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New dishwasher ordered, be installed tomorrow. There's a nice $$$ kick in the balls.

You and Lauren should roll to Lex next weekend. Not sure if you heard but Boat has a hot tub.
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Beilein with a nice rally, picking up Tyus Battle after whiffing on Jaylen Brown. The guy can clearly coach, will be interesting to see what their ceiling will be if he can nab a McD's AA every year or two.
Think we're ready to try out our house for a few weekends at least, but thanks.

Should should get Jerry to roll down if you really wanna impress the lass. He may be at his 22nd "1st Communion" celebration though. Not sure how many "1st Communions" one gets (I thought it was supposed to be 1) , but he seems to be working on the record.
Reds game tonight. Death Cab tomorrow in Louisville. Already pumped about my lunch at Home Run Burger tomorrow.
Think we're ready to try out our house for a few weekends at least, but thanks.

Should should get Jerry to roll down if you really wanna impress the lass. He may be at his 22nd "1st Communion" celebration though. Not sure how many "1st Communions" one gets (I thought it was supposed to be 1) , but he seems to be working on the record.

Odds you'll be talking Lauren into it by Thursday: OVER
I'm not a fan of Sergio by any means, but i'm way beyond cheering against him. He takes a lot of shit on the course and seems to handle it all really well. *Almost* felt bad for him yesterday but he came back strong down the stretch and the other guys just made big shots in the playoff. Ive done a 180 on that guy.
-Poulter with a nice reminder why I didn't like him. He had won me over a little with some decent tweeting. For that, yeah, Sergio handles it well. Seems to be well liked by the guys. I just don't care for him for whatever reason.
Not in love w/ his NBA upside.

Who the hell is he going to guard? He's not a NBA 3. He'll have to play 4 where he'll be undersized with limited range, suspect open floor handles, MEH athleticism and poor defensive ability (footwork sucks, doesn't block shots, etc).

I mean, I get this NBA draft sucks and he'll be a lottery pick because of that... but still. I don't love him as a prospect at all. Huge tweener, IMO.
I'm pretty much the opposite, I love Lyles as a 4 in the new NBA. Hell, Harrison Barnes and Draymond Green are clocking the majority of minutes at the 4 for the best team in the league. He's 6'10" built like a man and has a really nice midrange game. Terrance Jones has turned out to be a really good NBA 4 and I think Lyles is better.
Why did u have a problem with Poulters tweet?

He & Rickie were the 2 named "most overrated"

Ted Bishop is the one being a jackass, even if he thought he was being funny/sarcastic.
random thought i had yesterday.... you think the pga would ever have the balls to try allowing, say, one tournament a year to have the most raucous crowd possible? like scottsdale, for example. notify the fans and players in advance that everyone is free to just go bonkers, yell, scream, and cheer at will.

i honestly think a lot of pros would love it.

actually, it would probably make a lot of sense at a lesser tour stop (like the one here in new orleans).
Scottsdale would probably be my choice with Players second if we're going to one. Get out there and go Thurs-Friday and vacation Saturday. I'll probably do Augusta soon as well but I'll do Wednesday-Thursday probably for that.
tom brady just got suspended for 1/4th of the season......for probably partially deflating footballs.

god, the nfl is terrible.
Phoenix Open back in the day when I was there was a flat out party. Not quite the Happy Gilmore scene Pti is advocating, but there were several people there (myself included) that gave no touches to the golf that was going on. Bird's Nest at night was dope, National acts.
phoenix open is close, but i mean full-blown craziness. as a guy is lining up a putt, in the backswing, when he lips one out, whatever. it would be interesting to see which players had the stones to actually show up. i think a few would even embrace it.
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No, the PGA Tour would never allow that. Not a chance in hell. Although it would be kind of funny.

Really, it's not the noise that is the problem. It's the silence interrupted by noise. If it was constant noise it probably wouldn't make as big of a difference as most people think. But, the random guy louder than the rest verbally raping your mother would probably be distracting. Just solid cheering, booing whatever wouldn't be so bad.
tom brady just got suspended for 1/4th of the season......for probably partially deflating footballs.

god, the nfl is terrible.
Hey, it's only twice what they wanted to give Ray Rice for cold cocking his girlfriend but hey they changed their minds and then made some commercials and stuff.

Suspending Tom Brady is a good start but I won't be totally satisfied until the entire league gets suspended and the NFL disbands and all the coaches get jobs in the pac 12
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"four games?? maybe he should have raped the footballs in an elevator instead."

Thank God for dad bod.

I've seen some pretty hilarious responses to #Dad bod on the facebook from girls. From whining about "I keep myself in shape why can't you" to "Its not fair, what about mom bod."

Very curious how this all shakes out.

Team #Dadbod
Pretty amazing that something that has existed since the dawn of time (Dadbod) is now suddenly a "thing." And by "amazing" I mean "terrible."
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Dadbod is just going to lead to even more overweight, entitled women. Whole thing sucks imo.
So this new law allowing people in Ohio to walk around with alcoholic beverages in public is extremely exciting. Will be great here in Columbus, but will make for pretty nice road trips to Cincinnati for you Kentucky folks I will imagine. Will be pretty nice to have little bourbon street jr's in the midwest, excited to see how cities will take advantage.
I've seen some pretty hilarious responses to #Dad bod on the facebook from girls. From whining about "I keep myself in shape why can't you" to "Its not fair, what about mom bod."

Very curious how this all shakes out.

Team #Dadbod
MILF has been a term for like 10 years. People love good mom bods. Look at you fools obsessed with Shannon Spake.
Isn't Dadbod basically a Dad that works out but still has some flab midsection? It's not full on beer belly. I'd equate it to skinnyfat
- Watched the Nirvana doc last night. Enjoyed it, but it reminded me of "Pearl Jam: 20" in that it tried to be too artsy and jumpy. Would have preferred more interviews and less animation and such. Still really good. What a great band. Their music holds up very well even today.

- So, the Reds. lol. Gee, what a shock, our starting pitching has gone from the last couple years when it was the best I can recall in my lifetime to now when we have TWO competent starters. I still can't believe those morons blew that three-year window.

- Liking the weather this week.

- Would you pay $179M for this?
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