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Yes, I told him as much.

-Karl averaging 9 fouls per game. [laughing]

btw, caught a little of Randle. He looks awful. I swear, in maybe 5 minutes of combined action this summer I've seen him pick up 4 100mph patented spin-move charges.

You can't really judge him after a year off with a severe injury, and he's technically a rookie -- but still, out of all our guys, I'd be surprised the least if he busts. I was convinced heading into last year he was going to be behind only Davis in terms of WOW factor & domination.

Hope he gets it together.

-Started a thread on DraftKings. Anyone tried or Enjoy? What a great idea...seems like a blast, especially for basketball. One of those things I've been meaning to try forever, but just never get around to it.
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Of course you all neglect to mention what my point was -> how much his mental game is in front of those other big hitters. But I know it makes you all feel better when you can jump on anth with a spin take. Hope it builds your cred to where you want it.

If chumps was a tdf fan he'd be losing his shit. Talk about conspiracies. Of course Richie Porte and Thomas pull Froome up a mountain then finish top 6 with the best climbers in the world. Recovering on 9% climb is pretty normal.
Well, bought 2 dozen of those balls. If you want to try them out, play one group behind me in the Baron and you'll find plenty.
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I wouldn't say Speith's mental game is that far in front of Rory's, if at all.
Yeah, it'd be pretty crazy if someone in the Tour de Anth was juicing/cheating/etc. Pret-teh, pret-teh crazy.

Don't you have to watch that stuff knowing that everyone (except the guys in the back, I guess) are juiced to the gills? Hell, they may even have gills at this point. "Filtering moisture out of the air gives me extra O, yo!"
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It's actually been cleaned up a bit but yeah it's frustrating when a rider and team throw down unnatural climbs.

I absolutely think Spieth is pretty well ahead of Rory mentally.
Wait- Anth hasn't just been joking about loving cycling and the TDF this whole time? I thought this was just his version of Willy's "I'm Jewish" thing.
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Mcf certainly wasn't he always called out lance. I didn't really follow enough then to realize what was going on. Started following after lance. Unlike baseball they can actually measure your energy output and compare it historically. So when you throw down an unnatural ride it's evident. This is way more endurance based than strength. Actually getting busted is a different story.

I follow:

Triathlon, marathon, etc.

Soccer a little. I'll watch tennis majors some. Wish the presidents cup was still on... I lived that shit. Love watching sports. Heck, I got briefly hooked on cricket while we were in St. Lucia.
Caught bits and pieces yesterday. At the Giro, Astana looked dominant, with a deep roster of climbers controlling mountain stages—only Contador was at their level. But so far at the Tour, with a different group of riders, they’ve looked off that pace. When Nibali lost 10 seconds on the Mur-de-Bretagne finish, it was notable that he had no teammates with him, despite a core group of four solid climbers—Tanel Kangert, Lieuwe Westra, Michele Scarponi, and Jakob Fuglsang—who were brought to the Tour expressly to help Nibali on climbs.

Who knows what TF is going to happen though. Sky looks well-positioned for that. Froome has been the strongest of the GC riders on the short uphill finishes we’ve seen so far. And the four riders who finished with him were his key climbing support: Geraint Thomas, Wout Poels, Richie Porte, and Nicolas Roche. Similarly, Movistar has a strong roster of climbers and is the only team with two potential podium contenders high in the standings.

Lots of racing left, it's anyone's race at this point. Pretty much all the favorites still in contention. As the old saying goes, you don’t win the Tour de France in the first week, but you can lose it lol (and it's true).
Caught bits and pieces yesterday. At the Giro, Astana looked dominant, with a deep roster of climbers controlling mountain stages—only Contador was at their level. But so far at the Tour, with a different group of riders, they’ve looked off that pace. When Nibali lost 10 seconds on the Mur-de-Bretagne finish, it was notable that he had no teammates with him, despite a core group of four solid climbers—Tanel Kangert, Lieuwe Westra, Michele Scarponi, and Jakob Fuglsang—who were brought to the Tour expressly to help Nibali on climbs.

Who knows what TF is going to happen though. Sky looks well-positioned for that. Froome has been the strongest of the GC riders on the short uphill finishes we’ve seen so far. And the four riders who finished with him were his key climbing support: Geraint Thomas, Wout Poels, Richie Porte, and Nicolas Roche. Similarly, Movistar has a strong roster of climbers and is the only team with two potential podium contenders high in the standings.

Lots of racing left, it's anyone's race at this point. Pretty much all the favorites still in contention. As the old saying goes, you don’t win the Tour de France in the first week, but you can lose it lol (and it's true).

Has there been a bigger player/coach brush off than what Cousins did to George Karl last night?

Karl tried to be all cool with Cousins and Cousins had no time for it.
Guess we'll just agree to disagree on that, 735.

-Karl sucks, but Cousins needs to grow up. He's one grudge-holding mothertoucher. See: Charles Barkley situation. [eyeroll]

...although the handshake seemed fine to me.
They also want Cueto. Perfect solution. I just don't see the Royals taking that on for Phillips. I mean I hope they do but dang that's a lot for a marginal upgrade.

marginal upgrade??

It's not often you get to see true history unfold before your eyes, but here we are. Omar Infante is almost halfway there to having the worst walk rate in the history of modern baseball or at least since the live ball era began.

he is literally putting together one of the worst hitting seasons in the history of the game. his ops+ is 53. that essentially means he's hitting 50% worse than the average player. amazing.
If I had a dollar for every time you 3 said lance was the most-tested athlete in history and never failed a test my basement would fit all your houses 1000x.
Huh? I didn't care about cycling until 4-5 years ago. Before I thought he had never been busted and I thought they tested pretty stiffly. Come to find out both weren't true. Got me mistaken with someone.
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