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Great post? It made zero sense.

I've read *Zero* pages of a book inside in the past decade, which is why I declared it reading season (for me)

Beach, boat, pool, porch.

A few beers/cocktails on the front porch with a book in the late evening is as relaxing as it gets. I knock out 2+ books a week in the summer.

Winter is for basketball & Gambol. I have zero ability to focus on a book if I'm in the house, too much else going on.

What do you like to do when relaxing on the Beach, Pool, etc Geese. Plant flowers?
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if youve got a true big man with an automatic back-to-the-backet game, the LAST thing you want is him floating around the perimeter jacking up 3s.

is this not common sense??
Reading, like eating and drinking, is always better outside, imo. It doesn't get much better than reading on the front porch/deck on a summer evening with a glass of wine. If I try reading in the house, I'll either be asleep or distracted within minutes.
you should be sitting in a dark, smoky, nasty, neighborhood dive bar sucking down marly reds and pounding vodka drinks for 4 months. thats what summer is all about.
Reading, like eating and drinking, is always better outside, imo. It doesn't get much better than reading on the front porch/deck on a summer evening with a glass of wine. If I try reading in the house, I'll either be asleep or distracted within minutes.

That sounds pretty stupid, CMD. GTFO with that awful crap. Learn summer.
What do you like to do when relaxing on the Beach, Pool, etc Geese. Plant flowers?


I actually like to be in/active around the water. Laying on a lounge next to water relaxing with a book sounds absolutely miserable and I've always looked down upon people my age/circumstance that do, TS.

Beach and/or poolside reading is for gaffots who want to look cute and women over the age of 60 who are into Danielle Steel. You can read a GD book in bed before you shut 'er down for the night. I just pray it wouldn't interfere with that late night Mountain West GAMBOL parlay you're trying to hit!!
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-I read before bed so season doesn't really change that. Can't read after or during drinking if I want to retain anything.

-Yummy Pollo is legit.

-Bike season is under way, legs are feeling great, getting 100+ miles per week in.
Guess that's why Dr Mike's Vegas style pool parties were so awful per Gyero, just not enough reading going on.

Now I get it.
I like reading on the beach and or pool. Pretty relaxing. After a bit I'll start drinking though and head to the water.
Yes, we all do, then you come back and read some more. May even take a break to go for a walk but your book is still there when you return. You have a breeze, getting some sun, occasionally look up to take in a view, toes in the sand, usually sitting in a laid back great position to read. Just can't imagine it getting any better.
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"Reading/relaxing at the Beach/Pool Is MISERABLE"


Really one of the worst takes in GYERO history. Bizarre.

Dude really is a mess these days.

nice edit.
im sure dr mikes pool partys were great, its YOU that was terrible.

per gyero, fb, snapchat, wccs common sense smell test, studies that show/have shown, me, twitter, instagram, etc.
"Hey Adrian, put that book down and come on in. You look like an idiot!!!"

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Bonzo Nation ftw

I leave my books home on those occasions out of respect for the tradition. That's good times as well. Same for Turbo K's drunken party boat.

My pool/beach versatility is on fleek.

--LOL at Devin Davis, btw. Nice, kid. #iubb
much like richie's ridiculousness yesterday (IF SOMEONE HELD A GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND IT WAS A LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION AND YOU WERE FORCED BY LAW TO EITHER CHOOSE CARIO *OR* WEIGHT TRAINING), this isn't really an either/or situation.

of course, that's kinda why gyero is here -- to fabricate arguments that dont even really exist out of thin air.

both of these are great:

- pounding booze with hot broads, jumping off the diving board, playing pro kadima paddle ball, kayaking, SUPing, playing flip cup, twerking on the sun deck of a wakeboard boat, comparing tribal band tats, etc.
- relaxing poolside, sipping a cocktail, and reading
I'm too mature for Marco Polo and other water games. Books it is for me. Come talk to me when you get married and start a family, Peter Pan.
I bring the pain, Chase. It's what I do.

Sharks & Minnows (we called it Green River) ftw tho

If we're only talking evenings on the Front Porch, then I prefer to jump rope or yo-yo. Pogo Ball is fun too, but some little hooligan stolt it.
I like to read James Joyce on the beach with a few Hadron Colliders, and then - when a hot chick strolls by - I watch her walk all the way down the beach. But she doesn't know I'm doing it because my shades are on the whole time (pro move). Then, when she's out of eyesight, I pull down my shades, look directly into the camera, and wink while the voice-over guy whistles in the background.
I was considering going up to my club tonight at 4:30 and playing 18 with some guys since its my one night a week without my daughter, then getting a nice dinner, then heading out to sit somewhere outside and have a few cocktails.

Then I checked the weather forecast and it said 75 and sunny. F#$K golf, lets read!!
This Amtrak crash is pretty horrible, but because of the line it was (DC to NYC) and who rides the damned thing (media & politicians) it will get more coverage than aliens landing on the White House lawn.
a bunch of dad-bodied 30/40-something married dudes with boring office jobs, suburban homes, and snot-nosed little kids acting like they're "too cool" to sit on the front porch and read a book.



for many of you, that may be the highlight of, and the craziest part of, your otherwise boring-ass week. tmfs.
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I really hope Chad wears that on the brew tour this weekend. But please leave the book at home.
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