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-Rack TSK. Can't imagine twins. Touch that noise. We're currently trying to fumble our way into shifts.

Took the little guy out to Local Taco on Friday. Crazy experience. Maybe even life altering(honest).

I wasn't hesitant at all leaving the hospital or the ride home.That was fine. However, felt like we were terrified to leave once we got there. He's going to go bananas in a restaurant, where do we change him, I don't think this car seat is right for him, do we just carry him in still in the seat, where do we put him once we get there... coat check or something?

So we bucked up and picked a place that was quick and a little loud. First off, I don't remember if I've ever eaten dinner at 7p so it was pleasant to see the demographic was all young parents with kids under 5. Second, that was the least cool I've ever felt. Rolling past Tin Roof and down Limestone with a baby was a real slap in the face. Like, whoa... dude you're old as shit. You're not cool anymore.

Thankfully we were in and out, no explosions. Sloot was by far the best looking mom and freshest off birth. Also the kid didn't die and no one in management screamed at us or the kid for crying. Pretty successful but so many strange feelings and emotions.
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Still amazed how late many of my friends eat dinner (at home)

7pm'ish is pretty standard, often earlier. 9:30pm steak dinner at home? That's just weird, and pretty much par for the course for Anthony.
Anth, right now is the best time to take a kid to a restaurant, honestly. They'll sleep most of the time you're there, anyway.

Also, I am not one of these parents who believes in keeping your kids away from restaurants. Just take them out to eat early (your eating times are gonna change drastically - but you'll get used to it), and if they make a fuss take them outside until they calm down. As they get older, bring shit to keep them entertained.
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Second, that was the least cool I've ever felt. Rolling past Tin Roof and down Limestone with a baby was a real slap in the face. Like, whoa... dude you're old as shit. You're not cool anymore.

Just because you're getting older and things are different, doesn't mean you can't still be cool. You do you doggy. What do you care what a bunch of millenials think anyway?

Coolness comes from within. Sounds like you need to take a deep breath and find yours again. It's in there.
Anth, right now is the best time to take a kid to a restaurant, honestly. They'll sleep most of the time you're there, anyway.

Also, I am not one of these parents who believes in keeping your kids away from restaurants. Just take them out to eat early (your eating times are gonna change drastically - but you'll get used to it), and if they make a fuss take them outside until they calm down. As they get older, bring shit to keep them entertained.

Yeah, well that works both ways and most definitely depends on the setting.

Having a romantic dinner/date night at Varanese on a Saturday night with a screaming baby a table over, while the parents seem to be completely oblivious and ignoring the situation isn't a good look.


Stick with the chains/Pizza/Mexican for a few years imo. Much appreciated!
Yeah, well that works both ways and most definitely depends on the setting.

Having a romantic dinner/date night at Varanese on a Saturday night with a screaming baby a table over, while the parents seem to be completely oblivious and ignoring the situation isn't a good look.

Well, those parents dropped the ball in about 100 different ways. That's not the type of place you take a baby, and if you are going to go there go at 5:00 or 5:30 when no one else will be there. Also, show some courtesy to the people around you. It's really not that hard, but so many people f*** it up.
Chad - I tried to get DADYERO going because I know you hate this kind of talk.

The thing most non-parent folks don't realize is that when a kid is misbehaving at a restaurant the parent is usually way more stressed and anxious than the other patrons. I just spent a week in Florida with my mom, her husband and my brother and sister wth their spouses. We are the only ones with kids and it was miserable. We ended up going out alone and early because it's just easier that way. Also, places like Logan's and Texas Roadhouse are awesome places to take small kids. I know that's not anth and sloots kind of place but they can be loud and messy and no one will give a shit. It's great.

/sorry chad
Yeah, I'd melt if that happened. Grab him, outside and if I couldn't get him settled, box+check.

Terrified of flying with him. Never had a bad meal experience with kids but plenty of bad travel experiences. I guess most of those kids were old enough that it was more on the parents.
George will have his own mug at Proof/21C if it ever actually opens. :100points:

[laughing] at the thought of the Schembaris eating at Texas Roadhouse. I might even actually pay for the meal to see that happen.

99% of my anger is directed at the parents in those situations. A crying baby doesn't bother me in ANY situation, that's what babies do. We had a screaming infant on the airplane a few weeks back. It was a tad annoying after awhile, naturally, but it didn't anger me in the least, they were doing everything they could to try and get it under control. I felt bad for the parents more than anything, they were clearly embarrassed although they had no reason to be.

------> it's when they just let it cry and cry and cry and cry -- while carrying on as if it's not even happening. Those kinda of parents are a special kind of suck.
You also start thinking as a parent when considering where to go out to eat. Not only "will my kid bother everyone else", but we tried to pick places where it would be easy to take the child out of the restaurant to calm him/her down if they get crazy. The restaurants at Lexington Green, though not great restaurants, were terrific for that kind of thing. Kid's going crazy? No problem...just walk around Joseph-Beth or down by that fountain until they settle down.
The best part about Ballers is the introduction and that's it. Will watch Sunday's episode tonight but GD it's tough to watch thus far.

- Found out there's a new way they do softball run rules. If you're the visiting team and trouncing the other team after a few innings, they flip and you play 6 straight outs and become the home team. We went from up 21-3 to losing 26-25.

- Thought someone started Babyro or whatever. It's obvious everyone is older/changed but rack WCC. That said, every time it gets kid heavy in GYERO, it reinforces my decision to never have kids. Not that I don't see the good that comes with them but I'm just too f'ing selfish to give up endless freedom to do WTFE.
The thing most non-parent folks don't realize is that when a kid is misbehaving at a restaurant the parent is usually inconsiderate of the other patrons, basically NOT GIVING A SHIT.

FIFY, bruh.

You seem to be a really good dad so you're automatically in the minority. After 14 months of being a dad, I've found the worst thing about parenting is the other mouth-breathing POS parents. I doubt that sentiment will change anytime soon.
Tejas Roadhouse isn't all that bad. Had a gift card there last summer so I hit it up.

Posted up at the bar. Some country classics were playing. Demolished some complimentary peanuts over a few draft domestos. May have been the coldest Coors Light I've ever had. Rolls were very good.

Had a dece 8 OZ filet for my entree. Medium rare just like I had asked.

All and all a satisfactory dining experience. Two thumbs up.
Not that I don't see the good that comes with them but I'm just too f'ing selfish to give up endless freedom to do WTFE.

Let's be honest, it's not your decision, it's your wife's. If she decides she really wants a kid, you're having a kid, just like every other married guy in the history of the world.
Also, if our kid is acting the fool in a restaurant, you are allowed, by law, to take them outside of said restaurant until they get their ish together. I did some research into this and it's totally legal. In fact, I've done it. And the amazing thing is, after you take them out into the parking lot a couple of times for acting like an idiot, they start to learn how to behave in public. Ground breaking stuff, imo.
Let's be honest, it's not your decision, it's your wife's. If she decides she really wants a kid, you're having a kid, just like every other married guy in the history of the world.

Very true. We're both mid 30's and she stills not wanting them, never brings it up, never plays the what-if game, etc...

We see the kids in the family as much as possible, her more than I do because my nephews are in Cali but that has always been enough for her since I've known her.
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Tejas Roadhouse isn't all that bad. Had a gift card there last summer so I hit it up.

Posted up at the bar. Some country classics were playing. Demolished some complimentary peanuts over a few draft domestos. May have been the coldest Coors Light I've ever had. Rolls were very good.

Had a dece 8 OZ filet for my entree. Medium rare just like I had asked.

All and all a satisfactory dining experience. Two thumbs up.

[laughing] Can this be a regular thing? Richie reviewing sit down chain restaurants? Red Lobster, Applebees, Chilis, Olive Garden, etc.
Yeah, not going to the roadhouse. I can manage with somewhere decent with 1 kid. We knew as kids if we acted up, shit was going to get real. Don't act up in public or at school. Those two things were rated just above murder in our young eyes. Plan to carry on that same fear. Worked out well for us.

Also, our decision to have a child was 100% selfish. Everything about it. The deciding factor was not being alone without family when we're old. We waited as long as we did because we're selfish. The things that have upset us most are all selfish based. Nothing to do with him or saving humanity.

Meh, two of GYERO's main characters over the last decade that met in this very thread just had a kid. You're going to get a healthy dose for a bit. If you don't like it take a few hours off. It'll go away, probably by the afternoon.
Those screaming babies at restaurants are crying because they desperately need the family bonding and comfort they can only receive from a sit-down supper at home with the family.

But, congrats on putting your priorities ahead of the baby. He's gotta learn eventually, I guess. What'd you even feed him? Guacamole and sour cream?
No, this is great. Keep it coming.

Can't wait until Anth takes a shit and all the sheep decide to talk about their shits for 5 pages.

F all of you.
Also, our decision to have a child was 100% selfish. Everything about it. The deciding factor was not being alone without family when we're old. We waited as long as we did because we're selfish. The things that have upset us most are all selfish based. Nothing to do with him or saving humanity.

Meh, two of GYERO's main characters over the last decade that met in this very thread just had a kid. You're going to get a healthy dose for a bit. If you don't like it take a few hours off. It'll go away, probably by the afternoon.

I would say, from reading this thread for a long time, you two got your fill prior to having King George. Don't take what I'm saying the wrong way because it's not intended that way. I think it's awesome and I'm happy for you two and enjoy seeing the pics on FB.

Now what would be interesting is if Mags was in the same restaurant as the Schems with their crying baby. He was very outspoken last week about his disdain for screaming children in restaurants.

Mags turns the corner to confront said screaming childs parents. Anth and Sloot, weary from sleepless nights snap, and we have a rematch from the previous smackdown.
You know, assuming this thread goes on forever, one day GYEROrge may actually post on here himself.

I've had way more meals ruined by idiot adults than kids. TS. Maybe because we eat late but I can't recall a time that a child ruined my meal. Regardless if G was screaming and yelling we'd be out in no time. I'm assuming BBdk's and Mag's stance are similar, where as long as the parent is trying to do something everyone is fine.

I love pissy chad. Gyero conversation are a flow. You can't dictate it. Sometimes I post topics I think will consume hours of banter and they don't even get noticed. Not even a like. Other times the most casual take turns into a multipage discussion. Learn GYERO.
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