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Since we've now firmly established that, as a country, we are not good at soccer, can MLS stop trying to strong-arm cities into building new stadiums when the taxpayers there have already paid for two, just to be eligible for the *possibility* of having a team?

Use the stadiums that are there, assholes. Your product is apparently pretty mediocre.
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I believe that we will win, lol.

Mens soccer is the only US team I actively cheer against because of the fans, Im team Brazil all the way when World Cup comes around.
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“Major League Soccer” in America. Lol

This country does not, has never, and will never care enough about soccer to be elite on the world stage. That’s all there is to it. Have no clue why people get so worked up about it or try to fight that fact.
Since we've now firmly established that, as a country, we are not good at soccer, can MLS stop trying to strong-arm cities into building new stadiums when the taxpayers there have already paid for two, just to be eligible for the *possibility* of having a team?

Use the stadiums that are there, assholes. Your product is apparently pretty mediocre.
I *think* Louisville is taking steps to back always from the $200M minor league soccer stadium. Cooler heads prevailing when the thought of grown ups paying the bills came up, apparently.

I did chuckle a few weeks ago when they mentioned TIFS to help pay for said minor league stadium....I mean, worked out pretty well with The Yum! especially after whores and money laundering afterbirth on the horizon. NBA, nah don’t need them.

Nope, nothing minor league about this photo....

Baseball will be behind NFL, NBA, MLS, and NHL by 2030. I’ll be you a helmet sundae on it. (Which is a suckers bet, they won’t have those anymore - I’ll get you a walking taco.) Golf & NASCAR will have fallen off a cliff by then as well.

MLB will have to commiserate with Boxing and Horse Racing. “I used to be a major sport with fans under 75. It’s a tough racket.”

I think a big factor is how fun and informative the FIFA video games have been for a generation at this point. People forget that.
* Poor Tai Wynyard is the 2nd tallest on the team, but is 9th in wingspan. Should've walked around with heavier chainsaws when he was younger, IMO.

* How many times will Bilas say some variation of "Long/Length" the first time he does one of our games? Over/Under at 15. Over.

* Some of you are like office hens worrying about what other people wear. Amusing but sad. But please, continue to cluck among yourselves.

Yes, NFL Bro wears jerseys to games, as does Big 10 Fan, but have you ever been to a Bama, LSU or Florida game? Real Southern Men from traditionally winning teams aren't afraid to throw on the ol' jersey in support of their squad. And don't get me started about the west coast.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the folks that get gussied up for the games, too. Whatever you men want to wear is cool with me. Just don't let the gals start dressing like Big 10 fans and we are cool.

* Which reminds me, our student section sucks. Maybe 70% full to start the game and over half of them left at halftime. Sad.

* Our little office here is like family. Got the devastating news yesterday that our office manager is suffering from dementia. Fantastic man from a great family, big supporter of wcc's old HS. He is able to continue working right now, but he knows that it will eventually kill him. Hoping for maybe 8 years or so but it could go much quicker. Horrible, horrible disease. He has been having tests run for a while because he was having some problems with his speech and they finally figured out what it was.

He is a man of great faith and I think that is helping him deal with it, but man.

Love each other, man. Life is too short for petty bullshit.

From someone dealing with something very similar, when it starts to get to where they need to be monitored constantly, and this is dark, but hope that it goes as quickly as possible from that point on as it is pure torture on them(and everyone really). I was able to work for a little while but ended up in a company basically asking me to resign by cutting my hours(they knew nothing of the situation and i did not want to be treated differently because of it, my performance was down and that was the right thing for them to do, great group of guys), there was one situation where I has just lost it in one of the managers office on a day that I was called to the hospital, damn near hyperventilating, guy probably thought I was a total puss. If you think you should be able to handle something like a full-time job while also being a caregiver, make other arrangements, my lack of doing so embarrassed myself, hurt the company due to my declining performance, and to this day I don't think any of them know what was up. There's just literally nothing you can do for them, and you'll have many sleepless nights trying to figure it out.

Good luck, do as much research as you can, message me if you need advice on anything.
I believe that we will win, lol.

Mens soccer is the only US team I actively cheer against because of the fans, Im team Brazil all the way when World Cup comes around.
What a loser.

We were awful tonight (I watched highlights only) but to say you cheer for another country and eff USA means you’re literally the equivalent of cole/whatever the hell his real name is pulling for Carolina. Good company you’re in loser.

I bet EVERY Brazil fan is super cool and just laying pipe to hot chicks all day and picking up bar tabs.

So USA soccer fans can be douchey, so can all fans. At Kentucky we have plenty. That’s like saying, “I don’t like UK anymore because I met a couple assholes with UK shirts on.” GFY
This Ricky Jones guy is a dope. Between his interview on Matt’s podcast, Matt’s attempted (butchered) pronunciation of “Szechuan,” and seeing Matt’s high-ass, objectively incorrect, TV placement. I have lost almost all respect for MJ in the past 36 hours. Man.

I like Ricky Jones...he is really intelligent and a good dude. I bet you would like him if you met him, even if you disagree. Was I supposed to know how to pronounce that word? I guess maybe it is common food knowledge but I literally hadn't tried it until this whole phenomenon started. But then again, I am not the most cultured pallet in the world. The TV is an issue...I will grant you that. But I have the home repair skills of a middle school girl. The cords are an issue too.

I wish our Podcast was easier to find on non-iTunes accounts and I don't even know what Stitcher is but a few people have said it isn't easy to get there. The reality is that I run an internet business and I know nothing about the technical side of computers or really much of anything useful. I know (some) sports, appellate law and I can argue. None of these traits will help me when the apocalypse comes (which feels like any day)

I wish I could do a daily "this is what is really happening and being said at UL" thing on would blow people's minds. But for obvious reasons, ranging from uneasiness on the issues to the story that broke last week, everyone is on pins and needles about what is said. I will have a hell of a book one day.

Calipari really likes this team but I keep getting told by folks, "make sure fans realize this is going to take awhile with this group...more like '14 than any other year." But the athleticism is freaky and they will be fun. And next year we will be insane

I like our football team, program and staff...I wish they seemed happier though. They all get so upset at the smallest criticism. UL shows us what happens when no one ever says anything bad about anything. Some criticism is shows people care.

The sound system at Roger Field does suck

Anyone who doesn't like Curb (that is you Anth) is absolutely insane....that episode Sunday made me laugh as much as anything on TV in a long time. "My name is Slappy Johnson and I need to open this pickle jar"

Still another bomb to drop at UL...I eagerly await it

Ok so here’s what we know:

Anth=Brad Calipari

Bevin pulling for Jurich now?!? Mags please blow this out of the water.

UK coaches upset fans bickering over being 5-1. Looks like we’re on our way up.

Lunch Recs for Asheville NC tomorrow-Go.
I don't even know what Stitcher is but a few people have said it isn't easy to get there.
Stitcher is a podcatcher platform/app that rips off podcasters by inserting their own ads.

Nard Dog : Cornell / Ithaca
Ricky Jones : Morehouse / Atlanta
(Have you ever even heard of Atlanta, you Kentucky rubes?!)

Anybody who can’t understand why coaches are states’ highest paid employees is a moron. Get some facts and come back and see me. Hisself.
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Stitcher is a podcatcher platform/app that rips off podcasters by inserting their own ads.

Nard Dog : Cornell / Ithaca
Ricky Jones : Morehouse / Atlanta
(Have you ever even heard of Atlanta, you Kentucky rubes?!)

Anybody who can’t understand why coaches are states’ highest paid employees is a moron. Get some facts and come back and see me. Hisself.
I figured that but it’s a really easy and convenient way to get podcasts automatically uploaded. Isn’t there a way to get them to count those podcasts? I still get Matt’s commercials in the podcast, at least the ones in show. And no worries Matt, I had the internet version of herrrmdawg (@Joey Rupption) figure it out for me.

The confusing part is putting in Kentucky Sports Radio and getting your side podcasts instead of the radio podcast.
Have not been able to sleep worth a foch the last few days.

Anybody got any recs? Already taking melatonin, Benadryl, THC and its not packing much of a punch. I have kolonopin prescribed but I don't want to take them for trying to sleep when I've got a daily routine with them.

Would probably try rat poison if it could make my head stop going for a few hours. But then I wouldn't come back and the dog would probably be upset. Then he'd piss in the floor and who in the foch is going to clean that or feed him when I'm dead from rat poisoning myself while trying to get some gd sleep.
Have not been able to sleep worth a foch the last few days.

Anybody got any recs? Already taking melatonin, Benadryl, THC and its not packing much of a punch. I have kolonopin prescribed but I don't want to take them for trying to sleep when I've got a daily routine with them.

Would probably try rat poison if it could make my head stop going for a few hours. But then I wouldn't come back and the dog would probably be upset. Then he'd piss in the floor and who in the foch is going to clean that or feed him when I'm dead from rat poisoning myself while trying to get some gd sleep.

Eat better.

Good luck.
Really looking forward to being at Keeneland again on Saturday then doing other things after like attempting to get laid. May take an uber, situation is progressing. Stress is already setting in... TIA for prayers.
We've already met. Think it was the LSU upset? Some big game that we ended up winning. Before the game we were shotgunning beers after you gave a speech about suckling the blood of victory from the necks of our enemies. After the game it was pandemonium and a few of us had reconnected in the purple lot at our spot. At some point during our celebrations we decided a vistory headbutt would be in order and STILL to this day that is the hardest I've been impacted in the head. Afterwards I was drunk and stumbling but mostly because of the headbutt not because of the drunk, and you looked at me and belted out an evil laugh of victory. At that point I stumbled down because it was where the purp lot slopes, and you came to help me up, and by help I mean you picked me up by my arm and say something to the effect of 'did I getcha?'

That was still to this day the hardest I've ever been hit in the head regardless of the situation...had I not had a hat on im pretty sure I would've bled to death...

Truly one of my fondest UK football memories.


May a scorpion chill in your toilet and sting your nutsack.

That may be the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a decade

The afterglow of that game -- was a rich velvety combination of Mardi Gras and a Pentecostal tent revival #with signs followin'
Baseball needs to make some changes to stay relevant and they will IMO. Numbers of kids playing certainly isn't a problem. In fact I think it will go up because of the CTE issue in football.

One of the local state baseball powers recently had their freshman tryouts and cut...........over 200 kids. Crazy.
Have not been able to sleep worth a foch the last few days.

Anybody got any recs? Already taking melatonin, Benadryl, THC and its not packing much of a punch. I have kolonopin prescribed but I don't want to take them for trying to sleep when I've got a daily routine with them.

Would probably try rat poison if it could make my head stop going for a few hours. But then I wouldn't come back and the dog would probably be upset. Then he'd piss in the floor and who in the foch is going to clean that or feed him when I'm dead from rat poisoning myself while trying to get some gd sleep.

Try some Wim Hof breathing exercises. Sounds goofy but you and I are probably wired fairly similarly and nothing puts me to sleep better.
Have not been able to sleep worth a foch the last few days.

Anybody got any recs? Already taking melatonin, Benadryl, THC and its not packing much of a punch. I have kolonopin prescribed but I don't want to take them for trying to sleep when I've got a daily routine with them.

Would probably try rat poison if it could make my head stop going for a few hours. But then I wouldn't come back and the dog would probably be upset. Then he'd piss in the floor and who in the foch is going to clean that or feed him when I'm dead from rat poisoning myself while trying to get some gd sleep.
Ask your doc for Trazadone. Helped me sleep during the worst/traumatic period of my life, hadn’t slept well in months. Been taking it again now recently due to impending back surgery where I can’t sleep due to the pain.

You’ll be groggy for a while in the morning but you’ll wake up in the same position you laid down in 7-8 hours later. Awesome drug.
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Baseball will be behind NFL, NBA, MLS, and NHL by 2030. I’ll be you a helmet sundae on it. (Which is a suckers bet, they won’t have those anymore - I’ll get you a walking taco.) Golf & NASCAR will have fallen off a cliff by then as well.

MLB will have to commiserate with Boxing and Horse Racing. “I used to be a major sport with fans under 75. It’s a tough racket.”

I think a big factor is how fun and informative the FIFA video games have been for a generation at this point. People forget that.

I’ll take that bet.
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If you take trazodone just be sure to warn everybody about your impending boners. As long as you give fair warning, everyone will shrug it off.

Seriously, do what PTI said. You're stressed and likely not doing anything to take care of yourself. Go to the gym or go for a run and wear yourself out. Don't think of it as time you're wasting or time that you're neglecting family obligations. Think of it as time you're using to make yourself feel better so that you're more functional and efficient when you are there for them. Don't look at a screen for a couple hours before bed and turn the lights down. When you can't sleep, the worst thing you can do is fire up gyero and shine a bright light in your eyes.
When you can't sleep, the worst thing you can do is fire up gyero and shine a bright light in your eyes.
A price you pay to be a real GYEROMAN.

So what’s the guess as to this vague bomb Mags is sitting on? My sources say that apparently the basketball program was plying recruits with whores and a slush fund through adidas whole the administration was playing a multi million dollar shell game with school finances! Keep this in GYERO, obviously.
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