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Don't fret guys....been trying to tell you all for months to "learn" and read the "facts" instead of listening to media blowhards, something Chad so adamantly preached on recently. But since you refused, you deserve every ounce of what you are currently other words...



Oh....and Luke Maye says hello. Kisses.
Don't fret guys....been trying to tell you all for months to "learn" and read the "facts" instead of listening to media blowhards, something Chad so adamantly preached on recently. But since you refused, you deserve every ounce of what you are currently other words...



Oh....and Luke Maye says hello. Kisses.

GD I can see why you are the most hated poster here.
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I would love to be in the boardroom with Cal discussing his response to this. That guy had some ridiculous amount of wins and a national runner up vacated after the NCAA had already affirmed a kid's eligibility and he relied on their word while UNC creates a phony curriculum for "student athletes" in the most cynical way possible through the "African American Studies" department.

I'm hoping it is "Jerry Tipton belongs in the Hope Center" epic.
Based on his paragraph formatting and sentence construction, I'd be surprised he even finished grade school.
At the very least we can laugh at UNC fan basically celebrating the fact that the NCAA found that they ran sham classes, but since those sham classes were open and enjoyed by regular students too, it’s not an NCAA violation. I mean the UNC fans who actually have degrees from the school or paid for their kids to go there and take those “classes” are probably still a little upset, but for the typical no connection bandwagon “WE DO IT THE RIGHT WAY CAROLINA WAY” fan today is a good day assuming they lack even a modicum of self awareness and/or get off by being a message board troll well into middle age.
I mean let’s be honest- cheating on your SAT and ACT happens all the time. Lots of kids do it and the methods to chest are open and available to anyone, not just athletes. I hope Eric Manuel sues.
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The outcome doesn't matter the "carolina way" garbage is over for all-time.

UKOs make up a good portion of their fanbase. Just go to one of their road games. It is a distinct difference between the baby blue sweater vests and jordan jerseys. UKO is an off brand Jordan jersey, enjoy.
I love how much the UNC and UL scandals perfectly describe their fanbases.

UNC: Sanctimonious pricks who think they play by different rules and shouldn't be held to typical standards

UL: Scumbags
I know probably 5-7 UNC fans and none of them went to UNC or even lived in NC at any time, except my grandfather who actually graduated from there.
I know several UNC fans that are grads and they’re not exactly “proud” today, nor have they been since this came to light- especially when the School admitted they had been running this scam/allowing it to be run for decades. Using the defense of “everyone could take them” was a technical of unrealistic argument, but shows the value placed on basketball wins over reputation.
So if you are scoring at home:

Paying current and prospective "student-athletes" is punishable;
Supplying current and prospective "student-athletes" with hookers is punishable (we think);
Giving current "student-athetes" grades they don't deserve via sham classes is not punishable?

You just made an effin' mockery of your organization and the very concept of "student-athletes", NCAA. This, after the FBI investigation into shoe company pay for play schemes revealed that you're totally asleep at the wheel. Slow, sarcastic clap. If this doesn't bring the NCAA down, I don't know what will. But this better bring the NCAA down.
We should immediately put Cal's vacated wins and FF appearances back into the media guide, and Memphis and UMass should put their Final Four banners back up.

If I'm UL, I'm not even communicating with the NCAA from this point forward. Their arbitrary enforcement constitutes a waiver of any authority they might have had to punish member institutions. The banners stay up, the wins still count, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Most of all, though, I'd love to see an official response from the SEC that mentions how "troubling" the UNC decision is and calls for an open discussion amongst member schools about how to "move forward" from the broken NCAA model. We can't sue them, so it's time to leave.
We should immediately put Cal's vacated wins and FF appearances back into the media guide, and Memphis and UMass should put their Final Four banners back up.

If I'm UL, I'm not even communicating with the NCAA from this point forward. Their arbitrary enforcement constitutes a waiver of any authority they might have had to punish member institutions. The banners stay up, the wins still count, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Most of all, though, I'd love to see an official response from the SEC that mentions how "troubling" the UNC decision is and calls for an open discussion amongst member schools about how to "move forward" from the broken NCAA model. We can't sue them, so it's time to leave.

Is Flava Flav still alive? If so, let's hire him to be our official NCAA liaison.

I mean, touch it.

They are a joke.
Is Emery even still on business?

Would like to see them buy given a discount on some ad space at Rupp if they are.

According to the SOS, they are no longer transacting business in Kentucky as of May 31, 2005 but are still in good standing to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

I'll personally put $1000 in cash and mail it to them if they will sponsor Rupp Arena.
There you go. Be proud your school cheated. Be proud that your school committed academic fraud. Be proud that a degree at UNC is worth as much as a flushable wipe. Be proud that in the eyes of everyone but the NCAA COI, your school has now supplanted Duke as the most hated in college sports.

But don't ever be a sanctimonious holier-than-thou wine and cheese UNC bitch like you and your ilk have postured over the years towards other schools. You have no moral high ground over us or Louisville or even SMU. In short, GFY.

Don't fret guys....been trying to tell you all for months to "learn" and read the "facts" instead of listening to media blowhards, something Chad so adamantly preached on recently. But since you refused, you deserve every ounce of what you are currently other words...



Oh....and Luke Maye says hello. Kisses.
Wait, he was a UK basketball fan but quit being one and moved to holier than thou UNC because of the cheating? But he stayed a UK football fan because UK football is a bastion of light that never does anything under the table? Oh ok.
Yesterday's media day was apparently an admission of guilt by UK/Cal/the players by the way they all responded to questions by the local hacks.

They just had that look, apparently.

My Lord.
Between that and all the self-aggrandizing from the profession about brave martyr Jerry Tipton standing up to Hans Gruber Calipari, my disdain for sports journalism is at an all-time high.

And it sucks because sports journalism is kind of what I do, all the way down to the love of Diet Coke.
Wait, he was a UK basketball fan but quit being one and moved to holier than thou UNC because of the cheating? But he stayed a UK football fan because UK football is a bastion of light that never does anything under the table? Oh ok.
No. He's a UNC fan because he's a terrible sports fan in general. Yankees, dem 'Boys, UNC. He's a douche. Ignore him.
Most of all, though, I'd love to see an official response from the SEC that mentions how "troubling" the UNC decision is and calls for an open discussion amongst member schools about how to "move forward" from the broken NCAA model. We can't sue them, so it's time to leave.

Allow me to direct your attention to the bottom of the image.
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