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Chad looked dope in an actual nice tux that required him to wear normal looking adult men's clothes imo. He should do that more often.

Imagine that wedding was a blast...that crew is actually all awesome dudes, miss hanging out with them in the summers, some of my best times. Sadly, they're all married losers now though and not really into the bar scene.

-Still can't believe Anth has a churrin. Despite being one of my best buds, I actually keep "forgetting", still hard to wrap my head around at the moment. o_O
PTI... Can you believe that was a year ago? Haha. What a weekend.

Those NYC firefighter dudes were huge fans of my salmon shorts.

What a cool experience at Wrigley. Never forget the chants and me berating some IU asshole over Cal while in line for a beer.
Red chinos. Not salmon. Have had them for a few years, just never get the chance to wear them. Navy blazer presented the opportunity at the rehearsal. I hate getting dressed up but prefer a sport jacket over a suit.

In the midst of the dreaded 2-day hangover after drinking Old Fashioneds all day and night Saturday. Glad I took the day off to avoid all the ASG stuff.
Chad & his pretentious trends & tastes, smh. Guy kills me with that stuff.

I'm not even sure we really 'swung' on Tatum. I guess we did, but I never entertained even a 5% chance we were getting that guy.
i am buying the item for my partner in Ann Arbor MI, i want the tiem ship to her via USPS but due to my coaching program i will offer you $250 for the item view my bank paypal and $90 for the shipment, so kindly get me your paypal email id for the instant payment asap. Regards Mercy.

I guess people fall for this shit or they wouldn't keep at it, but I'm guessing it takes a 1000 tries before you find someone dumb enough. And then, what exactly is my paypal address going to get them? Is this just the first step in a longer con designed for me to ultimately give them my bank account number?
i am buying the item for my partner in Ann Arbor MI, i want the tiem ship to her via USPS but due to my coaching program i will offer you $250 for the item view my bank paypal and $90 for the shipment, so kindly get me your paypal email id for the instant payment asap. Regards Mercy.

I guess people fall for this shit or they wouldn't keep at it, but I'm guessing it takes a 1000 tries before you find someone dumb enough. And then, what exactly is my paypal address going to get them? Is this just the first step in a longer con designed for me to ultimately give them my bank account number?
lil mez?
Maybe I'm just a grumpy idiot who's missing out, but I feel pretty comfortable saying I wouldn't go to Forecastle to see Hall & Oates feat. Kendrick Lamar, Dre/Snoop, and George Strait for free w/ a $100 food & drink voucher.

Exception: Watching it from TurboK's boat.
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He's not really, I'm guessing. Seems like he's being a bitch about having to pay Ricky Rozay 5 Million from the sex tape deal. Just playing the system.

Forbes had his Net Worth at 150 Million just 2 months ago, he has shit tons of money.

This definitely isn't an Antoine Walker situation.
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i am buying the item for my partner in Ann Arbor MI, i want the tiem ship to her via USPS but due to my coaching program i will offer you $250 for the item view my bank paypal and $90 for the shipment, so kindly get me your paypal email id for the instant payment asap. Regards Mercy.

I guess people fall for this shit or they wouldn't keep at it, but I'm guessing it takes a 1000 tries before you find someone dumb enough. And then, what exactly is my paypal address going to get them? Is this just the first step in a longer con designed for me to ultimately give them my bank account number?

Saw this crap all the time as a banker. See the "coaching program" well they'll be a membership fee that includes a year of paypal fees/shiping fees/etc.
That version, while probably true, is much less entertaining to me than images of 50 Cent running through 150 million in 2 months a la Brewster's Millions.

Now THERE's a movie that's dying for a remake.
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He's not bankrupt, really. He just filed for bankruptcy.

Good call, BBdK.

He is trying to bankrupt one company. It's some sort of boxing promotion. Sounds like if he has all his ventures segregated into different companies then he's actually on the ball with his finances. No clue how the boxing promotion is related to this lawsuit though.
Heading to the SeaRay store in Louisville for a final walk through, any you peeps want to swing by your welcome. Delivery tomorrow, kid in a candy store man. Still working on a name, have some ideas, haven't really fallen for anyone just yet.

Willie, your welcome anytime. Better not bring your kids yet. It's really for their emotional health.
He is trying to bankrupt one company. It's some sort of boxing promotion. Sounds like if he has all his ventures segregated into different companies then he's actually on the ball with his finances. No clue how the boxing promotion is related to this lawsuit though.

Isn't that rich dude 101? Bankrupt the LLC but that doesn't actually touch your personal finances?
Pretty much, for anyone except PTI(pti) apparently.

Not a desirable situation or an honorable move to go that route of course, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time it was a "strategic" move to game the system.

Anyone who thinks 50 Cent is flat broke probably needs to read a bit more, preferably at Starbucks on a leather sofa or something similar.

He's just the type of little bitch to do something THAT drastic in order to not have to pay his nemesis $5million, which I (and most) suspect is *exactly* what he's doing here.
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I said he doesn't have the same blow your doors off talent that DJ and Rory have. Of course he has talent but you put those three on the range your going to be wowed by two. Then said his mental game and focus while everyone else is falling apart is what makes him so good. That spun into me explaining why I'm skeptical he won't pass Tiger or get 10 majors. In fact I still think he gets 6-8 max. Before I said he'd be lucky to get 4 because of how few golfers have 4+ the odds aren't in his favor. After the Open I think he can get more than 4.

This all started with the article that said Tiger should retire and Phil should jump to the seniors because with Jordan and Rory they have no hope of winning again. Which of course is absurd.
At some point, the Republicans will get serious again about winning a Presidential election. It might be 20 years from now, but it WILL happen.
At some point, the Republicans will get serious again about winning a Presidential election. It might be 20 years from now, but it WILL happen.
Not until the old guard is out. Too many young-middle age impressionable votes don't like what they're selling and they're way too divided. Not a coincidence all these social hot buttons are popping up as the election is getting closer.
Wife just green-lit Vegas for our anniversary in September. o_O

This may actually finally happen for me, my 36th year here on earth. I've heard it's a BBdK kinda place and that I will like it there. Prayers appreciated!
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Trump voter:

Sorry, city of Louisville. Your racist flag must change.

The Confederate flag is down. Will Louisiana's fleur-de-lis be the next to go?

That's the question posed by some in New Orleans, who point to the emblem's previous connections to slavery as the reason why it must go.

The questions arose during a recent meeting of the New Orleans City Council where the removal of Confederate monuments was discussed. Rudy Mills, head of the grassroots group Remove Racist Images, said he'd like all vestiges of the slavery and Confederacy removed from the city. Mills said that includes the iconic fleur-de-lis.

"Check the history. It's also a very racist symbol," he told the council.
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Thanks for finance lesson, BBdK. Was worried bout my boy Curtis. Cool to see many in GYERO were concerned as well.

Also concerned about my man Troy Ave. I saw him in a Sean John commercial while I was watching NBAtv this weekend. This confirms that he is a diddy whore, and he's obviously not earning enough for Daddy Combs.. He will be in jail or dead within a few years.

Would almost vote for trump because 1) he's not a politician at all, 2) there are basically zero candidates, and 3) he would whip the snot out of each and every one of the "candidates" verbally and physically. I'd vote for Curtis Jackson, too. Great name. Amazing physique, and like Trump, he won't take your crap.
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