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I know the UNC fans will say this disproves the fraud. Much like there were people saying OJ didn't murder two people. Both a result based on a technicality but clearly, what UNC did was way worse than OJ.

That said, spending millions on PR and lawyers was the best thing UNC could have done and UL self-imposing was the dumbest.

But, UNC still cheated.

Revealing what seems to be North Carolina's defense in the case, Cunningham told CBS Sports, "Is this academic fraud? Yes, it is by a normal person's standards. But by the NCAA definition [it is not]."

Call me crazy, but maybe we should ask the actual SEC institutions what they think?

Assuming that Sankey speaks for every SEC school on this issue is lunacy. He's a career bureaucrat whose job security depends on the system remaining in place as-is.
I'll give UNC this, their defense took a set of taters and it did work.

Dear NCAA we did, in fact, commit academic fraud but it is not an NCAA violation!

I didn't know Johnny Cochran was still alive.
You can but again, UNC skated on a technicality.

The Latest on the NCAA ruling on North Carolina’s multi-year academic case (all times local):

12:05 p.m.

The chief hearing officer of the NCAA’s infractions panel handling the North Carolina academic investigation case says it’s “more likely than not” that athletes received fraudulent credit, but the organization’s bylaws leave it to the schools themselves to determine academic fraud.

Southeastern Conference Commissioner Greg Sankey, the chief hearing officer, said Friday that the panel could not use “those strong possibilities” to determine whether violations occurred.

North Carolina avoided major penalties when the panel couldn’t conclude academic violations took place. Sankey says what happened was “troubling.” He says the panel “applied the membership’s bylaws to the facts” and “couldn’t conclude violations. That’s reality.”

The investigation centered around independent study-style courses in the formerly named African and Afro-American Studies department. The infractions panel says North Carolina supported those courses as legitimate.
This so-called technicality only applied because the NCAA didn't want to punish UNC. GYERO Law is not fooled. We all know how this works. The "judge" determined the outcome he wanted at the outset and then told his law clerks to figure out a way to get there.

A tale as old as time...
Expecting Louisville to file a supplemental brief in their proceedings with the NCAA arguing that non-student athletes were invited and did partake of the hookers as well, so no violations.

Also, if academic fraud is supposed to be outside the NCAA purview, then why does the NCAA rule people ineligible who cheated on their SAT/ACT?
The bothersome thing to me is not that UNC didn't get punished (because I figured all along that the NCAA didn't want to be in the business of creating standards for curriculum), it's that the student-athletes who did so much for the school got absolutely nothing for it.

A college education is the one major form of compensation the NCAA allows, and they didn't receive that. Worse, apparently some of these kids were essentially told they were too stupid to expect to receive that.

So, what happened to the kids who didn't go pro and who didn't receive an actual education? Once UNC used up their eligibility and got their wins, what were they left with, other than a degree that means basically nothing?
Also, if academic fraud is supposed to be outside the NCAA purview, then why does the NCAA rule people ineligible who cheated on their SAT/ACT?

This is a good point. So if a school wants to accept someone with a fraudulent ACT/SAT score, isn't that the school's business? Or if the school says, "Nah - his score is fine," isn't that the end of it from the NCAA perspective? The inconsistency of NCAA decisions is what has always driven me crazy. They admittedly don't follow their own precedent, which is ridiculous.
so shouldn't the actual university be under some sort of scrutiny and it's degree credibility challegenged since this admission basically throws the university under the bus as the guilty party for providing sham classes and degree programs for it's students as a whole? i can't remember what the organization is called. the one that monitors the academics should be looking at punishing the actual school for creating these classes. i mean they did fully admit at the expense of the university and to save to the athletic department that these courses were a sham. shouldn't the university be at risk here for possibly losing it's rating status or some shit?

yea, i know nothing is going to happen.
And now the NCAA has ruled Braxton Beverly ineligible because he took a Summer class at Ohio State before transferring to NC State [laughing]


Attending class = Ineligible
Not attending fake classes = Good to go

They should play him anyway. By its own admission, the NCAA no longer has jurisdiction over academic eligibility issues. I'm sure the good folks over at PackPride would be 100% on board.
How long ago was UNC tipped off to the ruling? Fukicng Roy is telling recruits nothing is going to happen for a couple of weeks now
Come on, I know you all know the ACT/SAT eligibility works. But as a refresher......a separate group(whomever administers those tests) determine if the score is legitimate. If it isn't then the player isn't eligible.
The bothersome thing to me is not that UNC didn't get punished (because I figured all along that the NCAA didn't want to be in the business of creating standards for curriculum), it's that the student-athletes who did so much for the school got absolutely nothing for it.

A college education is the one major form of compensation the NCAA allows, and they didn't receive that. Worse, apparently some of these kids were essentially told they were too stupid to expect to receive that.

So, what happened to the kids who didn't go pro and who didn't receive an actual education? Once UNC used up their eligibility and got their wins, what were they left with, other than a degree that means basically nothing?
The world needs ditch diggers too.

These guys got a nice little D-1 Athlete experience before that crushing reality of life set in.
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Well......when the NCAA does close the loophole that unc skated on the rule will forever be known as 'The North Carolina Rule'. So there's that.
If you haven't seen "The Big Short," great movie, go see it. But I'm reminded today of the scene where Michael Burry (played by Christian Bale) sees that mortgage defaults are going up and the CDO's are beginning to fail--but the value of the CDO's are increasing instead of dropping. He comes to realize that he may now be in a rigged and fraudulent system.

We are making the same realization today given the NCAA ruling on UNC's decades-long academic fraud.
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Good afternoon...

-On the advice of Wildcat Will, I dove into the world of hybrid vehicles. With the 100 mile daily trip, I figured this may be an economical choice. Still trying to keep the old Honda too. Trusty extra vehicle, imo.

-A couple weeks before our vacation last week- which was on out 5th anniversary, my wife mentioned anniversary gifts. Was a bit caught off guard since I assumed the trip itself was the joint gift. Was wrong. Scooped some tickets to a Jon Pardi and Midland show at a small venue last night since my wife likes his jams. Obviously didnt know it would fall on game 5, but the mlb app came through for the first 5.5 innings until we got home. Thankful it was the longest 9-inning game ever. Concert was solid. Outdoor show at a local brewery. And my wife's gift to me was a pair of socks with my dogs face on them.

-Thinking of experimenting with this cbd oil. I still have frequent and extremely painful migraines, along with anxiety and some other ailments that it seems to ease. At the point where i'll try anything legal... and i dont even know if that stuff is entirely legal.

-UNC played that perfectly. And the faux outrage about "Their alums should be ashamed..." is bogus. Ask a few- they dont give a shit. Neither would we in the same scenario. We are just mad they didnt get hammered-- but yeah none of their fans are gonna all of the sudden take a hard look within and be embarrassed. They are still a bunch of schmohawks.

-There are zero parallels between their case and UL's.

Friday Five:
Digital Underground- Same Song
Candlebox- Far Behind
Radiohead- High and Dry
RHCP- Give it Away
Drive by Truckers- First Air of Autumn
You know who's having a good day?

Yup, I'mma just gonna pay everybody...students...athletes...don't matter. I'm just gonna pay em all.

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As a joke, at our next home game we should outfit the band in new Nike gear. Flag twirlers, baton girls, tuba players. Everyone wearing Nike, top to bottom.

And then honor the science department, and outfit them in new Nike gear, specifically branded to the science department.


I mean, why not. It's for the rest of the students.
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This so-called technicality only applied because the NCAA didn't want to punish UNC. GYERO Law is not fooled. We all know how this works. The "judge" determined the outcome he wanted at the outset and then told his law clerks to figure out a way to get there.

A tale as old as time...
Which is why, while fun, all the “UK should go ahead and . . . “ is a non-starter.
It's like fresh new voices in the world of college basketball have an expiration date. I remember when Mark Titus and Jay Bilas were taking new angles on these issues, dropping hammers on the traditional powers, and generally being the voice of the fan. I'm not sure what happened, but the milk has gone bad, Charlie Murphy. P*ssies on parade today.
UNC pointing to their US News and World Report ranking as...something? I honestly don't get it. What a miserable lot
Hens in Lexington and Louisville are about to go wild, Target is getting their license for wine and liquor "boutiques"
Not to restart this stupid conversation, but in the Targets (and Krogers and everywhere elses) in Cincinnati, the wine and liquor is RIGHT IN THE STORE.
ukcats2008, just let them go. Unless they say something bad about goetta or minor league soccer I have realized that they aren't worth enlightening.

Most of them still pronounce it "Zav-yer" for goodness sake. And they make fun of our accents when they sound like Cletus and Goober. smh. Backward idiots.
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* What a sad day. I have a burning hatred of UNC that could rival 1000 suns, but I really knew all along I would be disappointed with the results of the NCAA *investigation.*

* The Cincinatti vs Louisville smack talk is my hatboggen. I must confess, I have a slight bias towards Cincinatti because my daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons live in Alexandria, but I still equate the debate to Michael Porter & Saul Smith talking smack about which one is the more elite guard.
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