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Women like Dadbod because it makes them feel more secure with their own flaws. They can talk about guys with Dad bods being fun, not taking themselves too seriously, etc... but what it comes down to is their own ego. If Dad has some flab, then she doesn't feel self-conscious about her own issues.
Dadbod is a guy who works out some, stays somewhat in 'decent' shape, but still overeats, drinks, and carries a little extry fat without being a full on fatass. Looks good enough in clothes, but when the shirt comes off you can tell he could probably stand to drop 10-15...but he doesn't really care.

Basically, what I realistically aspire to be at this point in life. :)

MILF = a hot mom, pretty simple. And that term has been around WAY longer than 10 years, lol. Learn The MILF-Hunter, and it was around *long* before that.

Btw, whatever happened to him, Captain Stabbin, and the gang? Miss that crew, they did solid work.
Dadbod is a ploy by women to gradually stop working out. Dadbod is phase 2. Phase 1 was the popularity of Crossfit.

1. Injure people
2. Brainwash into thinking frumpy/doughy is "in."
3. Skip some workouts.
4. Save money.
5. Stop working out completely. Hey let's save MORE money by NOT having this gym membership.
6. Spend money on even more unnecessary BS.
7. ??????
8. Women take over the world.
- - So, the Reds. lol. Gee, what a shock, our starting pitching has gone from the last couple years when it was the best I can recall in my lifetime to now when we have TWO competent starters. I still can't believe those morons blew that three-year window.

Have you even watched a game this year? Honest question.

The Reds are stuck in the land of mediocrity and getting ready to jump on the trail to downright shitty but it is not because of the starting pitching. Other than Marquis, who is yet another shitty washed up former Cardinal, the starting rotation has been pretty damned good.

4/5 of the starting rotation have ERAs under 3.00. Cueto 2.98, Lorenzen 2.81, DeSclafani 2.50, Leake 2.36.

Can they keep it up for an entire season? Doubtful. But with the dumpster fire posing as a bullpen, it is interesting that you single out the most most effective part of the team to be mad at.

Now I agree that they have blown their 3-year window and need to rebuild.

I think Cueto and Chapman will be dealt after the AS game. Dump Phillips and Bruce for anything serviceable. I doubt you will be able to move Votto without eating a huge chunk of his salary, so you marcus welby keep your MVP caliber player. Try to sign Leake to an extension. Kill Homer Bailey. Profit.
Is this Buzzfeed or GYERO?

This isn't a new trend. Girls aren't all of the sudden into dudes with average bodies. This isn't some 2015 thing. None of you are more or less attractive than before this bullshit blog went viral. You shouldn't be prouder of your soft physique than you were before.

Women have never cared as much about a guy's appearance, or body specifically, as guys do. It's why you see millions of hot women with average-looking schmucks, but very, very few "good-looking" dudes with marginal hags.
MILF = a hot mom, pretty simple. And that term has been around WAY longer than 10 years, lol. Learn The MILF-Hunter, and it was around *long* before that.

Btw, whatever happened to him, Captain Stabbin, and the gang? Miss that crew, they did solid work.

Wrong. Anthony coined the term.
The best part about exercising as a 38-year-old man is that I'm pretty sure it makes my wife a little bit nervous.
Lotta truth to that.

I'm no financetician but can someone (Dennis? PTI? notboat?) that knows money explain to me what the hell AOL does anymore and how they're worth 4 billion? I honestly don't know. Everytime I see a .aol address I assume it's a an old or a poor... and I'm right.
Bob tried to say he had #dadbod, whatever it actually is, on Friday. He quickly back tracked. Bob has 300 day a year traveling salesmen bod. Really a shame as well. Most middle aged bachelors are extremely fit and he's a doctor who's fairly athletic and very outgoing. I'd live in the gym like I did before getting married if I was him. 3 months of strict diet, exercise and he'd be fine.

Other than that March run each year where I put on 8-10 I feel like I've been holding it together pretty good for about 5 years.
Lotta truth to that.

I'm no financetician but can someone (Dennis? PTI? notboat?) that knows money explain to me what the hell AOL does anymore and how they're worth 4 billion? I honestly don't know. Everytime I see a .aol address I assume it's a an old or a poor... and I'm right.
One of the headlines I saw was - Is this an example of Diworsification. Think that says it all.
Yeah, I'm about 3 months of work away from Dadbod. Not sure what's worse, that or my indifference towards it. One of these days...

Not sure I'd say that about the last 5 years, but Anth is currently in the dadbod zone. Good work bubba.
Like I said, by early April I've gone full beer gut from the March bloat. By September it's pretty much gone. As I stand now, down 8 and about 5-6 from where I'm most comfortable with a goal of 10 more for the bike to beat cancer.
It still bothers me that Stifler's mom is so unattractive. They couldn't have found an actual MILF for that role?
Like I said, by early April I've gone full beer gut from the March bloat. By September it's pretty much gone. As I stand now, down 8 and about 5-6 from where I'm most comfortable with a goal of 10 more for the bike to beat cancer.

I love you no matter your figure. #AnthBod

first time I ever heard the term "MILF" was the original American Pie movie referring to Stifler's mom. They even had to explain what it was in the movie, so I doubt it was that common then. Movie came out in 1999.

/ MILF history
That movie "invented" MILF. No question about it.
MILF was a thing when I was in HS- early 90s. Did not start with American Pie, children.

In order to have a #dadbod, you have to be a #dad. Gives you the excuse to let yourself go a little bit. Or a lot. Doesn't matter anymore anyway. #dadmind.
Think there's actually a demographic segment of lassies that appreciate a DadBod and a a hairy chest. Probably your former sorority type gal.

Not saying they want a total out of shape fatass rocking the untrimmed amazon jungle but they like a man who works out but enjoys himself without waxing his chest and going for a 8 pack ab section.
Think there's actually a demographic segment of lassies that appreciate a DadBod and a a hairy chest. Probably your former sorority type gal.

Not saying they want a total out of shape fatass rocking the untrimmed amazon jungle but they like a man who works out but enjoys himself without waxing his chest and going for a 8 pack ab section.

Definitely a southern thing. Girl who started this entire thing is a Clemson sorority babe, I believe.
I was probably a little out of line, and I apologize for getting personal like that, but I stand by my position that the term MILF predates the American Pie movie franchise.

Sorry/not sorry, but there's some things in this world that are worth taking a stand.
Do cardio 5-6 days a week and try to mix it up and push myself so I don't peak. Feel like I'm in decent shape but I'm definitely rocking a Dadbod with some party chub around the waist.

Oh well. I'm 36 and learned to accept it.

Don't get it when dudes are in their mid 30's or older trying to push weights non stop. You aren't a pro athlete and that combine isn't coming up. If your time is limited you are much better suited long haul to do cardio.

Last year on vacation in Mexico a buddy of mine who's a few years younger & loves his beach bod was giving me the business about how I need to switch it up, lift more and how I'm not really in good shape. Kept preaching this Orange Theory horsehit.

Next morning we went for a run. Completely dusted his ass and despite his beach bod he couldn't keep up and was spitting cotton all purple faced.
That BUSH album from Snoop/Pharrell is some serious funk....sounds like something out of the 70s.

Nice laid-back poolside vibe music, although it kinda sounds like one Big Song, a tad monotonous...I can only listen to Snoop 'sing' for so long before getting bored. A bit more rapping like on Peaches & Cream would have made it more interesting.

The instrumentals for the most part are incredible though.
1 time a year he actually reports some important news is why I bother following Lonnie Demaree. Confirming the rumors that Lloyd Tubman banned from UK's campus until 2020, likely going to WKU.

Already been said 1000 times how unfair he is being treated. I hope Stoops & Barnhart help him out in any way possible.
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