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Mash, I'll pick you a few up from Kroger.




The theme of this season is to "Embrace" everything that comes with Kentucky basketball, from tradition to expectations to the stage on which every game is played.
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Found a photo, the Starter 1996 National Champs shirt was my all-time favorite. Nice clean look, wore that thing out as a 12 year old.

Honest to god I thought you were at least 50.

But who in the world is tuning in for the return of Jemele Hill?

Nice lazy day on grandma’s couch as the rain comes down. Went and visited a buddy’s ex wife and their children earlier. Probably hit up some tinder/bumble later. #blessed
American Vandal is the best show ever - Not best ever but really good.
Curb is meh - It's fine. Just not my favorite.
Stown was meh to crappy - Started really good but 2nd half was meh to bad
Weather should be 95-100 all year round - 80/60 is great, that's my preference. 8p or later sunset is much more important though.
Pasta isn't very good - False. LOVE PASTA.
Bicycle riding is a top 5 sport to watch Football > Basketball > Golf > Cycling for me.
Just wait til you have kids - Still waiting.

Trying to think of Anth's last correct take.
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I actually really like Curb, but it's not the best show to watch before bed. Gets me wound up.
This Ricky Jones guy is a dope. Between his interview on Matt’s podcast, Matt’s attempted (butchered) pronunciation of “Szechuan,” and seeing Matt’s high-ass, objectively incorrect, TV placement. I have lost almost all respect for MJ in the past 36 hours. Man.

-a week or so ago he repeatedly used the phrase "guilty complex". Transy/Duke.
Rogue, as a devout Muslim/Judeo-Christian, you should not be visiting a buddy’s ex-wife and his kids without the presence of a modesty quorum from your local parish. I can’t believe you left that part out.
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I’ve been friends with her for as long as he and her friend (if I’m banging anyone it’s the friend because we have before) was over there as well, not like it was just us and we were getting weird. He didn’t mind at all and was happy I got to see their newborn. Even read his eldest a book or two.

And yeah I always stay with my gma when I come home, we’re super close. Therefore, yes I’m knocking out some networking. Not sure what the problem is there. You all have some special room for your tindering?

@Joey Rupption I’m not a devout any religion bud. No need for those make-me-feel-okay-about-dying, Santa Claus, pretend fairytales.
Regarding KSR, I gave up. Loved the show but once they pulled it from stitcher I couldn’t find it anymore. Tried overcast and that doesn’t give me anything but football podcasts and their random side shows.
Regarding KSR, I gave up. Loved the show but once they pulled it from stitcher I couldn’t find it anymore. Tried overcast and that doesn’t give me anything but football podcasts and their random side shows.
The KSR radio show podcast is listed as Title: KSR, Author: LOUISIVLLE’S TALK RADIO 1080 (WKJK-AM).

Kentucky Sports Radio podcast is listed as Title: Kentucky Sports Radio, Author: KSR.

They are two completely different shows. The podcast has “Radio” in the title and the radio show is just initials. What’s so confusing?
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^Believe me it is. “Awwwww you’re staying with your grandmother? That’s so sweet.”

And it provides the perfect cover of why they can’t come here.

Thanks @Joey Rupption that cleared it up for me. Found it. Still think it’s dumb I can’t get it on stitcher. I’m sure it’s for counting downloads or something but I don’t care about that.
I feel the same way, kind sir - we will meet one day
and we will drink the sweet nectar of vodka until we are delirious and ready to love the world in a brotherly....but messy,....kind of way

PS: I got f'ing lost in the desert and mesquite maze behind my barrio tonight.....great night for it though

started drinking cheep beer about 10 min's ago and KNOW THAT I KNOW that we are going to see 8 wins and a victory over Tennessee this year



We've already met. Think it was the LSU upset? Some big game that we ended up winning. Before the game we were shotgunning beers after you gave a speech about suckling the blood of victory from the necks of our enemies. After the game it was pandemonium and a few of us had reconnected in the purple lot at our spot. At some point during our celebrations we decided a vistory headbutt would be in order and STILL to this day that is the hardest I've been impacted in the head. Afterwards I was drunk and stumbling but mostly because of the headbutt not because of the drunk, and you looked at me and belted out an evil laugh of victory. At that point I stumbled down because it was where the purp lot slopes, and you came to help me up, and by help I mean you picked me up by my arm and say something to the effect of 'did I getcha?'

That was still to this day the hardest I've ever been hit in the head regardless of the situation...had I not had a hat on im pretty sure I would've bled to death...

Truly one of my fondest UK football memories.


May a scorpion chill in your toilet and sting your nutsack.
Just pulled the trigger on tickets for the season opener in Rupp. My son's first game. My son LOVES the basketball games on TV. Just a few days ago he watched the friggin' pro day with me and before long he was lining up, looking all serious, and then sprinting across the room and diving into me. He has no idea what's going on but it fires him up. My best friend and his dad are coming too. He doesn't have any kids and basically lives vicariously through me as a father. My son loves it when he shows up. Been thinking about this for years now. Trying to figure out the right age and the right game. Should be a special night.
Well we have never been that good but the last time the US didn't play in the World Cup Kentucky beat Florida in football. Perspective.
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