect but I want our fans to know that we are going to do everything in our power to go kick some ass. Now go f***ing Cats!" will do.

First time head coach? We didn't just hire the dude this off season. How many years can you use that as an excuse?
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Because Joker sucked we’re “lucky” to have Stoops.

Good takes. Keep ‘em coming.

Absolutely. We were lucky to have Rich Brooks, too.

In the history of history, Kentucky football sucks. Some solid mediocrity with a chance to improve over time is a damned fine upgrade, imo.

Wish they hadn't screwed with the tailgating so much, though. That sucks. That was the best part of Kentucky football.
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I didn't share that to argue Joker was better than Stoop, btw. Stops has most certainly improved the program in every aspect since arriving on campus.

But, as a defensive coach, it is a head scratcher that we continue to struggle on that side of the ball despite seemingly have playmakers all over the field...and guys who have some experience.
I seem to remember FSU fans complaining that MARK had a very conservative, bend-but-don't break philosophy. Which would certainly explain the 10-yard cushion we give receivers.
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I didn't share that to argue Joker was better than Stoop, btw. Stops has most certainly improved the program in every aspect since arriving on campus.

But, as a defensive coach, it is a head scratcher that we continue to struggle on that side of the ball despite seemingly have playmakers all over the field...and guys who have some experience.

I get that. I was more responding to "Can't argue with those numbers!" And the idea that stats always tell the whole story.

I think we're better overall defensively, but then you tack onto the final numbers these idiotic brain farts that lead to 75 yard scores and the once or twice a year "all-systems-failure" like Saturday and the final numbers look worse than they are. Keep in mind as well that when you're in more games fewer teams let off the gas against you and put in back ups. Stats like total defense tend to not see that stuff.

The BJW in me says Stoops is a first time head coach so he's growing and unfortunately sometimes learning by failing. Over time he'll continue to mature as a coach and cover these blind spots he has.

The realist says that he's a very good coach with some fatal flaws that cap his ceiling.

Either way, we actually are lucky to have him. Anyone that wants him gone has forgotten where we came from.
This week, the Vols opened as 5.5-point underdogs at Kentucky. It’s the second time since at least 1995 that Vegas has expected UT to lose to UK. Tennessee is 31-1 against Kentucky since 1985 and is usually a double-digit favorite.

48 & rainy, speakers muffled playing some imagine dragons. Cup of brown water.

Stoops gets up to give a fiery pregame speech against our heated rival, players drown him out with some Tee Grizzly.


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The stars are aligned, folks ... for another soul-crushing defeat! CATS CATS CATS

On a related note, hats off to the UK goalie at the soccer game this Saturday (a 3-2 defeat thanks - in large part - to terrible goalie play) for cursing at the 10-year-old ball boys behind his goal when their work wasn't to his liking. That's some solid work.
You guys are forgetting the most important part of this whole equation.

"If it would have worked, it would have been great."
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