Game of Thrones

I know her eyes are really spaced far apart and her forehead is large....but I'd rule a kingdom with Arya Stark.
so the only really dangling plotline that doesn't seem careening head long into everything else is the Hound and BwB in the riverlands. I assume they team up with Arya at some point and do what? Go to KL and kill Cersei? Figured that's Jamie's endgame.

I assume Euron is still building boats too.
Cersi's wildfire isn't going to kill Danny and the dragons so it's basically still her and nothing.

I've read a lot about how everyone thinks the timelines are not on the same path. I'm call bs on that. Varys shows up in Dorne and then Grandmother Thrones AFTER the sept is destroyed. Arya is at the twins while Jamie is still there and kills Frey moments after he parts. It's TV and they're not even attempting to make travel seem real. No big deal.

As for Littlefinger... the last thing in his best interest would be to knock Jon Snow's claim to the north. Regardless if he is Ned's child, he is still the only known male child of a Stark. Also, if he has aspirations of the iron throne that also quickly end his chances of that by outing the fact that a male Targaryan child exist. Jon Snow is the man no matter how you look at it.
I wonder if the Lannisters will be framed for Walder's death. Pretty nice coincidence that Jaime and Walder have words in public and, presumably Walder shows up with his throat slit and no witnesses later that night.

The smartest move for Jaime would have been to seize the Twins from the Freys, assuming he knew of Walder and his sons deathes before he left for Kings Landing.
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Varys shows up in Dorne and then Grandmother Thrones AFTER the sept is destroyed
Based on what? That we don't see him on screen until after the sept is destroyed in the show? There's no telling based on that how long Varys had been in Dorne, negotiating with the Martells.
The timing questions are bigger with the book, no idea how what is happening in one part of their world tie with events in another

Euron has to be all in on Team Cersi to even things out slightly. Littlefinger will leverage th chaos as always. Maesters & their hidden scheming and plans will reveal themselves via Sam.
I think Jaime will have a decision to make. When Daenarys shows up the Lannisters will know that they can't beat her. I think Cersei would rather burn the rest of Kings Landing to the ground than allow Daenarys to take it. Will Jaime kill her like he killed Rhaegar? or will he let the city burn and die with her? I think Kings Landing will burn. They could also try to use Kings Landing as a trap and try to burn Daenarys' army. The wildfire may not kill the dragons but it would put a hurting on the rest.

If the Dothraki survive the ocean then survive Kings Landing I wonder how they will enjoy the snow.
Right. So that conversation took place after the Sept had been destroyed. That still doesn't mean that Varys hadn't been there a while.

You're probably right.

I think the show doesn't give people a good idea of whether or not every scene is taking place in relatively the same time. Varys left for Dorne, we had a big battle at Mereen and then the Ironborn show up. I think each of those events could have taken months. Cercei blowing up the sept could have taken place while Varys was traveling and Jamie could have been on the road from the Twins while Cercei was blowing things up as well.

In the books, there's a lot of padding things out. If a character is traveling, you'd better believe that GRRM is writing about their trip and everything they ate while traveling.
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I think Jaime will have a decision to make. When Daenarys shows up the Lannisters will know that they can't beat her. I think Cersei would rather burn the rest of Kings Landing to the ground than allow Daenarys to take it. Will Jaime kill her like he killed Rhaegar? or will he let the city burn and die with her? I think Kings Landing will burn. They could also try to use Kings Landing as a trap and try to burn Daenarys' army. The wildfire may not kill the dragons but it would put a hurting on the rest.

If the Dothraki survive the ocean then survive Kings Landing I wonder how they will enjoy the snow.

Tyrion knows about the wildfire and how it can be used from his time as leader during the Battle of the Blackwater. If you remember when Dany went into the House of the Undying and had a vision, it showed the Iron Throne room without a roof and snow blowing in. I think Cercei blows up the Red Keep when she knows the battle is lost.
OK --- can somebody explain to me how Arya is just conjuring up a new face to kill Frey? Is she still cool with Jaqen? Did she steal a face from the Many Faced Gods?
Anyone else laugh when Cersei blew the Sept to pieces? She had just stuck a spike in the eye of almost all of her enemies and the look on her face was amazing.

The look on her face after being crowned was just amazing. Lena Headley's best performance of the show so far.
OK --- can somebody explain to me how Arya is just conjuring up a new face to kill Frey? Is she still cool with Jaqen? Did she steal a face from the Many Faced Gods?
Some theorize that fully trained Faceless Men change their faces via telekinesis, mentally rearranging their features so no need to carry around a supply of dead peoples faces
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Jon Snow sent him to train to become the Maester to the Night's Watch. Sam has no idea what has gone on at Castle Black, etc.

I definitely wasn't expecting Sam to head to the Citadel after he left Horn Hill. Once he stole his fathers sword I thought he said "let's go home". So since he has Valyrian Steel in hand, and that's the only known thing that can kill Others, I thought he was heading back to the Wall.

I think Jaime will have a decision to make. When Daenarys shows up the Lannisters will know that they can't beat her. I think Cersei would rather burn the rest of Kings Landing to the ground than allow Daenarys to take it. Will Jaime kill her like he killed Rhaegar? or will he let the city burn and die with her? I think Kings Landing will burn. They could also try to use Kings Landing as a trap and try to burn Daenarys' army. The wildfire may not kill the dragons but it would put a hurting on the rest.
It is known....
You're probably 100% right, based on Maggy the Frog's prophecy.

"There comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear. When your tears have drowned you, the Valonqar (little brother) shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”

Tyrion was the first obvious guess, but Jamie is also technically her "little brother" and she came out of the womb first. So while Tyrion doesn't need any more reason to kill her, if it's Jamie then yeah I think she's gonna have to try something crazy.
I think everyone would agree that this is setting up perfectly for a LSH reveal in the Season 7 opener or in any episode within Season 7. Excited.
I don't think that at all. LSH simply isn't going to be in the show.