Game of Thrones

Not seeing it fellas. Great opening and had some good moments, but I thought it was clunky and disjointed as hell. I'm disappointed. I had high hopes and expected better. I thought the melisandre scene was eye rollingly bad.
If you combine the last 30 mins of last week with the first 30 mins of this week, that is easily the most compelling, heart-stopping, action-packed hour of any TV show or movie ever.
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That was ****ing awesome. Idk how someone could walk away and say that episode wasn't really good. We also have 100% confirmation that Jon is Lyanna Stark's son with Rhaegar. Have waited a long time for that.
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I'm not sure if you guys seen the after show of Game of Thrones on HBO.

but they mention John Calipari. I think it's pretty hilarious. They talk about Team Daenarys recruiting well like John Calipari.
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That was ****ing awesome. Idk how someone could walk away and say that episode wasn't really good. We also have 100% confirmation that Jon is Lyanna Stark's son with Rhaegar. Have waited a long time for that.

Hopefully some crazy redditor with time on his hands reads Lyanna's lips during that seen, a la Sansa's letter to Baelish.
Last 2 episodes were great. Cersei finally sitting on the Iron throne. Littlefinger being Littlefinger. Don't think Jon Snow is comfortable with being King, finally the revelation about him being a Targaryan. Tyrion being named hand of the Queen. Lady Mormont with a speech. Queen of Thornes being badass.
I'm not sure if you guys seen the after show of Game of Thrones on HBO.

but they mention John Calipari. I think it's pretty hilarious. They talk about Team Daenarys recruiting well like John Calipari.

They've made that reference before. I love the aftershow
I officially like cersei for now. She was bad ass last night. But I'm still rooting for Jamie to slay her
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Should have saw it coming from a mile away, but I found myself shocked that Ceresi would crown herself.

Lancel should have attended Arya's seminar on "how to take stab wounds like a champ".
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Why did they lead Lancel to the wildfire? And why was he so intent on catching the boy?
Why did they lead Lancel to the wildfire? And why was he so intent on catching the boy?
How did Varys teleport to Dorne, convene with Olenna and the strong independent woman mariachi band, and then teleport back to Meereen? How did Arya teleport to the Twins? How did Asha and Theon travel hundreds of miles to Meereen in less than an episode?
Not seeing it fellas. Great opening and had some good moments, but I thought it was clunky and disjointed as hell. I'm disappointed. I had high hopes and expected better. I thought the melisandre scene was eye rollingly bad.

If you've watched 60+ hours of this show and were disappointed with last nights episode then you are impossible to please. Just stop watching.

Or you're trolling.
^i get those points but because tv is basically the answer. I mean, how did any of this happen? Westeros doesn't even exist.
How did Varys teleport to Dorne, convene with Olenna and the strong independent woman mariachi band, and then teleport back to Meereen?

He didn't, there were Martell and Tyrell banners in the fleet coming back from Meereen.

How did Arya teleport to the Twins?

You really want 10 episodes of just Arya travelling?

How did Asha and Theon travel hundreds of miles to Meereen in less than an episode?

These story lines don't perfectly coincide with each other. For one story line an episode could be 3 months and for another story line an episode could be 3 hours. Like I said before, you really want 10 episodes of just Asha and Theon traveling?
I understand how tv works. Just thought I might have missed something to explain why Lancel would just start chasing a random boy.
He didn't, there were Martell and Tyrell banners in the fleet coming back from Meereen.

You really want 10 episodes of just Arya travelling?

These story lines don't perfectly coincide with each other. For one story line an episode could be 3 months and for another story line an episode could be 3 hours. Like I said before, you really want 10 episodes of just Asha and Theon traveling?

This is the correct answer. All of it.
I understand how tv works. Just thought I might have missed something to explain why Lancel would just start chasing a random boy.

I assumed he was looking for Ceresi. When he got down there he said something like "if you don't come out its only going to get worse for you" so I'm guessing he thought she was hiding down there. That's just my wild ass guess.
Should have saw it coming from a mile away, but I found myself shocked that Ceresi would crown herself.

Lancel should have attended Arya's seminar on "how to take stab wounds like a champ".
Yup. There was really no other way for this episode to go down. If Dany is going to cross the narrow sea to Westeros there HAS to be an antagonist for her to deal with, and NONE are better than Cersei. No one wants to watch Dany show up to a burned down Kings Landing and just plop down on the throne like a damn bum. Shits gotta go down.

I was iffy on lady Mormont until last night. She's the real deal, folks.

I had no problem with the "speed" of everyone's travels. For all we know Aryas storyline took place around the same time Jon Snow was murdered by the Knights Watch, or earlier. If you didn't enjoy last nights episode you are a giant pussy bitch. Cancel your HBO and go lay down.
If you've watched 60+ hours of this show and were disappointed with last nights episode then you are impossible to please. Just stop watching.

Or you're trolling.
It's just my opinion. If you don't like it then scroll on. I've watched this series three times through. I'm a huge fan. Sorry my standards are a little higher than yours.
Opening scene was extremely suspenseful. The music made it.

What the devil will zombie mountain do to the delightful Unella?

I'm sure little finger will find out Jon isn't Neds son and try to manipulate everyone into throwing him out. He made it clear he wants the iron throne and I can't see him letting anything get in his way. I don't suspect he will be alive by series end.

They're making it a point to tell us that khaleesi doesn't want to be like her father. Makes me wonder if she will die in some type of self sacrifice for the greater good. We have also heard them say Jon Snow is not a king. Who does that leave in the iron throne then? Tyrion? A wiener-less Theon? His lesbian sister? An emotially distraught Sansa? Direwolf Ghost? A dragon turd? The love child of Unella and Zombie Mountain? Robin Arryn? Robin Arryns mothers right boob? I simply don't know.
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I understand how tv works. Just thought I might have missed something to explain why Lancel would just start chasing a random boy.

I press the power button on my remote and that usually works for mine. Then I navigate to HBO go. Your batteries may be out or your power cord might now be plugged in.
The tricky part with Danerys is that she has 3 atom bombs that no one in Westeros can counter.

Anyone opposing her will be pretty easily dealt with.

The next two seasons are going to get into White Walkers vs Humans pretty quickly. Im not sure how much political intrigue can happen if she shows up with her three dragons.
They're making it a point to tell us that khaleesi doesn't want to be like her father. Makes me wonder if she will die in some type of self sacrifice for the greater good. We have also heard them say Jon Snow is not a king. Who does that leave in the iron throne then? Tyrion? A wiener-less Theon? His lesbian sister? An emotially distraught Sansa? Direwolf Ghost? A dragon turd? The love child of Unella and Zombie Mountain? Robin Arryn? Robin Arryns mothers right boob? I simply don't know.

I think that after the battle with the Others, Westeros will go back to being 7 kingdoms. Dorne always remained independent, while the North and the Iron Islands have now re-broken away from the crown.
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I think that after the battle with the Others, Westeros will go back to being 7 kingdoms. Dorne always remained independent, while the North and the Iron Islands have now re-broken away from the crown.

I'm inclined to agree with you.