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Recruiting room sounds dope, but yea, meant the hen pyramid schemers.

One thing it has done is made me feel better about not ending up with some of these girls who, otherwise, were once viable dating candidates.

Dodged a few bullets, actually. Nutjobs.
This is the first I've seen of their own kind kicking back. If guys say it, "we're just assholes that don't understand the trials and tribulations of trying to be a stay at home mom and running a lucrative mail based sales organization."

If the other mommies kick back, then at least we'll see some fireworks.

"I know I posted something similar to this a while back and it started a whole firestorm as if I was insulting friends of mine tgast sell all those products. Between that and political nonsense it makes me want to delete fb all together." :smiley:
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Recruiting room sounds dope, but yea, meant the hen pyramid schemers.

One thing it has done is made me feel even better about not ending up with some of these girls who, otherwise, were once viable dating candidates.

Dodged a few bullets, actually. Nutjobs.

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers, bro.
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I think the reason most people have a second kid is so there is someone else to entertain the first . And because they are a precious blessing from the good lord but the main reason is for someone else to entertain the first
Recruiting room sounds dope, but yea, meant the hen pyramid schemers.

One thing it has done is made me feel even better about not ending up with some of these girls who, otherwise, were once viable dating candidates.

Dodged a few bullets, actually. Nutjobs.
Exactly. Seeing old "friends" who are now Facebook MLM executives is the new seeing of "friends" on Facebook who are train wrecks.
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Look at Mertha before Roden and Fields: :( ::no makeup poorly lit hag::

Look at her after Roden and Fields: :D ::full makeup great lighting::

*photos taken 20 minutes from each other
Nothing wrong with taking ample time off to be with your kid. The clutch move is to also schedule a couple 4 day weekends between weeks 6-10 when the sleep deprivation really kicks you in the face.
The first couple of weeks are a whirlwind for sure...BUT...but just wait until carpool and activities for multiple kids. That's when it gets super fun! Right now they are stationary creatures. They sleep, poop, cry and eat. That's it.
The first couple of weeks are a whirlwind for sure...BUT...but just wait until carpool and activities for multiple kids. That's when it gets super fun! Right now they are stationary creatures. They sleep, poop, cry and eat. That's it.
Eh, those first few weeks with your first kid are 10 times harder, IMO.
Oh, and we're getting the time of year when the hens start posting the hilarious "what a parent feels like when the kids go back to school!!!!" videos.

These do a great job of stirring up the working mom guilt.

- Started "Slaying The Tiger" and it's an awesome book even for a non-Golfie. You all should check it out. Covers the entire 2014 season.

- How bout that Rachel McAdams? :bomb: Would wreck. Surely, @B.B.d.K. even agrees with me on this one.

- I hate the dog days of summer. Cannot wait for September. Trying to run in this shit is unbearable. No wonder why PTI has to fly to Vermont to get his miles in.

- Underrated Country Singer: Gary Allan

- I'll never understand why it is so difficult to find a good UK hat. Probably why I wear mine for 5+ years until it's falling apart.

- Was there anything better ages 18-21 than the anticipation that started coursing through your veins in early August?
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I don't know. Spent the last weekend going back and forth between Okolona and ETown Baseball. Coordinating pick up dropoff. Text updates. Dealing with my mom and dad (who got lost). It's a different kind of stress I guess.

The hardest part about the little little ones (especially the first one) is that you don't know what the hell you are doing, and it's pretty much trial and error. We got lucky in that all 3 of our children were good sleepers.
The hardest part about the little little ones (especially the first one) is that you don't know what the hell you are doing, and it's pretty much trial and error.
That's what makes it so much worse. Because you're thrust into caring for an entirely helpless human being with no experience whatsoever.
It's all hard. I hate when they go mobile and you walk out of a store. "Parking Lot Rules". Heck, they still scare me at 6-9. No attention whatsoever. Like dogs to squirrels. They'll run into the parking lot at the drop of a hat...people drive like idiots anyway. Or when they go play at the ballpark on their own/with a friend. Scares me to death.
God I hate Scottie Pippen. The worst.

-Figure Anth will get back into coffee if for no other reason than to buy some pretentious European gadget and make THE BEST coffee possible.
That's what makes it so much worse. Because you're thrust into caring for an entirely helpless human being with no experience whatsoever.
Thankfully they're resilient. I constantly forget about the neck support thing. Then I'm like "oh shit george I just banged you head on the granite there buddy, my bad."

I have resorted to mocking him when he's really crying. Nothing real insulting just some solid passive aggressive comments.

"Oh yeah? Well I've let management know your complaints and they promise to get right back with you."
"Really, that's interesting. Although I don't agree with your stance, you make a compelling argument."

Also resorted to begging.

"Come on buddy, it's 3:30a please just stop crying."

Last stage is mimicking his crying and talking over his sounds. Which actually seems to work.
I thought it sucked at the time, but now I look back fondly at rocking my daughters back to sleep at 3am.

As bad and as scary as it was having a newborn, it was pretty touching awesome.
There's that moment when you realize that you may not accidentally kill your baby after all. Priceless.
-First kid was born two months early, so our first several weeks of parenting were with her being in the NICU. Scary for sure, but one benefit was that I got to learn a lot of the "new dad" stuff(swaddling, diapers, etc.) straight from the nurses, so I felt like a pro by the time we got home.
-Agree w/Chad on UK hats. Haven't felt good about my UK hat game for several years. Found a New Era fitted at Mall St. Matthews over the weekend that hits the spot. Clean, classic interlocking "UK" white hat, blue bill. Will probably work for the next several years.
-Watched an MLB Network special on the 1990 Reds last night. What a bunch. Had no idea that Sabo led that team in HR's, would've bet it was Eric Davis. Had forgotten about Dibble launching that ball into the centerfield green seats after a save and injuring that teacher in the stands.
-Don't know how 73 and some of you other guys do it with more than one kid playing sports. Oldest had her physical this morning, is at softball camp right now, and has cross country practice tonight. Can't imagine that x3.
We drove home from Nashville once with 05...after the SEC Tournament...stopped at a gas station, and realized he wasn't buckled in his car seat. He was asleep in the carrier and thought he was buckled, but he wasn't. Didn't want to wake him, didn't double check, and put him in the car.


That pretty much sucked.
^Doesn't bother me. Sleep bothers me. I can deal with gross stuff. After dealing with a 60lb old ass sick bulldog, there's nothing that kid can put out there that I haven't cleaned up. Nothing like waking up at 6 to shower for work and stepping in 1 of 6 nasty ass runny bulldogs shits.
When I was 3-7, I used to ride in my grandparents' car standing up right between the front seats - over mountains, dirt roads, etc. - and no one thought a GD thing about it. Because we were better back then.
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I wear Cincinnati Reds hats much more often than Kentucky hats. Seems like it's just much easier to find clean looking, well-made MLB caps than pretty much any other type of sports team.
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The problem with UK hats is the interlocking logo. Looks wal-mart. The old school CATS bar hat is still my favorite, but you've got to really look for it. Kennedys used to carry them but even most of theirs has the interlocking logo now.
How do y'all always seem to not find a decent UK hat? There are more choices than ever, and the standard low-pro, slightly worn, K nike hat will never go away. Y'all just don't shop good.
I actually went shopping for a Kentucky cap a few months back. Didn't like any of them as much as the Reds cap I ended up buying.

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