Game of Thrones

I think this is all setting up for a LSH spin-off series that focuses mainly on LSH and all the shenanigans she gets involved with on a day to day basis.
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They finally got some on-set shots of her in costume, breaking as of last night. Absolutely wild, they nailed the hair for sure. Keep this in the GOT thread.

I was mainly fascinated in LSH to see how they pulled off the make-up, speaking, etc. Not really sad to see that story-line not come off.

I wanted her to show up as well but the Stark revenge on the Freys was fulfilled by Arya killing Walder and his two sons last night. Not sure what LSH would add at this point.
Since Euron and his fleet didn't appear in last night's episode, I am guessing that he will encounter Daeny's fleet on her way to Westeros.

Euron in the books has a warhorn that he claims will bind dragons to his will.

If he can neutralize the dragons, he would likely have an advantage against Daeny in naval combat. Daeny's fleet is set up for transport, not fighting deep at sea. If Euron can sink some ships and send the Dothraki and their horses into a panic, Daeny may be showing up to Westeros with a ragtag bunch.

He is too important to the books and he was set up too heavily in the show to do the touch all he did in this season's later episodes.

Plus, book Euron at least, is awesome.
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Since Euron and his fleet didn't appear in last night's episode, I am guessing that he will encounter Daeny's fleet on her way to Westeros.

Euron in the books has a warhorn that he claims will bind dragons to his will.

If he can neutralize the dragons, he would likely have an advantage against Daeny in sea combat. Daeny's fleet is set up for transport, not fighting deep at sea. If Euron can sink a view ships and send the Dothraki and their horses into a panic, Daeny may be showing up to Westeros with a ragtag bunch.

He is too important to the books and he was set up too heavily in the show to do the touch all he did in this season's later episodes.

Plus, book Euron at least, is awesome.
I'd say he takes 1 out, the horn probably can't control all 3
Hopefully. I think we will see Jon and Dany and Tyrion ride dragons.

does Sansa go back to her first husband...........Tyrion (were they ever divorced)
he is the only man in her life that has treated her like she should be treated
How did Varys teleport to Dorne, convene with Olenna and the strong independent woman mariachi band, and then teleport back to Meereen? How did Arya teleport to the Twins? How did Asha and Theon travel hundreds of miles to Meereen in less than an episode?

"less than an episode" assumes that time is experienced the same for each of the characters based on the episodes. But episodes are just there to format a TV show.

Westeros doesn't even exist.

I mean, you don't hear DMX rap about it!
So what did Lyanna whisper? That's been killing me. If the big reveal was that the child was Jon snow...why not show the audience?
Sounded like she said something about how he knows Robert will kill him if he finds out who's kid he is. Haven't watched it again but pretty sure I heard that on Sunday.
Sounded like she said something about how he knows Robert will kill him if he finds out who's kid he is. Haven't watched it again but pretty sure I heard that on Sunday.

I think she said that too but she started to say "his name is....." And then it was an intentional whisper by the writers so that the audience couldn't hear it.
His name is Robert Paulson. That's why Ned never talked about it.

In true Paddock fashion, a joke about a 90s movie in a thread about a fantasy tv show reminds me a of a rumor about Billy Clyde Gillispie drunkenly calling a British player (Mike "Big Black Member" Williams) and telling him "Mike, you're fat. You've got tits, Mike!" and then hanging up.
I bet his name is Aegon, since that character was written out of the show.

That, to me, is going to be the most interesting difference between the show and the books.

It kind of hints that the show writers may have reason to belief Young Grif may not be legit.
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^ This season revived a lot of the S.S. Abandoned Plotlines that readers thought were axed, so maybe it will come up. Just hard to see it fitting in now (I'm not a book reader, just read a lot of spoilers).

Be rewataching game of thrones from season one. I think Arya could kill Cerseimaybe dressed as Jamie.
This season revived a lot of the S.S. Abandoned Plotlines that readers thought were axed
IMO show writers were desperate for material without the imminent publication of the 6th book so they were forced to go back to the 5 books & mine for characters/material to rerun
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LSH is over. Freys are dead, it's been (show) years since the Red Wedding.. She serves no purpose. I was kind of hoping Margery would become a version of LSH, but that's a no go.

I'll just throw in my only two cents: the girl whose face arya stole is like top 10 ever hot. Wow what a good looking woman.
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