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I have a blue, power K fitted cap. Wife got it for me last year for our anniversary (she got a $250 bracelet), and I wore it to the South Carolina game. So I like it.
Never forget the day wife & I came home from hospital with our 1st....just him & us, no more nurses to hand him off to, no grandparents on hand. we both looked at each other with perfect "oh ish, we do we do NOW" faces. ain't no going back, noone to buzz and have this thing taken away and maintained. for the rest of time.

pure. terror.
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I don't know why but finding a nice, clean, blue UK hat has always been a chore. It's not impossible. I loved my old navy UK hat and I love my current vintage-looking Nike hat with the early 80s logo, but I was looking this past weekend for a gift and was really disappointed in the selection. Now, the t-shirts and sweatshirts available are much better.
If only Nike made a SnapBack blue Power K hat.

Did buy an old school Nike UK SnapBack with the 90's Wildcat sans penis tongue on the front. It's a flat bill style that essentially won't break in but that's what the kids rock these days so be it.
Best UK hats are typically found at Pro Shops and/or golf stores.

Wife did order me this one a month ago, not perfect, but she's getting better.

What on earth do I watch all day while trying to nap and keeping George entertained? I've landed on the SEC Network which is showing the top 20 footba games of last season. This morning has been Arkansas @ A&M. It makes for nice background noise.
I much prefer non-fitted, but that's pretty much a unicorn.

This one actually fits decently, surprisingly. About 1/10 do, which sucks.

...I don't really like wearing hats at all, but am learning to around water and the golf course. At the age I need to protect my dome a bit more carefully, just got back from the dermatologist this morning, in fact.

Still take it on/off pretty much nonstop. Never understood how hat guy can just wear one all the time, pretty much drives me nuts, as do all accessories (watches, Hip Hop Pendants/gold chains, etc)
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What on earth do I watch all day while trying to nap and keeping George entertained? I've landed on the SEC Network which is showing the top 20 footba games of last season. This morning has been Arkansas @ A&M. It makes for nice background noise.

Knock out a season of some TV show.
-I have that Power K hat. Easily my favorite but for the most part our lids are garbage. It's not finding one that's the problem, it's that wwe don't make any good ones.

-Gronk wears me out. This whole summer of Gronk thing is awful. OMG did you SEE WHAT GRONK DID? He TWERKED ON that LADY!! He has a bus. He acts like a caveman. Yippee. Now GTFO my TV.

-Speaking of TV for whatever reason I'm drawn to Naked and Afraid. Tried to watch Ballers in the middle of the night last week. Jesus, that's awful TV. Great premise and executed poorly. Surprising for HBO but not surprising since Wahlberg is on the production.

-What's this new Agent show coming to Esquire? The commercial has UK football highlights and it seems to be based on Sports Agents.

-I love when chad gets pissy about family and kid talk. Too bad buddy, GYERO is continuing its evolution. Just wait until BBdk goes through it. It'll be unbearable. Props on reaching the stage where you don't want to go out to bars with your girl. Gives you 5-6 years until you're right where we are. You do remind me of a friends parents that were much older than the rest of the parents. Fits your personality. No rush though, enjoy your relationship. Happy for ya. For all the stuff that annoys you about em, the benefits still heavily outweigh the negatives.
I suppose one of the popular TV shows I have missed will get watched, but I prefer sports. Too bad I don't want to watch the entire 2014-15 bball season yet. I do have half the Bahamas games and the UL game on the DVD. Maybe soon?
Best UK hats are typically found at Pro Shops and/or golf stores.

Wife did order me this one a month ago, not perfect, but she's getting better.

That K is just a little too large, but that's a nice lid. But, if the K size stays constant, it'll probably be alright for my 7 3/4 pumpkin.
The evolution of the GYEROS over the years is somewhat fascinating.

Was thinking about some of the old school rager tailgates in the Purple Lot, the totally non PC Holiday Parties at PTI's and the Winter Xtrav after the UK vs LSU bball game in 2011 at SkyBar where things became unruly.

Some if it seems like ystdy and then you're like.. That was 5,6,7 years ago.

Ish, the original GYEROLYMPICS was 4 years ago.
Yep, WS and I met 10 years ago next month iirc. Crazy stuff. 9 years since the party bus/Nagasaki, 8 years since LSU game and We are all witnesses, 6 years since Bonzo busted his head on bathtub. Crazy times.
Something that's been going through my head lately - Why in the hell would anyone want an endless pool?

- it's a water treadmill
- how do you control the "speed"?
- you can't "enjoy" it with friends because it's the size of an air-mattress
- 75% probability it winds up being your watery grave.

- ??????
-Gronk wears me out. This whole summer of Gronk thing is awful. OMG did you SEE WHAT GRONK DID? He TWERKED ON that LADY!! He has a bus. He acts like a caveman. Yippee. Now GTFO my TV.

-Speaking of TV for whatever reason I'm drawn to Naked and Afraid. Tried to watch Ballers in the middle of the night last week. Jesus, that's awful TV. Great premise and executed poorly. Surprising for HBO but not surprising since Wahlberg is on the production.

-What's this new Agent show coming to Esquire? The commercial has UK football highlights and it seems to be based on Sports Agents.

-I love when chad gets pissy about family and kid talk. Too bad buddy, GYERO is continuing its evolution. Just wait until BBdk goes through it. It'll be unbearable. Props on reaching the stage where you don't want to go out to bars with your girl. Gives you 5-6 years until you're right where we are. You do remind me of a friends parents that were much older than the rest of the parents. Fits your personality. No rush though, enjoy your relationship. Happy for ya. For all the stuff that annoys you about em, the benefits still heavily outweigh the negatives.

- Been saying that about Gronk for awhile now. I hate meatheads, first off, and his lame brand of humor is awful. Then you have all these sportswriter geeks falling all over themselves to worship this moron. It's terrible. The dude is a headroast.

- Naked & Afraid is decent TV. Not always in the mood for it, but works on occasion. Agree on Ballers. It's pure shit besides Denzel's boy who has some star potential down the road.

- It's pretty simple- parenting shit makes for bad GYERO. That's it. I'm happy for all you guys, especially my closer friends on here like you and Sloot, but pages of parent stuff isn't good for the thread. It just isn't. I'm all about the good of GYERO. We have to keep it moving. Parenting is boring and bogs things down. Don't take it personally or for anything than what it is.
That's what makes it so much worse. Because you're thrust into caring for an entirely helpless human being with no experience whatsoever.


As Anth and WS are experiencing what I was going through exactly two years ago (twins turn 2 tomorrow) it triggered some flashbacks...

*I could count on one hand how many times I had held an infant before the twins and had never changed a diaper or fed one.

*My wife had a C-section so she was down for a while, leaving me and whatever help I could scrap together from the grandparents carrying a lot of the load 4 the nurses walk in, "hooray, you get to go home is all your baby shit. Good luck, you'll do great!" Felt like a bird getting nudged out of the nest by it's mom. Good luck, toucher!

*Twins were not good sleepers, we took shifts on the couch with their cribs set up in the living room. 10 to 3 or 3 to 7, take your pick. I remember very, very little about the first 6 months, would compare it to brown-out drunk. There are flashes but the details are fuzzy.

*The first year was really, really tough. Infants are mommy territory, dad's are like caddies..."you need the blue bottle, okay. Yeah, I'll carry the diaper bag. Butt paste? I'll find it" I gained weight because of the stress, lack of sleep, shitty adds up.

*Things are changing at 2. They still have major needs and every age comes with its own unique challenges but, at least for me, it's more fun. Personalities develop, daddy goes from caddy to "the big funny guy who wrestles with us" and they are beginning to say crazy stuff that makes you laugh.

*Hard, worth it all. Occasionally, my wife will say "they are getting so big, aren't you a little sad we can never have another?" And that's when I know, even my wife who is cool as a fan, BtruelyBC. No, no I am not sad...I cashed in those chips happy with the hand I was dealt.
Ballers is the second worst TV show HBO has done, after Treme.

I'm a huge Rock fan from all the way back in the Nation of Domination days, but I didn't even think of checking out that steaming pile of shit. The promos were very 'meh' and then the reviews from critics who received advanced screeners just crushed it. What sucks is apparently it gets decent ratings. Hopefully it doesn't lead to the CBS-ing of HBO.
I'm a huge Rock fan from all the way back in the Nation of Domination days, but I didn't even think of checking out that steaming pile of shit. The promos were very 'meh' and then the reviews from critics who received advanced screeners just crushed it. What sucks is apparently it gets decent ratings. Hopefully it doesn't lead to the CBS-ing of HBO.

What- you're not interested in a show where the entire cast is unlikable? Marcus be a show about our 2002 team.
I wanted Ballers to be good, but its not. If not for the gratuitous nudity, exotic sports cars, and big ass boats, it might be the worst show ever made.

Also just can't get into this True Detective. Meh.

Do better HBO.
- It's pretty simple- parenting shit makes for bad GYERO. That's it. I'm happy for all you guys, especially my closer friends on here like you and Sloot, but pages of parent stuff isn't good for the thread. It just isn't. I'm all about the good of GYERO. We have to keep it moving. Parenting is boring and bogs things down. Don't take it personally or for anything than what it is.

Maybe for you but in the dog days of the summer the thread is moving along and several people contributing to a loose conversation. Seems to really be the opposite of that.You're the only one pissy. Per typ.

If we were discussing it the week before Madness I'd agree.
I'd go back to the infant/newborn days in an instant. Mine are 8 and almost 6. Cliche, but it goes way too fast.

Bittersweet, really
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