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It most certainly does not.

It is just a different font than they used to use. The middle of the K forms into an H-like crossbar where the two arms come together. No part of the U is on top of it.

It is done for design purposes, but I don't particularly love it.
-I got a selfie stick for Xmas, still in the box in the same place.

-Stupid that the K's in the end zone are different than the K in the logo.

-We've discussed the pajama thing but I doubt it goes anywhere.

-No idea who the crooners are haven't heard. A few frequent the radio stations.

-Ready for this week to be dunzo.

-That river trail in Cincy is indeed sweet. I've run it a few times when I stayed up there. Thankfully I didn't get murdered.

-The Hove's are in for Sat? Neighbor might tag along as well. Nice. Brewery crawl on a random Saturday, sounds excellent. Maybe Booker and Geese can join us.
Things I'm happy about this morning:

- I have no idea hat a selfie stick is
- I don't see an all.
Some are acting as if the logo looks like this
- According to B$, yes the Hkamps are in.

- What can I say: Cincinnati = big city = big city problems. Pizza boys can't even deliver pie in Louisville without being shanked and carjacked.

- I know most of you guys are Johnny-come-latelies or just UK BB fans, but back in the day, UK football helmets used to just rock a singular block K. I really wish we would go back to that.

- Rate the bunned wieners/sausages: brats, mets, Italian sausages, hot dogs, etc. Go!
Not to clutter up GYERO with NFL talk, but the Patriots' rebuttal to the DELFATEGATE report is spectacular.
Top 5 Sirius/XM Music Stations:
  1. Classic Rewind
  2. Ozzy's Boneyard
  3. 80s on 8
  4. 1st Wave
  5. Hair Nation
They can say whatever they want about a new font, but the U creeps back in front of the K. "Design" purposes was just an excuse. That's not a K. It's a hybrid H and K.
What are chorizo and andouille? One of the butchers here downtown has a stand where they sell all of these.

Chorizo is Mexican/Spanish sausage; andouille is Cajun. Main difference is the spices used. They can be eaten on a bun, but are more commonly used in recipes.
-We just hired a new guy. I googled his name and found out he was on a shitty CMT reality show about 4 years ago. Can't wait to drop that into conversation with him.

-Went to look at a wet room in a basement from a hose spigot. Weirdos rent from their rich aunt and don't know what to do. Guy answers the door (he is probably late 20's) and has 2 kids running around. One is a baby and he is holding it. The other is a toddler and is not wearing pants or underoos. Dad is just letting him rock out with his cawk out while service workers are coming and going. So many weirdos in this world.

-Had a lady call asking if we could clean two rooms that had flooded back in April. She said they had some dried mud in them. Guys go and the basement (minus these two rooms) has been used as a litter box for her cats. The place reeks of ammonia. I tell the guys to back out and we will get back to her. When I tell her that her price has to go up because of the PPE and that her basement is a health and safety hazard, she gets offended and tells us to screw off (luckily). I really do believe in the cat parasite that brainwashes it's human victims.

-Love living with no neighbors. Loads of peace and quiet and I get to fish whenever I want. Bluegill are on the spawn right now.
OK, so for this next scene, I need you to bring in the truck with the 500 speakers on all the way turnt up. Rog, I need you in your olde tymey red long johns, windmilling on the double neck guitar set up over there. Also the guitar shoots fire. Sound good? Alright, let's make film history!

OK, so for this next scene, I need you to bring in the truck with the 500 speakers on all the way turnt up. Rog, I need you in your olde tymey red long johns, windmilling on the double neck guitar set up over there. Also the guitar shoots fire. Sound good? Alright, let's make film history!

A 70-year-old man made this movie. God bless whatever is in the water in Australia. Probably spiders.
Maybe it's my German roots, but when thinking of a bunned weiner, I'm brat and sauerkraut all air with spicy mustard.
I don't know why it makes me so happy to see a good ass on a female "Naked & Afraid" contestant. It's 2015. I can see good ass anytime I want. I have it all in the palm of my hand. But still.
-Love living with no neighbors. Loads of peace and quiet and I get to fish whenever I want. Bluegill are on the spawn right now.

Cherish this. Not only did I find out we now live next door to Precious for the next year but she goes on to round out the stereotype nicely as she also doesn't like using trash cans, cutting the lawn or anything really that would possibly help housing prices go up.
I know lots of teams dick around before/after practice with half court shots, but I feel like *any* guard should put a few minutes every day into half court shots, like honestly practicing them in game-type situations catching an inbound or running.

The odds are against you, but it's NOT that difficult of a shot. Most any good shooter can make 1-2 out of 10 from there, often times more, and have just about every one in the vicinity...all you're trying to do from there is give it a CHANCE to go in.

I realize momentum & adrenaline factor in, (and sometimes, but very rarely defense) but it's always boggled my mind how wayward 98% of half court shots are. 50% of them don't even hit the backboard/rim, and probably 30% might as well been PUNTED for how far off they are.

Always bugged me.
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I know lots of teams dick around before/after practice with half court shots, but I feel like *any* guard should put a few minutes every day into half court shots, like honestly practicing them in game-type situations catching an inbound or running.

The odds are against you, but it's NOT that difficult of a shot. Most any good shooter can make 1-2 out of 10 from there, often times more, and have just about every one in the vicinity...all you're trying to do from there is give it a CHANCE to go in.

I realize momentum & adrenaline factor in, (and sometimes, but very rarely defense) but it's always boggled my mind how wayward 98% of half court shots are. 50% of them don't even hit the backboard/rim, and probably 30% might as well been PUNTED for how far off they are.

Always bugged me.

Derek Willis practiced them lefthanded before every game last year- yet another reason he deserves more PT.
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