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There was a CrossFit Studio on Ewing near my old condo. Never forget about 3 years ago on the way home from work being held up in traffic turning on Ewing from Frankfort only to see a gang of assholes pushing a giant tractor tire right down the middle of the street.

It was really hot & humid and I was driving the old Explorer that had crappy AC. Almost lost my ish.
If you like historical novels, "Dead Wake" about the sinking of the Lusitania was a good read. The parts about the dead kids was a little rough though so might not be a good "light" read. Definitely not a good cruise read lol.
you know, it struck me the other day -- i will always be indebted to espn, for finally answering the age old question:

who's more NOW?
Let's kick it back to the PTI guys as they debate...who is the more successful Russell- Russell Wilson or Russell Westbrook?

Tony: All right, Wilbon- at this point in time, who is the more successful Russelll?

Wilbon: Well, Tony, as you know I've gotten to be really close friends with Russ Westbrook in the last couple years. Went golfing with he and Magic last week, actually, and...
Lifting is just as essential to losing weight as cardio, figured that was common knowledge at this point.

It's never my goal to be muscle man, but when I mix in 3 days of lifting or circuit training with my usual cardio, the amplification of the progress is palpable. #chad

-Reading season is here, looking for a good fiction series/author to start. Just having been able to find anything that I love as much as Flynn/Baldacci, and I've tried Thor, Silva, Taylor, Berenson, Child. I do like the Harlan Coben stand alones.

-CONGRATS TO MITCH AD OF THE YEAR. Hopefully, AD Tomma Jurch as some things to say about this.
You do not have to lift to lose weight. You do have to cardio doh. Thought this was common knowledge.o_O
Oddly enough, ESPN's coverage of the NFL is more annoyingly saturating and all-encompassing than the NFL Network's coverage of the NFL.
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I want Cal to retire at UK, but I'm done worrying about whether or not he's going to leave every year. If he leaves, he leaves. We'll be fine. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period, and it may never be quite like it has been, but this is not the University of Calipari.
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Obviously hope he retires at UK as well, but I'm done sweating if Cal leaves or not too. He has done amazing things that we will be forever grateful.

So long as he doesn't come back at Louisville.
Have been thinking the same thing for a while but was afraid to admit it. matt jones is on the radio worrying like its the cold damn war or something. It's just sprots, imo
-WildcatChad appears to be leading SAE in the GYERO likes department. Kind of an upset?

-Jesus Christ you are terrible. Please go post somewhere else.

-1984 is good, try Animal Farm too.

-For an interesting historical fiction novel, Gates of Fire is pretty good. It is written all about the Spartans vs the Persians without all of the homoeroticism of 300.
suspended for 1/4th of the season
loss of 1st round draft pick
loss of 4th round draft pick
multiple suspensions without pay
$1 million fine

for probably deflating footballs.

bwhwhaougha. roger goodell is awful. how can anyone possibly defend his heavy-handed antics?? if he were commissioner of mlb, the hidden ball trick would be a 50-game suspension, stealing signs would be a lifetime ban, faking a throw to 3rd then throwing to 1st would be worthy of life in prison, and scuffing a baseball would mean the death penalty. what a loser.
suspended for 1/4th of the season
loss of 1st round draft pick
loss of 4th round draft pick
multiple suspensions without pay
$1 million fine

for probably deflating footballs.

bwhwhaougha. roger goodell is awful. how can anyone possibly defend his heavy-handed antics?? if he were commissioner of mlb, the hidden ball trick would be a 50-game suspension, stealing signs would be a lifetime ban, faking a throw to 3rd then throwing to 1st would be worthy of life in prison, and scuffing a baseball would mean the death penalty. what a loser.

The only thing I'm pissed about is having to hear about it; to constantly have to hear about stupid off-field NFL bullshit ESPECIALLY in the off-season. I F'ing hate the NFL.
Had the Patriots and Brady come out right away and claimed they did it the NFL might have let it slide. Then again they have the deserved reputation for cheating/bending rules.
dont forget there are some REALLY heated 3rd string qb battles out there.

(football john and virgin jesus)

HUGE stories.
dont forget there are some REALLY heated 3rd string qb battles out there.

(football john and virgin jesus)

HUGE stories.

The fact that this is what drives ratings is what pisses me off. The public kinda sucks.
of course it does. its like how "everyone" hates the music on the radio. you know, the music that sells like crazy on itunes and everyone knows the words to??
Studies have shown that footballs are easier to grip with lower inflation, especially in cold weather. It's probably a coincidence that the Patriots fumble at less than half the NFL average.
-Reading season is here, looking for a good fiction series/author to start. Just having been able to find anything that I love as much as Flynn/Baldacci, and I've tried Thor, Silva, Taylor, Berenson, Child. I do like the Harlan Coben stand alones.

Flynn is hard to beat. Too bad we won't get anymore from him.

Try Robert Ludlum. He is the creator of Jason Bourne and many other great characters/books. Some are a little dated but still good. He was those guys^^^ of the 60's, 70's and 80's.
Wasn't it Rob Parker that got kicked off First Take by saying RG3 isn't/wasn't black enough?


One of my assistant coaches played for me. He's 22 and LOVES that stupid show. DVRs it, in fact. :confused: (these things are awful - keep fighting the good fight, Beavis)
I'm not saying it's my LEAST favorite smell, but it's Top 10, maybe Top 5- that "I just smoked cigs my entire drive to work, but am now trying to drown it out with some generic perfume" scent. I love getting stuck in an elevator with that lady.

On a positive note, one of my FAVORITE smells...

Lawns being watered.
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I'm not saying it's my LEAST favorite smell, but it's Top 10, maybe Top 5-

Human body odor. Not I just ran 10 miles, but like foreigner or hipster that hasn't showered in weeks mixed with feces. A sharp, disgusting punch to the nostrils.
I'm not saying it's my LEAST favorite smell, but it's Top 10, maybe Top 5- that "I just smoked cigs my entire drive to work, but am now trying to drown it out with some generic perfume" scent. I love getting stuck in an elevator with that lady.

On a positive note, one of my FAVORITE smells...

Lawns being watered.

Rack both...

I still can't believe how bad I would walk around smelling after downing 2.5 packs a day....been almost two years since I've had so much as a puff.
Tommy, any news on what became of the Demon that ate people in your neck of the woods?
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