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I have never really had problems sleeping, even during periods of heavy/heavier stress, so I guess I can't empathize, but I imagine it affects literally every other aspect of one's life.

Like SAE, I'm a bit worried for Will. There's gotta be a nugget for you...a carrot on a stick, if you will. Plan a trip/massage/day off as a motivator to recharge or something.

Look up Dr. Parsley sleep remedy. Guy comes from the paleo/natural meds side of things. I think it's just
Baseball will be behind NFL, NBA, MLS, and NHL by 2030. I’ll be you a helmet sundae on it. (Which is a suckers bet, they won’t have those anymore - I’ll get you a walking taco.) Golf & NASCAR will have fallen off a cliff by then as well.

MLB will have to commiserate with Boxing and Horse Racing. “I used to be a major sport with fans under 75. It’s a tough racket.”

I think a big factor is how fun and informative the FIFA video games have been for a generation at this point. People forget that.
That's stupid joe. Once my boys make the big leagues they will revolutionize the MLB and make it number 1. Ever heard of aaron judge? My boys will make him look like aaron Boone. Go hook up your Xbox and enjoy the video games. Thanks

Couple of these and you'll sleep like a baby.
Heard this the other day...Bryce Harper (who just finished his 6th Major League season) is younger than Rookie of the Year Aaron Judge.

Have not been able to sleep worth a foch the last few days.

Anybody got any recs? Already taking melatonin, Benadryl, THC and its not packing much of a punch. I have kolonopin prescribed but I don't want to take them for trying to sleep when I've got a daily routine with them.

Have you tried Ambien?

Shit is off the trellis, pretty much a miracle as far as I'm concerned. Either way, sounds like you need to talk to your Dr., as the OTC/home remedies clearly aren't working for you. My experience (much like eyesight) was that you never fully know how important a good night's sleep is until you finally experience it & realize what you've been going without

-Men who think massage/spa is 'gay' are among the most clueless people on earth, TS. I average a visit per month -- would be weekly if I could afford it. :100points:
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It's also pretty crazy that Ann Coulter's* son is probably going to be NL ROY...



* I mean that's not really her, but maybe it is?
- The arrogance of Sports Media Person just amazes me. You get a stage because some how, either by luck or maybe talent, you can discuss sports for a living. 95% of the time, the people listening/reading/following you do so ONLY for the subject at hand- your particular sport.

Somehow, you take this specific gifted stage as a sign that people really GAF about everything you have to say, let alone your politics. They don’t. I barely care what Gary Parrish (just an example) thinks about basketball let alone what he thinks about Trump/Las Vegas.

I agree with Matt probably at about a 90-95% clip in regards to politics (and frankly, I like hearing him talk politics), but I completely understand those who don’t want to hear it.

- Also, I know you millennials have trouble with this, but sometimes you have to eat shit in your job. Sometimes, you have to keep your opinions to yourself. This isn’t unfair. This is being an adult, being professional. If you can’t handle this, start your own company and do whatever TF you want.

- People have forgotten about the normal diehard sports fan.
Say what you want about Vecenie- not my favorite by any means- but the dude produces a lot of content, which for a junkie like me, is a great thing.
Speaking of being a junkie, am I the only one who loves Oscar Combs podcasts? It’s just an inside journey through UK history- Jim Host, Hacker, Bowie, etc.

Also appreciate John Clay’s podcast. He’s not the most charismatic dude but the subject matter is always good.
Ugh, stuck in standstill traffic 20 miles North of Knoxville.

Nothing gay about getting massages. Got one yesterday, no warnings given.

Also enjoy listening to Matt talk politics, even though I disagree with his agenda 90% of the time.

Will, you should seek professional help.

Trazadone, more like trazabone. Learn Peyronie’s.
wcc has REALLY stepped his game up, to the point he's now griping about his underlings and their attempted undermining of his supreme authority.

Well done, friend.
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wcc has REALLY stepped his game up, to the point he's now griping about his underlings and their attempted undermining of his supreme authority.

Well done, friend.

I was talking about Jemele Hill.
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@drxman1 9 Mile, Buxton Hall or 12 Bones for some serious BBQ. This is from a hipster friend of mine that works at Oyster House and has lived in Asheville for 5 years or so.

Her name is Heide. Cute blonde that works at 3 today. Go buy and say hello, she said she’d buy you a beer.
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How’s the salad?

I’ll be passing through Asheville about noon unfortunately. I like blondes and free beer.

Anybody going to see Tyler Childers Friday night?
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- Somehow, you take this specific gifted stage as a sign that people really GAF about everything you have to say, let alone your politics. They don’t.

Somehow, you take this specific gifted message board as a sign that people really GAF about everything you have to say. They don't.

See how that works? TFP.
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*Liked by Gary Parrish, Michael DeCourcey, Kyle Tucker, and 247 others*

The smugness and self-righteousness of all media -- sports, political, weather -- is astounding.

You don't see accountants getting on twitter and talking about what heroes they are for all the number-crunching they do. Or personal trainers demanding to be worshiped because of all the fat people they help lose weight. Or postal carriers saying "NOTICE ME!" because of all the mail they deliver. Just media, talking about how great they are while the rest of the profession dorkily applauds them.

You don't even do anything, you nerds. You just report on what other people do.

I appreciate a free and independent press and think it’s an important part of our society. Just not sure that it’s out there anymore or people are willing to listen to any sort of criticism of “their” side without the news being automatically decried as “fake” or bigoted.

So here we are.
-Crazy about all of these marijuana overdoses in Colorado.

-Going back and forth between a brisket and pork for this weekend. Haven't tried the former yet. ANY TIPS.

-Man the little one is just not enjoying her school year like she has every year so far. They elected to bust up her little circle of friends over the summer in the name of "making new friends," which was weak IMO. She's freaking 3 (turns 4 in a couple weeks). Tough to see her not be as happy when I drop her off every morning as she was last year. Good job, good effort teachers!

-Need some cool weather to slip back into the annual 90's rock mood that comes each fall. Can almost taste the sweet chords of "Interstate Love Song."

-Cats just looking at a nice little opportunity down in Starkville.

-I've never had a massage. No real interest in them tbh.

-Will actually be fun pulling for the Germans exclusively in the World Cup.
Gimme a call about brisket. I can get you headed in the right direction. Really simple but a few rules to make sure it's good.

-A good deep massage is amazing. Highly rec.
Pretty easy to figure out what Will's problem is...running that Points Guy site is a tough least as far as his physical health. Dude wakes up in a different time zone every day it seems. Flying across the ocean is never easy, no matter how nice the accommodations are.
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-Crazy about all of these marijuana overdoses in Colorado.

-Going back and forth between a brisket and pork for this weekend. Haven't tried the former yet. ANY TIPS.

-Man the little one is just not enjoying her school year like she has every year so far. They elected to bust up her little circle of friends over the summer in the name of "making new friends," which was weak IMO. She's freaking 3 (turns 4 in a couple weeks). Tough to see her not be as happy when I drop her off every morning as she was last year. Good job, good effort teachers!

-Need some cool weather to slip back into the annual 90's rock mood that comes each fall. Can almost taste the sweet chords of "Interstate Love Song."

-Cats just looking at a nice little opportunity down in Starkville.

-I've never had a massage. No real interest in them tbh.

-Will actually be fun pulling for the Germans exclusively in the World Cup.
What “overdoses” are you talking about? It’s almost impossible to overdose from marijuana unless it was tainted, and then it wouldn’t be a marijuana overdose.

Massages are amazing. Anyone that says otherwise is fooling themselves. I’m with @B.B.d.K. i get them monthly and would do them daily if it was affordable. Also pedicures are pretty fantastic too. Get those probably quarterly with the gals.
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