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I still work out at least 4x a week, but my eating habits are terrible. And to be honest, I don't really give a shit. And I know I should.

I'm halfheartedly dieting during the week and cranking up the exercise to another level in hopes of losing a few before I go to Destin in a month. I lost 5 lbs in the first week and only a total of 1 in the 3 weeks since. Very frustrating.

I've weighed quite a bit more, but I've never been this fat. I don't have near the muscle that I used to have. I keep trying to work lifting back into my routine, but my shoulder can't take it anymore.

Of course I am still better-looking than all of you.*

Yes, I have manly Chad Lowe Arm Hair Curtains and a chest rug that Suter would be proud of.

You guys can aspire to be Justin Beiber, I'm a real man like Burt Reynolds and Sean Connery.

*Adrian being the obvious exception.
Lebron averaging 26ppg, 11rpg, 9apg this series.

Not bad.

-Golfing buddy of mine posted a pic of Marshawn Lynch chilling at the Ruth's Chris bar here in Louisville yesterday evening...kinda random. What's that guy doing in town?
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Diane Kruger, the chick from "The Bridge."

Old Pacey's doing pretty well for himself.

I bought a juicer yesterday. Had some an Amazon gift card, and had been noticing on my amex bill that my wife really enjoys those $9 efing dollar boutique juice drinks on her way home from pilates. Over/Under on how much it gets used is 4 times.

"Summer beers" just dont do it for me like fall/winter brews. Stick with Fat Tire and Budwesier as my year round go-to's.

"Decoration Day" in Alabama went off pretty well. Basically a family reunion for my wife's family, and it meant a lot to her mom and grandmother. I finally inquired about how a working class family comes into 1200 acres of land just outside a fairly large city, and apparently her great uncle sold a little more than just bread and milk out of their thrift store way back when. With other family in law enforcement, seemed like a pretty good little racket.

Worst shape of my life right now, mostly stress related I think. Also living on the same street as a dive bar has bitten back pretty hard.

Any of you people had lasik? Ive always worn reading glasses but my eyes are getting worse. I dont want to go to full time specs, but not sure i want to have my eye chopped into either.

As a Cubs follower, its good to see you Reds fans have to watch Kevin Gregg. Mentioned to someone earlier about a game i was at in 2009 when the home crowd turned on him and he had hot dogs chucked at him. Not the bun either, someone removed half the wiener and just threw that. Felt for him that day.

Played "decent" rounds of golf back to back over the weekend. Getting the itch for some new sticks as well so I can retire this decade old set of mizunos.
* dadbod = skinnyfat.

slender enough to look nice in clothes, but no muscle definition whatseover. typically chest hair involved. i believe its our way of getting back at women for the aerial selfie nonsense. basically EVERY women looks pretty dope from that angle.

* wow. found a new hot spot. the starbucks right off tulane campus. yeah. these new york jewgals arent so bad after all.

* cant get over how much high school/college kids hang out at coffee shops in the afternoon. never touched the stuff until my 30s. past about 2pm, you can hardly find a seat in a starbucks for all the catholic school kids rocking their frappes with whipped cream and sprinkles.

* the reds starting outfield....

bruce = .170 / .282
byrd = .213 / .283
hamilton = .198 / .258


* i rock the fitbit because im nicely incentived thru my employer/insurance company to do so. in a good year, that means > $500 worth of stuff. outside of that, im not sure why you would wear one. like, just for fun or whatever.

i sat on the couch and watched a 14-hour marathon of season 3 of road rules/real world challenge. according to my fitbit, i need to be more active, drink 3 glasses of water, and get in approximately 9900 more steps. thanks, fitbit!!

* jay bruce sucks.
you really dont want to be a meathead who can throw 3 plates on the bench and rep out like its nothing, but you also dont want to be dadbod -- the skinny dude who cant even curl a 10-pound bell. both are important.

/common sense
Well, the science is starting to show steady state "chronic" cardio is actually harmful in the long term.
once you drop a "studies show that" line, you've pretty much lost the argument. imo.

pretty sure "studies show that" ____________________ (insert ANY argument here, and you are correct).
On one hand, PTI is using common sense.

On the other hand, he didn't use any links to websites.

Kinda hard to take him seriously....
Agree throwing in some weights is good for tone and strength building but nobody is going to convince me if you have to choose between the 2 that heavy lifting is better for middle age men than consistent cardio.
Absolutely. 99.9% of the time doing more cardio is not harmful. Not a chance I click either of those bullshit links.

I need to lift more or really just do some calisthenics before work.
Lifting is just as essential to losing weight as cardio, figured that was common knowledge at this point.

It's never my goal to be muscle man, but when I mix in 3 days of lifting or circuit training with my usual cardio, the amplification of the progress is palpable. #chad

-Reading season is here, looking for a good fiction series/author to start. Just having been able to find anything that I love as much as Flynn/Baldacci, and I've tried Thor, Silva, Taylor, Berenson, Child. I do like the Harlan Coben stand alones.

-CONGRATS TO MITCH AD OF THE YEAR. Hopefully, AD Tomma Jurch as some things to say about this.
Studies show that 100% of all serial killers, rapists, and pedophiles consumed water prior to committing their crimes.

* great read, also the pulitzer prize winner for fiction --> all the light we cannot see. awesome story, great setting (nazi-controlled europe). pretty emotional with some suspense built in. not a series, sorry. but still good.
-Reading season is here, looking for a good fiction series/author to start. Just having been able to find anything that I love as much as Flynn/Baldacci, and I've tried Thor, Silva, Taylor, Berenson, Child. I do like the Harlan Coben stand alones.
You read Baldacci's new book "Memory Man" yet? Pretty interesting so far.
I have not, but I'm aware of it. Seems to be a standalone, and not the beginning of a new character/series, correct?

I did read 'One Summer' on vacation, it was in the Lobby on the 'book exchange' rack. I was desparate and out of books after I burned through the 4 I packed in the first 6 days. Not something I'd have picked on my own (pretty sure it's targeted at women), but it was a good story like everything else he writes.
Also considered going back and reading some of the 'classics'.

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
The Sound of Fury

etc, etc.

I've basically never read anything from that era, or what are considered the 'Classic' novels/authors, probably should. Kind of embarrassing, really.
Cardio makes it harder to lose fat. Your body will preferentially burn muscle and lean tissue before letting go of the last of your fat.

In a state of chronic cardio, the body holds on to the fat because it's trying to survive. Your body doesn't know the difference between chronic cardio and running from a bear.

Keep on pounding that treadmill and stepper though!
Also considered going back and reading some of the 'classics'.

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
The Sound of Fury

etc, etc.

I've basically never read anything from that era, or what are considered the 'Classic' novels/authors, probably should. Kind of embarrassing, really.

A couple of recommendations:

For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Grapes of Wrath

Yeah, it's a new series. It's pretty good, and definitely not targeted at women.
Bet Snoop's BUSH album gets a lot of play poolside at the Radisson in Atlanta, but won't be anywhere near a body of water where I am this summer.

GTFO with that nonsense.
Bet Snoop's BUSH album gets a lot of play poolside at the Radisson in Atlanta, but won't be anywhere near a body of water where I am this summer.

GTFO with that nonsense.

It's not a rap album.

Anyways, I'm sure Lakeside and it's 700 obnoxious kiddos will be pumping your refined music all/air. Enjoy
If you haven't read 'Unbroken' I'd start there. I really enjoyed the book on Robert Peace as well. Wild was solid. All are true stories and I typically enjoy only fiction.

Had been looking at 'All the light we cannot see' for awhile. Just finished 'In Kingdom of Ice,' slow start but crazy story.
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