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Barcelona looked pretty dope today. Trio of Messi, Suarez, and Neymar might be best ever.
Human body odor.
Some folks like it.

I was just discussing how TNT's got watered down with Shaq in studio and Webber/Reggie in game. NBA needs an up and coming 'voice'. I see no replacement in line. *shoulder shrug O.G. emoticon*
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It's late, and I know no one will likely read this, but whatever.

Adam doesn't do crossfit, he's too cool for it. Kidding..kind of.

I have not flipped a tire, hunted a tiger, or killed my own dinner lately, but...I am in the best shape since high school, my clothes actually fit well, and my plan to not suffer from and/or die from metabolic syndrome (FAT!, diabeetus, and high blood pressure combo of death) or coronary artery disease is coming along quite well. So my completely outrageous lifestyle of lifting heavy weights and doing aerobic activity for an hour a day; eating lean meats, good fats, veggies, and fruit; and drinking a beer here and there will likely continue.

Oh, and that crossfit guy on 60 minutes was a complete weirdo.
According to Ed Burns, if you are a happily married who is maintaining a stellar physique, at some point you have start questioning your sexuality.

Ed Burns:Gut::Ed Harris:Thinning Hair

I wish Jones would take the time on his show today to actually explain to the ignorant masses how John Calipari's contract really works. I see way too many people complaining about how unfair it is that Calipari makes so much money and gets raises during hiring/salary freezes who have absolutely no clue how he is paid. The taxpayers of Kentucky are not paying him $8 million a year. The vast majority of his compensation comes from Nike and other media and endorsement deals. I don't think Nike is willing to shell out a few million annually to your favorite chemistry professor to stroll around campus in their shoes and apparel.
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Totally agree. And UK's student fee for the athletic department is very minimal. Ulike UL which I think is one of the highest in D1.

UKAA is self sustaining. Hell they are going to pay for some academic stuff from the CWS makeover.
Enjoyed this headline on Yeah, have to agree after last night's 38-point effort that it probably was a smart move by Cleveland bringing LeBron back. I was a little iffy on how good of move it was going into last night's game, but that performance sold me. Astute point, ESPN.

LeBron delivers when Cavs need him most
LeBron James' 38-point effort in the biggest game of the season to date proved to the Cavs that their effort to bring him back was worth it.
UL fans bemoaning Cal's contract while their school has to beg for money at gas pumps FTW
UL fans bemoaning Cal's contract while their school has to beg for money at gas pumps FTW

Per the last USA Today Study UL has $10,914,122 in student subsidy and UK has $847,000.. So they can GGP and DIAF at the same time.
7-1. Knocked out of the tourney twice by big brother.

I would have killed myself 4 losses ago if this was reversed. TS.

Pretty remarkable when you think about it, ESPECIALLY considering we are in the midst of Louisville's Glory Days, their second-most successful period of all-time and most successful stretch in 25 years.

The two tourney knock-outs are my favorite part.:)
How many abortions have Kentucky taxpayers had to cover since Rick has been in Louisville? Hundreds? Thousands? It all evens out.
Yea glad that Lebron guy finally proved his worth to CLE. Was worried that he'd be a bust there for a moment.
Attn Louisville area duffers: the 1450 Sport Buzz Golf Card is down to less than 5, per the deep voice/weird accent guy's commercial this morning!!
Ha, I love that dude. I laugh every single time I hear him...I can't even tell if it's serious or not. There have been "only 5" left for about 2 months now, better act fast!!!

Is that legal to blatantly lie like that in a commercial? Seems like it wouldn't be.
Would love to see a pic of that dude.

Remember seeing a picture of the legendary ESPN Promo Voice dude back in the day, who looks about as weird as you'd imagine.

Edit: Here's a article/video from Deadspin with that dude, with a link to an entire podcast interview with him. Chris Kelley

We learned a lot of things about Chris, among them that he does his voiceover work in his basement "in the woods" somewhere in the "northwest corner" of Connecticut. There is something poignant about a guy alone in his basement in the New England hinterlands, saying "brought to you by Men's Wearhouse" over and over. This ... is a Don DeLillo novel
-Reading season is here, .


Yes, nothing screams summer like sitting inside and reading a book.

Want to golf?? Nope, going to read a book.

Want to go sit at the pool bar and have some drinks??Nope, Im going to read my book.

Want to come over for a cookout with 20 people and hang out and drink some collides?? Nope, Im going to chill and read my book.

Daddy, can we go fishing today or to Kings Island or the Reds game on this beautiful summer day?? Nope, its reading season.
The voice in a lot of our commercials has a studio in his basement in Canada. Our production people up in Columbus just call him up, have him do a couple of reads and record it over the phone.

This guy makes a ton of money. You guys would know him best from, "EA Sports. It's in the game."

Great gig if you can get it.

Yes, nothing screams summer like sitting inside and reading a book.

Want to golf?? Nope, going to read a book.

Want to go sit at the pool bar and have some drinks??Nope, Im going to read my book.

Want to come over for a cookout with 20 people and hang out and drink some collides?? Nope, Im going to chill and read my book.

Daddy, can we go fishing today or to Kings Island or the Reds game on this beautiful summer day?? Nope, its reading season.

Arguably one of the greatest posts in GYERO history. Thumbs up.
I read more in the summer, usually by the pool, sometimes at a park.
i often read outside on my front porch swing. read an entire book on the beach last sunday.

abh is an idiot.

(studies show)
I guess I'm just not used to going to pools or beaches where the best thing to look at is print.
Don't understand summer reading, either.

Isn't the winter the best time to do that shit when you're stuck in the house not able to do anything? I'm not going to be lying on some beach or on the porch sweating out a few effing chapters when I can be playing in the yard, hitting some balls, etc... No thanks.
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