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Figured all GYERO regulars get a minimum of 4 weeks of paid vacation per year, so taking a couple weeks off for the birth of your first kid would be the usual.

<-- taking two weeks off when mine is born next year
My nips are fine. Thanks. Unfortunately mine aren't made for lactating, maybe we could outsource you. Those man boobs you're rocking look very full.

-I'm fine, Will. The sheep see an opportunity to up their board cred. Cool with me. I like most of them and I don't see the posts of the ones I don't, besides Jacob(who I like but I just can't follow on the intranet).

-Have loved spending these 2 weeks with the little guy and helping WS as much as I can. The moms take the brunt of all this. Really unfair, actually. So yeah, I'd recommend it, norm.

-More on the stadium tour:

*The recruiting room is badass. It's still a shell but looking out on the field from that area is great. Will be a nice multipurpose room as well for meetings and dinners.
*Team entering through the endzone is LONG overdue.
*The blue seat backs are a great touch. Hope they continue with that.
*They're going to have to put suites up on the other side, it looks great now but a little unbalanced. I assume that will happen after a few more successful years. Stoops knows in order to recruit you have to see cranes around the football facilities.
*The new Alumni side will be awesome... next year. This year it will be a disaster. Rerouting the traffic and inlets. The football facilities being right there is the next step to big boy status and we're doing it right.
*hard to say how great the suites and press box looks up there. Really cool look.
*Love the new turf, called for it years ago and got ridiculed. Blah blah blah, UK has the best grass field in the world, blah blah blah. That sucker is mean looking, so clean and crisp.
*The corridors are much more spacious. They're really torn up still.
*Putting a limestone facade around the field is going to be my next talking point. It's a must. With the rest of the limestone I'm hoping it makes it in next round of upgrades.
*The outside of the place just looks SO MUCH better.
*The stadium will be usable by game 1 and I would say basically done by mid season and it will look great. The Blue lot and practice facilities are going to be a pain all season but by this time next year the entire area will look amazing.
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Call me old fashioned, but not taking a good chunk of time off after your kid is born, especially if you're able, kinda makes you a dick IMO.

Granted I only have two, those folks like BRax's boy J-Duggar who have like 19 probably come home at lunch to grab some leftovers and see the new kid.
Call me old fashioned, but not taking a good chunk of time off after your kid is born, especially if you're able, kinda makes you a dick IMO.

Granted I only have two, those folks like BRax's boy J-Duggar who have like 19 probably come home at lunch to grab some leftovers and see the new kid.

I was fortunate last year and took off 5 out of the first 9 weeks after my daughter was born. I work for a company that puts family first and will always be grateful for that time with her.
Yeah, I had a tech take 2 weeks just last month when his daughter was born.Wish I had another week but I'll probably make sure I'm getting out a little early most days.
Anth - I think you'll be a good dad because you are nice and cool. Just don't be one of those dads that refuses to change a diaper. I have buddies that are like that and I look down on them. Because I am tall, and they are not comfortable in their masculinity
It's awful and there are LITERALLY dozens of better steaks in town. TS. If you want old school go to Jack Fry's.

Yea I had a terrible experience and wanted to see if that was the standard. Would have honestly rather had Outback given the price.

Had Jack Fry's for the first time a few weeks ago. Shew. :raised_hands:
Anth - I think you'll be a good dad because you are nice and cool. Just don't be one of those dads that refuses to change a diaper. I have buddies that are like that and I look down on them. Because I am tall, and they are not comfortable in their masculinity
Not that I'd have a choice but I'm going all state in diaper changing and all American in swaddling. Seriously, there's not a better swaddler on the planet. I have at least 4 swaddle techniques perfected. WS liked using swaddle shirts... pssht.

But yeah I've changed at least 90% of the diapers that the grandma's haven't.
Figured Anth would have a guy for diapers. I mean if they had dog walkers, anal gland milkers, landscapers, marcus have baby wipers.
Pats is fine, but its not for blue collar or new money. It's historic, very refined, and for more upscale folks.
Of course Anth and bbdk don't like it, it wasn't made for those types.
Yeah, how dare I say anything bad about something on that side if the city. Do you know how important they are out there? Very. Surprised they have time between the country club and lacrosse practice to enjoy shitty meals at that worn out place because of it was located anywhere else in the world it would have closed 30 years ago.
Figured Anth would have a guy for diapers. I mean if they had dog walkers, anal gland milkers, landscapers, marcus have baby wipers.
You should look into outsourcing your exercise. Maybe buy a fitbit and pay nurse to get you steps. At least then you can post about your accomplishments.

I dont get the fuss of changing diapers. It takes like 2 seconds. Getting them back to sleep at 1am is much worse than a diaper.

After 2.5 years I'm thinking coffee is going to have to make a return to the daily rotation.
There's always gonna be something. If I'm not husky, they'll be something new to rag on me about. The devil I know I guess.

Coffee is a godsend. Even when I'm not working, just love everything about it. The smell, the taste, the artistry in making that perfect cup. You have a French press Anth? If I got time that's how I like to make it. Otherwise the self grinder does a good job

I get the convenience of a keurig, I'm just not a fan.

Started watching "hell on wheels" tonight. Promising start.
I like coffee I just gave up most caffeine a few years back and honestly you don't get the tired swings without it. However, being productive on 5.5 hours or less of sleep is going to be tough.
-Hello gyero, finally posting but I've been reading all along. Thanks for all the well wishes and laughs. For those of you concerned, Anth is currently sleeping soundly while I feed the kid. It's been great having him home, especially because he is the #1 swaddler and diaper changer.

The lack of continuous sleep is no joke. How do people decide to have another kid?

I've been walking most days so far and have lost most of the baby weight. I guess staying active til the very end helps, and eating healthy and breadtfeeding I was also a little too skinny pre-pregnancy, so we'll see how long it takes to get the last 5-10-ish pounds off and not get quite that low. I can wear most old clothes except shorts/pants. I've got hips/thighs, atkot, IMO.

-The stadium is going to be awesome. I'm sure they'll get it plenty functional by game day. And the field is ready, so that's all that matters, right?

The "every 3rd window" thing is true. At least the part where every 3rd is missing. I didn't ask for a full explanation.

The loge/club areas will be wodie. Drinking at the stadium legally will be nice, but different after all these years of sneaking in booze.

Hopefully the students show up since they take up that entire Easf End Zone now. Rip old seats.

A recruiting room! Finally! That patio/mezzanine coming out of the recruiting room in the middle of the student section will be a nice addition to the recruits' game day atmosphere.

The outside looks great. Everyone eill be happy in the end, quit your bitching about dumb stuff.

They have crews working round the clock. Hopefully the weather cooperates better over the next 6 weeks.

I haven't looked at the contract. Where are all the construction workers from? All over? That's a lot of people working a lot of hours.
Started making our coffee with her grandpa's (RIP) old percolator. That's not a bad way to make your cup of joe.

*our two slept through the night starting about 8-10 weeks.

another month or two and hopefully you can feel normal again.
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being productive on 5.5 hours or less of sleep is going to be tough.

It's not that bad, been doing it for 15 years now.

Hit up DD this morning, guess I should of known when I ordered black coffee and they asked me what I want in it I was in trouble. Get to my office and they've cream and sugared it...I could falcon punch someone.
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Our Keurig is ishing the kitchen counter. Literally- it probably gets about 75% of the coffee into the mug, the rest splatters around the countertop like GYEROrge after some bad Sloot Juice.
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-Used to grind and brew my own espresso each morning. Not going to get back into that. I'll just grab a shot when I'm seriously groggy.

-Pregnancy and labor are no joking matter. Anth's days of -> "Haha... have a kid" are over. Seriously, wait until you're ready because shit gets real. I'll still make fun of PTI for not marrying his common law yet. Which of course is deserved.

-Are the facebook Mommie pyramid schemers getting ready to take some heat? Noticing more and more "others" making pretty bold statements. The kind that I wouldn't have suspected it. I like this.
Wonder if they going to paint the top of the recruiting room mezzanine blue with white KENTUCKY lettering? The renderings show they are supposed to.

Really don't like the cheap looking sheet metal cover that mirrors what's on top of then original luxury suites.
Wonder if they going to paint the top of the recruiting room mezzanine blue with white KENTUCKY lettering? The renderings show they are supposed to.

Really don't like the cheap looking sheet metal cover that mirrors what's on top of then original luxury suites.
Yeah, I didn't ask but I would assume they do. That area is far from complete and the player meeting rooms and locker rooms won't be done until next year.
-Are the facebook Mommie pyramid schemers getting ready to take some heat? Noticing more and more "others" making pretty bold statements. The kind that I wouldn't have suspected it. I like this.
Please please please happen.

-Pregnancy and labor are no joking matter. Anth's days of -> "Haha... have a kid" are over. Seriously, wait until you're ready because shit gets real. I'll still make fun of PTI for not marrying his common law yet. Which of course is deserved.

Glad you're getting serious about life. Congrats bubbers.
Sloot, people have another kid because: (1) they're awesome; (2) you forget about the lack of sleep once the first kid starts sleeping through the night. It's amazing how quickly the "bad stuff" about having a newborn empties out of your brain once they chill out a bit. Then you have the second one and say, "Oh, yeah. I remember this now." It's nature's way of keeping you popping out kids.
I don't understand what Anthony was trying to say there but I'm intrigued.

Yes, please expand. This could be great news.

Pat's is John E's quality in Clifton. It's for stuffy people who want to see other stuffy people and don't care about steak.

Couldn't care less about 'sleek' , Del Friscos is my overall preferred streakhouse in town, ever been inside that gem?
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I don't understand what Anthony was trying to say there but I'm intrigued.
The recruiting room 2nd floor in the endzone and has that landing. That area also has a signing room on the same floor behind it and the entire bottom floor of that structure will be a team meeting area and I believe the new locker room. This structure takes up most of what used to be the corridor outside of section 138-140. Formally where the bottles would drop below the old bleachers That way it's a direct line across from Nutter/ new practice facilities and straight through the end zone where the players will enter(instead of the corner where they've traditionally entered). We were told the team will enter through the end zone and I think meet down there but will use the old locker room all season.
Our Keurig is ishing the kitchen counter. Literally- it probably gets about 75% of the coffee into the mug, the rest splatters around the countertop like GYEROrge after some bad Sloot Juice.

On our 3rd one. You've lost that one bub. Time to move to the next one.
Yes, please expand. This could be great news.
Not sure what you all were asking about to make matters more confusing.

But this is from a young mom that I would have expected to be selling that shit. Followed by about 30 other perfect pyramid scheme candidates praising her. I've seen more and more of this recently.

Facebook has turned into nothing but a promotional selling site... 21 day fix, nerium, shakeology, younique, blah blah! I just want to see pictures and posts of my friends and their little ones!!!
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