Game of Thrones

No offense to anyone in this thread or the GOT fan base in general, but as a huge fan I just don't get those who are obsessed with Stoneheart & wanting her on tv. She was in just 2 separate touching chapters in 2 different books. And didn't do anything particularly cool or amazing or story altering.

Help me out here, what is it, a zombie leading a band of outlaws, that is just so incredible it must be ripped from the pages and put on the tv?
She was my least favorite character and I celebrated the episode she died in. I hope they don't bring her or anything similar to her back to the show.

I read something today with a person claiming to have read that Tyrion dies in the next episode, boy that would suck
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I don't even want to see LSH at this point. Would have been awesome a season or two ago, but it doesn't make sense to introduce new characters with (supposedly) only 14 episodes left in the entire series unless they play a big role in the end-game. And I don't see her having a big role.

But I still think it's possible that we get her, because I still can't figure out any other reason to bring the Freys and the BwB back in to the picture. My only guess for bringing the BwB back is that Davos is going to kill Melisandre because of Shireen, and they need a Red Priest in the North to battle the Others. Can't think of any reason for the Freys though.
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Ok, another vote on two questions...

1. Will the Sept, and maybe even Kings Landing, be blown sky high with wildfire tomorrow night?

I'm saying yes.

2. Who think the Others will get beyond the Wall tomorrow night?

At first I thought yes, but there might be too many episodes left for it to happen this early.
Ok, another vote on two questions...

1. Will the Sept, and maybe even Kings Landing, be blown sky high with wildfire tomorrow night?

I'm saying yes.

2. Who think the Others will get beyond the Wall tomorrow night?

At first I thought yes, but there might be too many episodes left for it to happen this early.
I don't think the others will get beyond the wall tomorrow. They might get led to the wall, bran makes it through, and we are left with an ominous shot of the white walker army knocking on the door. And kings landing is going up in a blaze tomorrow.
I don't even want to see LSH at this point. Would have been awesome a season or two ago, but it doesn't make sense to introduce new characters with (supposedly) only 14 episodes left in the entire series unless they play a big role in the end-game. And I don't see her having a big role.

But I still think it's possible that we get her, because I still can't figure out any other reason to bring the Freys and the BwB back in to the picture. My only guess for bringing the BwB back is that Davos is going to kill Melisandre because of Shireen, and they need a Red Priest in the North to battle the Others. Can't think of any reason for the Freys though.
Maybe you're right about Thoros and BWB but I don't think it will be Davos that kills Mel. I think it will be Jon and that is how Lightbringer will come about. As for the Freys. No clue. I have this feeling that Jaime is going to turn on them. Not sure why. Don't know the motive. Just a feeling I've had since Jaime realized how useless they are.
Seeing Jamie sitting with the Freys just screams that someone is going to die.

With Cersi's luck this season I see her falling short of her goal. I'm sure something big will happen though with it being the final. Expect to see Bran revist the TOJ so I doubt that leaves much space to advance the white walker story.

Jon Snow has to be planning his next move, can't wait to see what that is.
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She was my least favorite character and I celebrated the episode she died in. I hope they don't bring her or anything similar to her back to the show.

I read something today with a person claiming to have read that Tyrion dies in the next episode, boy that would suck
I can get on board with that. Lady stark is the most unlikeable character aside from goefry
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I would also have to think before the white walkers knock the wall down there would have to be some foreshadowing. Say a vision by Bran going back in time and showing how it was built.
Ok, another vote on two questions...

1. Will the Sept, and maybe even Kings Landing, be blown sky high with wildfire tomorrow night?

I'm saying yes.

2. Who think the Others will get beyond the Wall tomorrow night?

At first I thought yes, but there might be too many episodes left for it to happen this early.
1. Yes

2. No
LSH isn't a great character. But could be a nice plot device to close out the Riverlands as a whole and move parties to the North.
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The world is falling apart man. Who has time for ass when the long night is knocking on the door?


I echo whoever said that Lady Stoneheart doesn't even make sense at this point in the show's narrative. I took the appearance of Lord Beric to be the sign that she wasn't coming back.

My wild guesses for cliffhangers:

1. The Dothraki and the rest of Daeny's merry band are almost finished loading up the ships when Euron's fleet sails into port. Daeny is overlooking everything from Drogon. Shots of iron islanders being scared shitless of the dragons until Euron cockily pulls out a warhorn and tells everyone not to worry, that he has a plan to deal with them.

2. Cersei burns the Sept of Baelor after concocting some half-brained scheme to get Tommen out that ends with Tommen's fiery death. Possible Maergery death, as well. The High Sparrow manages to survive and names the Lannisters and (maybe) the Tyrells as enemies of the realm based on the testimony at the trial before Cersei makes it go kaboom. Zombie Mountain survives, teasing the CleganeBowl for next season. He manages to save Cersei and Qyburn and the three have to go on the lam as King's Landing is a sheer, fiery chaos.

3. Bran has visions of the white walkers staring at the wall with a vast army of wights lined up behind. (Dolorious Edd craps his pants off camera). Bran then sees Rickon being buried in the Winterfell crypts and Lyanna's tomb, leading to a vision of the inside of the Tower of Joy with Lyanna dying in child birth and Lyanna asks Ned to raise her son Jon as his own because one day he will be the one true king.

4. Jon executes Melisandre because he doesn't want to be brought back from the dead again and Shireen is a great excuse. And, learning from Ned, he who casts the sentence must swing the sword. And that sword gets all shiny.

*If* LSH is coming back, there could be a scene where Thoros or Beric bring her back to life and she says they are going North, leaving the chance for another Jon resurrection open.

5. Daario manages to nail Daeny and Yara at the same time. Or nah.

6. Sansa will be asked to choose between siding with Jon or Littlefinger and will do something crafty.

7. Sam appears at the Citadel and hears talk of dragons and, possibly, a plot to stop them.

8. Lord Manderly takes revenge on the Freys in a very delicious manner and Jaime is left with a choice to head north with Brienne or south to Cersei.
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I echo whoever said that Lady Stoneheart doesn't even make sense at this point in the show's narrative. I took the appearance of Lord Beric to be the sign that she wasn't coming back.

My wild guesses for cliffhangers:

1. The Dothraki and the rest of Daeny's merry band are almost finished loading up the ships when Euron's fleet sails into port. Daeny is overlooking everything from Drogon. Shots of iron islanders being scared shitless of the dragons until Euron cockily pulls out a warhorn and tells everyone not to worry, that he has a plan to deal with them.

2. Cersei burns the Sept of Baelor after concocting some way to get Tommen out that ends with Tommen's fiery death. Possible Maergery death, as well. The High Sparrow manages to survive and names the Lannisters and (maybe) the Tyrells as enemies of the realm based on the testimony at the trial before Cersei makes it go kaboom. Zombie Mountain survives, teasing the CleganeBowl for next season. He manages to save Cersei and Qyburn and the three have to go on the lam as King's Landing is a sheer, fiery chaos.

3. Bran has visions of the white walkers staring at the wall with a vast army of wights lined up behind. He sees Rickon being buried in the crypts and Lyanna's crypt, leading to a vision of the inside of the Tower of Joy with his sister dying in child birth and asks Ned to raise her son Jon as his own because one day he will be the one true king.

4. Jon executes Melisandre because he doesn't want to be brought back from the dead again and Shireen is a great excuse. And, learning from Ned, he who casts the sentence must swing the sword. And that sword gets all shiny.

*If* LSH is coming back, there could be a scene where Thoros or Beric bring her back to life and say they are going North, leaving the chance for another Jon resurrection open.

5. Daario manages to nail Daeny and Yara at the same time. Or nah.

6. Sansa has to face will be asked to choose between siding with Jon or Littlefinger and will do something crafty.

7. Sam appears at the Citadel and hears talk of dragons and, possibly, a plot to stop them.

8. Lord Manderly takes revenge on the Freys in a very delicious manner and Jaime is left with a choice to held north or south to Cersei.
Lots of good predictions. I'm almost certain of number 4. Sansa is playing a pretty good game right now. I think she is going to be just like her mom and we are going to hate her just like her mom.
Lots of good predictions.

I am out standing in my field.

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As for Jon's parentage. There are really only 3 ways he can find out right? Bran, the crypts, and howland reed. Where the heck is Reed?
Bummer. Seems like an important piece. Considering he is probably the only person living that knows what went down at the tower of joy.
What does it matter if an important or fav character bites it tonight, the tv people showed with Jon it don't matter - can easily and uncomplicatedly bring em back an they suffer no ill effects or changes in any way.
Really strong start, kinda petered out in the end.

Also Olenna shit talking the sand snakes owned