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Isn't that rich dude 101? Bankrupt the LLC but that doesn't actually touch your personal finances?
Pretty much. That's the advice given by noted financial wizard Mannie Fresh: "Got everything, in my momma's name..." of course in this case "momma" being some boxing promotion LLC.

"Rich Dude 101" also being the title of a collection of Big Tymer rarities and b-sides.
Was actually thinking about Big Tymers this weekend, specifically the hook "James Bond, Jackie Chan, and that bitch MacGyver."

Just not sure why MacGyver's a bitch. And if he is, why are they evoking him? Fun to sing nonetheless. Randomly belted it out a few times Saturday and Sunday.
Wife just green-lit Vegas for our anniversary in September. o_O

This may actually finally happen for me, my 36th year here on earth. I've heard it's a BBdK kinda place and that I will like it there. Prayers appreciated!


Shocked by this news!
He's not really, I'm guessing. .

* never said anything about being broke. the question was "how the f is 50 cent bankrupt?"

you said he wasnt bankrupt, which is odd, since he, actually, ya know, JUST FILED BANKRUPTCY.

pretty much the minimum standard for "being bankrupt," imo.
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Yeah reading up on this, dude is a world-class POS and it looks like everything he's touched has resulted in a lost lawsuit or just tanked.

TMZ has confirmed ... 50 filed for bankruptcy on Monday, 3 days after Rick Ross' baby mama won a $5 million jury verdict against him.

50 is in a world of financial hurt. A jury awarded Lavonia Leviston the $5 mil after determining the rapper intentionally leaked a sex tape in which she was featured, in order to embarrass Ross.

50 has been ordered to produce proof of income and worth so the jury can determine punitive damages.

According to the bankruptcy filing -- a story first reported by Page 6 -- 50 says his assets are valued between $10 and $50 million but his liabilities are also between the same range.

On top of that, 50 lost a court case in which a jury socked him with a $17.2 million judgment over ripping off a headphones design.

It's a breathtaking fall .. in May, Forbes estimated 50's net worth at $155 million.

Read more:
Somehow got roped into checking out a new community between Jax and St. Augustine called Nochatee. Projected 22,000 homes, CDD fees, THEY HAVE A WATERPARK, and various other shit I couldn't care less about. Now the lass has me thinking new construction is the way to go but I'm terrified of some of these builders just reading about some of them. 80 or any other construction gurus know about KB Homes, Mattamy or Richmond American?
why on earth, if you make that much money, would you ever BORROW money? can anyone answer that? drxman?

seems like you could get by without having to load up on debt. stupid. its amazing how easy it is for athletes/musicians/celebrities to blow tens of millions of dollars. a divorce or two, a couple lawsuits, some bad/shady investments....poof. gone.
So the hot blonde teacher in Utah that slept with a couple of teen boys got 30 years in prison. Meanwhile a woman that helped murder a cop got 25 years.
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Astros strongly persuing Johnny Cueto is good for the Reds. Nice farm system if the GM has any scouting he will easily get a good haul of future players.
Reds fans are losers. Booing Albert when he was introduced. Then cheering when he came up short. It must be the Cincy and tOSU portion. I know the UK side can appreciate greatness and acknowledge it.

Congrats to Frazier. Seems like a good dude.
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First Home Run Derby I've watched in like 20 years but damn that was pretty exciting with Frazier at home with the ballpark going nuts.
He still plays good d but you have to get something for Cueto and is not going likely going to be a bunch of prospects. Pretty well known they're trying to package dat dude as they should. Need a really rich team to be hungry enough to take him with Cueto.

If you can dump him, Phillips and hopefully Bruce/Byrd and get something for chapman and Leake that's best case. Not very likely though. You're still tied into Votto until 2050 and that awful Homer contract. Man we made some awful moves during that run.
Best thing the Reds could get is to package Phillips with Cueto. Dump that and maybe grab a prospect.

The best thing the Reds could do is get outa the central because St. Louis isn't gonna let'em breathe. Winning the Central is our birthright. Maybe they could make some noise in the American SouthCentral? I hear it's a pretty easy league to pull out.:boxing:

I actually feel bad for all Central fans other than the Cards. Playing in a division that houses the greatest national league team of all time is some shit isn't it?
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I'm working for MLB this week and got to watch the final few batters from the third base dugout. May not top UK beating LSU in 2007, but it's easily a top-three in-person sports experience. Now I'm going to go amputate my feet.
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