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--I tried this a few weeks ago, but I'll be more direct now. Anth, can you confirm or deny if the woman in the Bryant add pictured on the last page is a catpaw poster? (I'll remind you that you are still under oath).

--that mod Jerry Edwards = GYERO_Lurker
--I tried this a few weeks ago, but I'll be more direct now. Anth, can you confirm or deny if the woman in the Bryant add pictured on the last page is a catpaw poster? (I'll remind you that you are still under oath).

--that mod Jerry Edwards = GYERO_Lurker

No, we know GYERO_Lurker

It might be John Aposoltolplouolpous though
This Owensboro doc ripping the players for charging for autographs, get a life.

I totally get charging for autographs and pictures at set sessions. But what about when you see them randomly in public? I mean does LeBron ask for $20 when somebody wants a quick pic? have heard some negative experiences from people around town bumping into a certain "dropout" at bars.
Chad... The lass has me roped into that show. It's entertaining but a ton of it is staged.

My sister used to run around with Cameron some when she lived in Charleston. Said she was a really cool gal. Loathe that Whitney tool. What a worthless waste of human space.
Marlene? I don't think so. Super nice lady and been a customer for years but I don't see her as the UK message board type. Want me to hook you up? She lives in Louisville.
Chad... The lass has me roped into that show. It's entertaining but a ton of it is staged.

My sister used to run around with Cameron some when she lived in Charleston. Said she was a really cool gal. Loathe that Whitney tool. What a worthless waste of human space.

It's worth a Monday night watch.
--So are there 2 Jerry Edwardses or 2 GYERO_Lurkers or both?

--No, Anth. For some reason my spidey sense said ladycat when I first saw Marlene's commercial.

Don't know if it was him or not, I don't think Mom is riding much with her RA. We almost had to call you yesterday Bucket. Flooded several apartments, smh. Our Ins peeps called a competitor though, sorry bout that.

Marlene is not LC. At least I don't think it is. Marlene is in Lou, LC is in Hamburg/Andover(I think, mysterious shedevil).
I've never heard of R. Glenn Greene, MD. Based on his little diatribe, it seems to be a troll job by a Louisville fan. It's hard for me to believe the guy could be that stupid.
Our out of conference schedule is going to be brutal. At least we will get that loss out of the way early
good to see the harrisons bought their mom a mercedes. decent chance neither of them is in the nba in 3 years, but that cant stop them from spending 50 gs on a car well in advance of actually earning a paycheck.
I'm sure most of you all played a card game in college called, "a-hole." Well, the kids here at school are playing it (we've been testing; lots of free time afterwards), but they call it Presidents and Alligators. Same premise. However, they seemed genuinely naive about the real purpose of this game. I asked them about it, and they were oblivious to its true intent. Still though - kinda concerning?
good to see the harrisons bought their mom a mercedes. decent chance neither of them is in the nba in 3 years, but that cant stop them from spending 50 gs on a car well in advance of actually earning a paycheck.

It was a BMW. At 25k each, that's not the worst thing they'll probably blow their money on. It will most certainly last longer than their careers.

Probably should have just bought her a nice book though for the summer.
- Loved Cameran when she was on RW San Diego...although WTF was she thinking when she pulled Brad into the bathroom at a bar and then freaked out when he tried to something.

Um, you pull a dude into the bathroom at a know damn well what's about to happen.

- Naked & Afraid is awesome and hilarious. Key is not wasting energy. Go for the easy food, stay in the shade, and chill.

- Good to see Bryant is LBGT friendly.

- "Shut Up and Dance With Me" is the worst song of all time.

- Jerry Edwards is cool, if he's the one who used to go by JedWar. The blind mod on the football board is the worst, not hard to tell with the name UK Cats Rock.

- New girl is an Auburn fan, already taunting me about 10/15.

- Helping with registration today, "Give me a male teacher, tired of these ball busting females."
maybe if they go play overseas, but odds are they'll desperately want/need that $25k back at some point in the near future.

decisions like this lead to guys spending their entire first years paycheck -- or even far more than that, before they even receive it.
I'm sure they made plenty on the autograph signing tour to buy the car.

Next year there is gonna be a ton of redass around here. Should be fun.
The Harrisons measurements were pretty interesting, considering they're twins. Always enjoy hearing scouts and analysts discuss just how big those guys are up close.
The one dude that was in the salt desert in Brazil(IIRC) had the best plan. Came in 20lbs overweight, spent a short amount of time on a shelter, laid around conserving energy for 20 days. His chick freaked out in like 3 days and bounced. Dumb bitch is trying to survive in the wilderness and she brings a magnifying glass.

One dude from Roxsboro, NC was pretty awesome. Brings duct tape and decides to give up smoking literally the second he gets off the boat in the jungle. 4 days later he's toast.

-Curious how much it is staged from the endurance stand point. Obviously the conversations are but the contestants are physically losing 20+ lbs.
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Imagine I'm going to have to calm asses a bit next year, but keep in mind- this squad has a lot more experience than 2011, 2013 or 2014. Ulis, Poythress and Lee- not too mention Hawkins and Willis- is a pretty solid base. Four guys who have played minutes in the F4.
The one dude that was in the salt desert in Brazil(IIRC) had the best plan. Came in 20lbs overweight, spent a short amount of time on a shelter, laid around conserving energy for 20 days. His chick freaked out in like 3 days and bounced. Dumb bitch is trying to survive in the wilderness and she brings a magnifying glass.

One dude from Roxsboro, NC was pretty awesome. Brings duct tape and decides to give up smoking literally the second he gets off the boat in the jungle. 4 days later he's toast.

-Curious how much it is staged from the endurance stand point. Obviously the conversations are but the contestants are physically losing 20+ lbs.

Always enjoy the people who DON'T bring a fire starter. Never comes back to haunt them.:oops:

LOVED the young half-black chick last year. Complete see-you-next-tuesday, but smoking hot.
Imagine I'm going to have to calm asses a bit next year, but keep in mind- this squad has a lot more experience than 2011, 2013 or 2014. Ulis, Poythress and Lee- not too mention Hawkins and Willis- is a pretty solid base.

You're not calming shit, homeboy. There's a year's worth of redass that has been on the sideline since the road South Carolina loss in 2014.

Already fine tuning my Cal replacement power list, in fact.
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