Game of Thrones

now that it is basically official will all the pathetic fangirls & fanboys stop wanting to force Jon into some sicko incest relationship with Danny? she is his freaking aunt.
They are targaryens. Incest is in their nature.
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Everybody says Jon is a Targareyn. But isn't he still a bastard? Unless we get another flashback from Bran showing Rhaegar legitimizing him, or marrying Lyanna.
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Everybody says Jon is a Targareyn. But isn't he still a bastard? Unless we get another flashback from Bran showing Rhaegar legitimizing him, or marrying Lyanna.
You are exactly right. The flashbacks are not over
now that it is basically official will all the pathetic fangirls & fanboys stop wanting to force Jon into some sicko incest relationship with Danny? she is his freaking aunt.
What show do you think you're watching? Like half of the great houses featured in GoT and ASoIaF have some degree of incest involving them, with the Targaryens almost exclusively practicing it to preserve High Valyrian bloodlines.
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What show do you think you're watching? Like half of the great houses featured in GoT and ASoIaF have some degree of incest involving them, with the Targaryens almost exclusively practicing it to preserve High Valyrian bloodlines.
That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the post! Ned Starks parents were cousins! Tywin was married to his cousin. The only time it is considered wierd is when siblings mate except if you're targaryen.
Then why more Bran flashbacks?

The story needs to progress.
Because a lot of casual fans have no clue about who rhaegar was or what really happened after the tourney at harrenhal. When casual fans hear conflicting reports on him, there should be clarification. For fans like me that have read and have done research that rhaegar was completely opposite of what Robert believes he did.
Just saw a theory that I could see happening: Ceresi marries Euron.

It would be a beneficial marriage for her, but then again I think she might be arrogant enough to refuse anyone's help.
In the books, Euron supposedly has a horn that can control Dragons. If they introduce that into the series then Euron marrying Cersei makes more sense. Otherwise, I just don't see Iron Islands bringing enough to the table to justify a marriage. They were a vasal to Winterfell and have already shown they don't have the manpower to maintain any sort of conquest. Marrying Littlefinger would make more sense. The Vale is one of the remaining Super Powers and it might make an interesting story, especially if he were to kidnap Sansa and throw her in as part of the bargain.
Just saw a theory that I could see happening: Ceresi marries Euron.

It would be a beneficial marriage for her, but then again I think she might be arrogant enough to refuse anyone's help.
That is interesting. Maybe this will somehow tie in Jon helping take Kings landing with Khalessi. That's what I really want. Jon and Dany ruling and Tyrion is the hand. Maybe make Davos something good and Tormound like a knight of the Kings guard. I'm a dreamer tho.
That is interesting. Maybe this will somehow tie in Jon helping take Kings landing with Khalessi. That's what I really want. Jon and Dany ruling and Tyrion is the hand. Maybe make Davos something good and Tormound like a knight of the Kings guard. I'm a dreamer tho.
There will be more casualties to come.
Really hoping Euron doesn't have some stupid trumpet/trombone or tuba that is appealing to dragons.
He does in the books but I doubt he does during the show. I do think euron and cersei will ally with one another next season.
He does in the books but I doubt he does during the show. I do think euron and cersei will ally with one another next season.

Why wouldn't he have it in the show? If he doesn't have that, then Khaleesi burns him and cersei to the ground with drogon.
I think in the end the wildlings are given something to be made whole. Maybe even Winterfell if it survives the invasion of the Night King.
Introducing some bullshit horn at this point would be a pretty disappointing deus ex machina. If it had been even casually mentioned in previous seasons, it would be fine. But to do it now would seem lazy. Personally, I think this show is too good for that, so I don't think you see it.
Introducing some bullshit horn at this point would be a pretty disappointing deus ex machina. If it had been even casually mentioned in previous seasons, it would be fine. But to do it now would seem lazy. Personally, I think this show is too good for that, so I don't think you see it.
Daenarys' entire plotline since season one has been Deus Ex Machina. I don't think D&D would have a problem with a little more.
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her greatest strength/asset since the end of S1 has been the 3 lizards. would be good storyline if someone were to take them & use against her forces once she landed in Westeros.
her greatest strength/asset since the end of S1 has been the 3 lizards. would be good storyline if someone were to take them & use against her forces once she landed in Westeros.

That could work.
1. Dragons arrive and cause massive destruction.
2. Horn is used to control dragons and use them against Danerys.
3. Everyone witnesses how invincible she is to fire.
4. Majority of Westeros/Kings Landing changes sides and bows to Khaleesi.
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I will be very sad if dany's big ass isn't on that throne. Idc how it happens but I want her and Jon to rule together and Tyrion be the hand or something. Everyone else can die for all I care. Well not Arya and Sandro either.
Dany is probably the worst character in the series. I still don't understand why she is a fan favorite.
So, of all the (living) Stark kids, is Sansa the only one that isn't magic somehow? Arya can change faces and stuff, Bran is a three eyed bird, John is the nephew of dragons. Hell, even Robb was killed by magic.

Sansa can only appeal to older men and kind of smirk disarmingly sometimes. Is she going to be revealed to be something more special-er as the show wraps up?
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So, of all the (living) Stark kids, is Sansa the only one that isn't magic somehow? Arya can change faces and stuff, Bran is a three eyed bird, John is the nephew of dragons. Hell, even Robb was killed by magic.

Sansa can only appeal to older men and kind of smirk disarmingly sometimes. Is she going to be revealed to be something more special-er as the show wraps up?
She can really take a D. Not sure how magical that is though.
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So, of all the (living) Stark kids, is Sansa the only one that isn't magic somehow? Arya can change faces and stuff, Bran is a three eyed bird, John is the nephew of dragons. Hell, even Robb was killed by magic.

Sansa can only appeal to older men and kind of smirk disarmingly sometimes. Is she going to be revealed to be something more special-er as the show wraps up?

She really doesn't add much to show other than to make the others look special. I don't recall Rob being killed by magic.

On another note... For as decent of a guy that Ned Stark was he knew that Jon was a heir to the throne and allowed him to take the black thus by law giving up all claims to the throne. I know that doesn't mean squat now but Ned didn't know how things would turn out.