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- Had to cover a couple high school basketball games for work last year and every kid was wearing some sort of basketball jersey. Disgusted me. Chided a few of them. What if an Ivy recruiter was in the stands?

- I always go full suit when I go to games. Never know if I’m going to run into a client.

- Speaking of which, does anyone know of a good pair of lounging trousers? The ones I usually wear at home when watching TV are wearing a little thin in the crotch. Imagine I could wear sweats but a gentleman never wants his wife to see him in informal dress before bedtime. Plus you never know when a client is going to stop by.

- Any good recommendations on a preschool with a solid collegiate prep reputation? We’re a few years away but it’s never too early. Perhaps I’ll ask some of my clients. Gordon’s son just got into SMU.
-Did Baker sit out for the on court action? I wasn't really paying attention I just never saw him.

-Lolz at WCC.

-Get to hang with my bestie PTI this weekend. Also meeting Beagle. This his first GYERO outing?

-Ahmad last night :smiley:
* Poor Tai Wynyard is the 2nd tallest on the team, but is 9th in wingspan. Should've walked around with heavier chainsaws when he was younger, IMO.

* How many times will Bilas say some variation of "Long/Length" the first time he does one of our games? Over/Under at 15. Over.

* Some of you are like office hens worrying about what other people wear. Amusing but sad. But please, continue to cluck among yourselves.

Yes, NFL Bro wears jerseys to games, as does Big 10 Fan, but have you ever been to a Bama, LSU or Florida game? Real Southern Men from traditionally winning teams aren't afraid to throw on the ol' jersey in support of their squad. And don't get me started about the west coast.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the folks that get gussied up for the games, too. Whatever you men want to wear is cool with me. Just don't let the gals start dressing like Big 10 fans and we are cool.

* Which reminds me, our student section sucks. Maybe 70% full to start the game and over half of them left at halftime. Sad.

* Our little office here is like family. Got the devastating news yesterday that our office manager is suffering from dementia. Fantastic man from a great family, big supporter of wcc's old HS. He is able to continue working right now, but he knows that it will eventually kill him. Hoping for maybe 8 years or so but it could go much quicker. Horrible, horrible disease. He has been having tests run for a while because he was having some problems with his speech and they finally figured out what it was.

He is a man of great faith and I think that is helping him deal with it, but man.

Love each other, man. Life is too short for petty bullshit.
40 % of your all time favorite natty shirt is Red, Chumps -- so, false.

-9.8 out of 10 for Chad's post. Miss him.

-2nd half students were embarrassing.

The responsible and trusted to drink draft beer Club section wasn't far behind, fwiw. Snapped this picture several minutes into the 3Q. [eyeroll]

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* Sleeveless shirts are awful in a social setting. Arm hair and ham hocks. No thanks.

* Attended a super successful fundraiser last night. Friend of a friend situation, and everyone in their family on both sides works/worked for one of the two big liquor/wine distributors. Poor guy suffered major head trauma/brain damage, and found out his wife was pregnant while he was in ICU desperately holding onto life.

Place was packed. Free booze. So many raffle items they were basically just giving them away at the end. All put together in a few weeks.

* Anecdotal evidence here, but UKO is a die hard Trumpster, tirelessly defending every single position the big D takes. I mean, is anyone surprised here?

* Nike wins again. I hope everyone sees what's happening here. They're literally trying to make threads so disgusting that it generates publicity. Totally bastardizes the school's history. Not. A. Fan.

* 9:12am. Still in my pajamas.

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-good effort, wildcatchad.

-its not about style/fashion. Its about lowereing oneself by wearing another mans name on your body, as if you are property. Sends a *clear* beta signal.

-fwiw, I wore a shirt with seagull embroidery to the game Sat. I hold no pretense.
Rudd was wearing a shirt on Saturday that I wish I owned. I know that makes it awful in some of you fashionistas' eyes.

But I really liked it. Original and cool without being over the top stupid like the stuff my wife doesn't let me wear in public anymore, IMO.
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00Delk, 97 Converse DA and Couch jerseys for me. All still in the closet.

Saw Blade Runner 2049 this weekend. Outstanding film that is a worthy successor of the original. So glad they didn't try and turn it into an action movie.

I'm guessing they keep delaying the release of the UNC stuff because its UNC and may as well drag it out longer. Still think they get a fraction of what they deserve.

Post vacation blues in full swing. Hurricane Nate Belt slid by us in Cancun with just a couple overnight downpours- but during the day things were fine. Was actually worse when we caught back up with it flying home.

Resort was nice- we never left. No excursions, no golf. Just poolside or in the ocean all/air. Had a good number in our group. 6 is my new limit to travel with. Enough of a group for a good time, but not too many where it becomes a shit show making plans and what not.

Did a lot more tequila shots than I was anticipating. Think I can call it quits on those for probably ever. Stuff just doesnt do it for me.

Mobile Passport FTW when you are flying back into the US. Unless you enjoy multi-hour customs lines.

I dont want to live in a world where its a big deal that an NFL coach does a line of blow and enjoys diverse exotic dancers. The man aint hurt nobody.

Purchased a new Instant Pot, and am excited to make some new delicious meals.

Extended forecasts have the highs finally only in the 60s, in about 4 more weeks! EEK.
This Ricky Jones guy is a dope. Between his interview on Matt’s podcast, Matt’s attempted (butchered) pronunciation of “Szechuan,” and seeing Matt’s high-ass, objectively incorrect, TV placement. I have lost almost all respect for MJ in the past 36 hours. Man.
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