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"ive found that most high end steakhouses will work with you."

ha. you know who else will work with you? freaking applebees, ocharleys, tgi fridays, and chilis. .

I usually avoid ordering steak at places like those. Pretty much have no confidence they will get it right, and the likelihood your "replacement" will be decorated with ballsweat is rather high.
About 10-15 years ago I ordered Steak & Ribs from Cheddar's in Lexington. I asked for the steak medium rare but got the steak very well done. I very politely sent it back. The waiter brought me back a steak that had to have been cooked for less than 30 seconds. It was barely grayish on the outside, and completely raw on the inside. Decided against sending that one back. If I'd sent it back again, I'm 95% sure it would've been rubbed across someone's asshole, dragged across the toilet seat, or something else. Basically just ate my bit of ribs, my sides, and went on my way. Actually had some respect for a "cook" that is that big of an asshole.

*Do FitBits track cycling or do they just work while walking around, running, or yogging?
-Usually don't get the wife a gift for Mothers Day, but she's headed to Africa next month, so I got her some stuff for the flight: new headphones, etc.

-JenRus just joined the team here at work. GYERO meets real life again.

-Once Rickie cut the hair and toned down the look, seems like he really took off in terms of popularity. Comes across great in interviews, and the other players seem to like him. Still LOL at the dude who yelled "GET IN THE WATER!" after Sergio's putt on the island.

-Haven't been in the habit of watching Letterman for 11-12 years or so, but him retiring has me all nostalgic and watching every show till he hangs it up.

-The first half of LAC/HOU was just unwatchable. Glad the Clips put it to them in the 2nd. If you're playing against Austin Rivers and JJ Redick and I'm STILL cheering against you, that says something.
I've never been a late show guy. That goes for all of them. I guess they just kind of annoy me, but I can't really put my finger on exactly why.
Lyles doesn't play 6'10" at all but I'm prolly being a little hard on him as Cal had him playing out of position all year so it's a poor snapshot.

He could have been a monster catching entries on the high block but we were stuck with him playing out on the perimeter (sound familiar?). He's also a very skilled passer and crafty finisher so I'm not saying he'll be a bad NBA rotation guy... just that his upside isn't all too great. He's a good player.

Don't think he plays to his height and isn't very athletic. As far as catch-and-shoot is concerned he was one of the worst players in entire NCAA D-1 last year, so he's going to have to develop his face up if he wants staying power in the League.

*edit Sam Vecenie had a dope write-up on him via CBS a couple weeks ago. Really good stuff. Detailed but not over the top like Zach Lowe's shit on Grantland. Tend to agree w/ him on most of it.
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Sometimes I wish Cal would just roll the ball out and let these guys play. Maybe add some more DDMO into the mix. Maybe some press.

If 96 Pitino had been coaching this team, would they average 85+PPG?
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No, 73. They wouldn't have averaged 85 plus per game bc unfortunately college basketball as a whole isn't played that way anymore.

The problem is coaches like today's Pitino realize they don't have the horses to compete so they muck up the game with garbage zone defenses and fouling tactics to make the game shorter with less possessions. It gives these teams a better chance to win.

The only teams we played all year that said we are going to play our up tempo game and if we get blown out so be it were Carolina, UCLA, Auburn, Arkansas and WVU... And you saw what happened.

In the 90's John Chaney and his style were outliers. Now, 95% of college basketball plays like those Temple teams. And it's disgusting.
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Cincinnati Zoo was really nice. Sadie girl loved the giraffes and the flamingos but the Murder!~~!! Gorilla exhibit was my favorite. Temp was in the mid 80's so it was a bit too hot for her, but she handled it like a champ. LSAT double fisting Yuengling's while dad was on stroller duty was also a highlight. Manatees, though? --- GTFO. Bloated ass swamp freaks that bob up and down getting hit by propellers. K. These guys bring absolutely nothing to the table. OMGZ endangered? Meh.

- Mother's Day yesterday, anniversary today, and baby girl's birthday next week. Getting this ish knocked out.

- Heard a rumor Bonzo Nation is open for business. Is this true? #dadbod
Keep close tabs on JoeyB through his work friend that I am bud's with.

He thinks he can run from GYERO and be totally reclusive but that is false.
-Chad, I'll miss ya this weekend.

-I told Anth not to get me anything for Mother's Day. Like SAE said, I buy whatever/whenever. But he got me a really sweet card and a little bouquet of tulips, which was perfect.

-My food at Tony's was fabulous (pork chop, braised greens, sweet potato mash). I ALWAYS ALWAYS give servers the benefit since I was one, but this chick was just kinda flaky. We had a table of 6. 3 of us arrived at 8:15p, 2 at about 8:25p and the 6th at 8:30p. Apparently she was waiting for everyone to arrive to take a drink order. But then it was still 8:50p before she did take one. In the meantime, she came to our table and started to tell us about the restaurant and excused herself mid-spiel saying, "Let me go drop off MY Food" at the table behind us as their food was coming out (it was just apps for a party of 4, which her backup waiter could have easily handled if she had seat #'s correct.). Anth and Bob's steaks were overcooked and Bob wasn't even going to say anything but the manager overheard us and came over and made it right. Anth had already eaten his at that point and never says anything at restaurants. The price tags are higher ($50-$60+ for a steak), so they need to get it right. But the place is super nice and I'm sure we will be back.

-We did the creepy 3D/4D ultrasound this weekend. It was pretty cool to see the little guy in there.

-Out of 41 friends, I am in 2nd on Fitbit on the 7 day steps. I won 3 out of 4 "challenges" this weekend as well. Maybe other people should move more. I mean, some of my coworkers must just sit on their ass all the time.

-The chiropractor has saved my back. I don't know why I haven't been going longer (even before getting knocked up). (Apologize if I posted this last week, I can't remember.) Being able to continue running/walking 4-5/day is a life saver for my sanity and hopefully staying in shape.
Pti and anth got pwned by a 7 month preggo chick in the fit bit challenges this weekend. Demoralizing.

-meh, rough week. I basically fasted all day in anticipation of the meal. Came straight from work and just wanted a glass of wine. Wad on my way to the bar when we got seated. Steak was closer to mid-well. I was hungry and just ate it. Whatever.

-little brewery hop Saturday?
Cincinnati Zoo was really nice. Sadie girl loved the giraffes and the flamingos but the Murder!~~!! Gorilla exhibit was my favorite. Temp was in the mid 80's so it was a bit too hot for her, but she handled it like a champ. LSAT double fisting Yuengling's while dad was on stroller duty was also a highlight. Manatees, though? --- GTFO. Bloated ass swamp freaks that bob up and down getting hit by propellers. K. These guys bring absolutely nothing to the table. OMGZ endangered? Meh.

Yeah, but did you see the size of some of those bluegill swimming around in there with them? Ridiculous. The best part of the manatee exhibit is escaping the heat for a few minutes.

I wonder if manatees taste good. I'm sure Five-Star Bobby would send it back, but they are sea cows after all.
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In Australia the fancy outdoor "cook you own steak" restaurant is pretty popular, Id like to imagine GYERO would rip themselves on yelp post meal if necessary.
-little brewery hop Saturday?

That would be awesome. Figure we'll roll down a little early. I want to drive/walk through campus, check out Kennedy's, maybe grab a bite at Pazzo. She's never been to Lex.
I wonder if manatees taste good. I'm sure Five-Star Bobby would send it back, but they are sea cows after all.

Seems like it would be similar to walruss. Considering they are endangered, I'm gonna pass.

Anybody check out that block party on Manchester St last Friday? Have been hearing some good things about the area, haven't been down there.
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Ethereal is great down there, pretty cool set up for day drinking. Top day drinking spots in Lex post College? Has to be mostly the breweries, although Mccarthys has always been a nostalgic stop for me.

Back to *lurk*
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Had a great time with JoeytheB Friday night. Dude said he'd be downtown 'before 4' ready to roll for some pregame drinks around the arena somewhere.

Which means, of course, we never heard from/saw him the entire night -- apparently was still sitting at 4th St solo as we were walking into the arena at 7:30, and already at home when we left the concert and texted him to meet up for postgame. Lol, that guy...

Yep, made it there at 5:30 thanks to traffic and my ride forgetting his tickets and having to turn around halfway there to go back and grab them....

...a group of 12 upstairs at Sport & Social eating and drinking, little bocce ball, in no rush to see the first of two opening acts; of which I know none of his songs. Told BM there'd be no way I could get that crew over there, and he had no desire to leave his post, which is fine.

Never intended to stay out, had to take care of the girls dogs who had been pent up in the house all day and drinking for 8 hours is enough for me.

- That show was basically a rock concert with hillbilly lyrics. Tons of E- flat power chords, screaming guitar solos and AC/DC level pyrotechnics. Country music is a joke, but it was a good time.
Went with Varanese Saturday night with Mrs. CMD. Damn fine choice. Started with the stuffed grape leaves which were AMAZING. She went with the pecan-encrusted white bass and loved it. I had the diver scallops over lobster ravioli. Dessert was brulee banana split and bread pudding. Again, amazing. Great little place. Doors were open to the outside and a nice little jazz band was playing. They played "Sanford & Son," which, while not particularly romantic, was very well-received by all in attendance. Overall top notch experience. I think Buck's will be next.
- Heard nothing but good things about Ethereal, but I haven't been there yet.

- Victory is my new brewery of the moment. Really liking their stuff.

- Went to a Legends game with the boys. The oldest one dropped a "Bye, Felicia" at some rando girl in the stands. He also dropped a "Deez Nuts" when his mom wasn't around the other day. WTF? GD public schools. Kinda concerning?
Geese you going to join us?

Ha, I may. Saturday, right?

Might even get the wife to come with for a guest appearance. I can't do the whole day (baby girl's birthday party is Sunday so I've got a checklist of ish to do for the house) but I can maybe meet up somewhere depending on what I get done during the week.

Keep me in the loop.

*edit - I'm only grumpy about UK basketball, gaffot. I'm typically a hoot to hang/drink with. Don't know where you're getting that shit.
Are all the breweries downtown or what's the deal? I couldn't tell you the last time I've actually been "out" in Lexington.
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