De Sousa being held out at KU

Technically he only paid $30k. That was the problem as he didn’t pay the rest until a lot later. How many NCAA athletes are driving cars worth $30k-$50k? We going to investigate them all?
No college student was going to be extended that credit in that situation. It’s an impermissible benefit that resulted from him being a Duke basketball player.
It’s definitely a loop hole but it’s not a violation. Nike, Under Armor, Adidas all sponsor AAU teams. And there are not rules/caps or anything on how they can pay/support those programs.

The NCAA didn’t just ignore verything because it’s Duke, they ignored it because they don’t have any rules preventing it.

It’s absolutely shady and should be addressed but it’s not illegal or an NCAA violation.

It’s kind of amazing what’s going on in the FBI investigation because all this could have been avoided if the parents and shoe companies were just smarter about it and developed AAU programs to feed money to the families.

Marvin Bagley, just like Zion Williamson was bought and paid for and if you think Coach Eyechart and the rest of his merry band of Stooges were ignorant of that fact, then you are a buffoon. Duke has been paying players for years (Magette, Thomas) and the NCAA has, for some reason, turned a blind eye to the whole thing.
Marvin Bagley, just like Zion Williamson was bought and paid for and if you think Coach Eyechart and the rest of his merry band of Stooges were ignorant of that fact, then you are a buffoon. Duke has been paying players for years (Magette, Thomas) and the NCAA has, for some reason, turned a blind eye to the whole thing.

I mean if you’re going to say K paid Maggette then you gotta day Cal paid Camby right?
I know... I said up thread that Duke should have been punished for Maggette. My point is if you want to say K has been paying players and cheating based on Maggette you would say the same thing of Cal.
I can say that UMass got what they deserved whether Cal knew or not.
Duke should have gotten what they deserved whether K knew or not.
It’s that simple.
No need to scooby-doo this non-mystery.
I can say that UMass got what they deserved whether Cal knew or not.
Duke should have gotten what they deserved whether K knew or not.
It’s that simple.
No need to scooby-doo this non-mystery.

I agree, but the point of the post I responded to wasn’t that Duke should have got punished for Maggette, it was that K was a cheater because of Maggette.

But no one here will call Cal a cheater because of Camby.
I know... I said up thread that Duke should have been punished for Maggette. My point is if you want to say K has been paying players and cheating based on Maggette you would say the same thing of Cal.

Coach Rodent showed the entire nation exactly what type of person he is a few years ago when he admonished Oregon's Dylan Brooks in the handshake line, then lied thru his teeth about it, pretty much making Brooks out to be a liar in the process, then had to backtrack on it when the audio turned up. Coach Rodent is a phony and a liar, so yes, I'm going to say he is more than capable of cheating as well.
Coach Rodent showed the entire nation exactly what type of person he is a few years ago when he admonished Oregon's Dylan Brooks in the handshake line, then lied thru his teeth about it, pretty much making Brooks out to be a liar in the process, then had to backtrack on it when the audio turned up. Coach Rodent is a phony and a liar, so yes, I'm going to say he is more than capable of cheating as well.

Yea he’s definitely capable of cheating. No argument from me....
I agree, but the point of the post I responded to wasn’t that Duke should have got punished for Maggette, it was that K was a cheater because of Maggette.

But no one here will call Cal a cheater because of Camby.
It’s not important to me that K be called a cheater.
It’s equal enforcement.
I don’t give two shits about K but Duke skating on the same issues that others don’t.. and K retaining his shiny rep is what has people pissed off.

The holier than thou stuff reeks of the Pharisees...

And Duke/K should be handed their just punishment like others have.

That is all.
It’s not important to me that K be called a cheater.
It’s equal enforcement.
I don’t give two shits about K but Duke skating on the same issues that others don’t.. and K retaining his shiny rep is what has people pissed off.

The holier than thou stuff reeks of the Pharisees...

And Duke/K should be handed their just punishment like others have.

That is all.

i pretty much agree.
What buy a player to replace the one who you had to hold out because you got caught, only to get caught with the replacement.

KU is like a soap opera. Every year. You can set your watch to it. Players held out because of NCAA violations, rapes, fights, beating up ford escorts....the only thing they aren’t doing is killing people. I’m sure with their lackadaisical approach to battery against females it will happen soon enough.
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I can say that UMass got what they deserved whether Cal knew or not.
Duke should have gotten what they deserved whether K knew or not.
It’s that simple.
No need to scooby-doo this non-mystery.


They both played an ineligible player. And Duke did it again with Thomas.
I think he's referring to Marvin Bagley and his family, cash and a 1.2 million dollar house rent free.

Driving a $30K car you have a $400/month loan on and putting down $30K cash on jewelry when you are still a basketball player on a national championship team are two different things.

ESPECIALLY, without an actual "paying" job!!!!
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When it comes to the trial we have to remember that the jurors never heard or seen the KU assistant coach Townsend / Merl Code evidence. If that was allowed.......... then that creates all the doubt in the world about coaches knowing.. Kind of fishy it wasnt allowed now huh
I am assuming that Coach K will follow suit shortly. It would be a dereliction of his duty to not initiate an eligibility review for Zion given all the evidence that Zion was being shopped around and teams were willing to pay up. K must suspend Zion from competition pending the outcome of that review.
I assume K does nothing. Why would he?
I’m fine with facts. I admit Duke should have been punished for the Magette thing even though it was relatively minor. The other stuff there’s not much evidence to support actual violations.


"Former Duke Basketball player, Lance Thomas, is being sued by a New York company based on Thomas' alleged purchase of five pieces of jewelry at a cost of $97,800 while he was enrolled at Duke University. The New York company, Rafaello & Co., claims that it extended Thomas a line of credit for $67,800 so that Thomas would have the funds to purchase the five pieces of jewelry."

"Neither Thomas nor the jeweler spoke with the NCAA for its investigation. Keeley reports that it would have been an illegal benefit for Thomas to accept a loan based on projected future athletic earnings."



"Former Duke Basketball player, Lance Thomas, is being sued by a New York company based on Thomas' alleged purchase of five pieces of jewelry at a cost of $97,800 while he was enrolled at Duke University. The New York company, Rafaello & Co., claims that it extended Thomas a line of credit for $67,800 so that Thomas would have the funds to purchase the five pieces of jewelry."

"Neither Thomas nor the jeweler spoke with the NCAA for its investigation. Keeley reports that it would have been an illegal benefit for Thomas to accept a loan based on projected future athletic earnings."



So what was the NCAA violation?
I mean I just want to know what people think. Everyone says “loan based on future earning” which obviously isn’t true.
So was it based on his (then) current earnings? How much was Duke paying him his senior year?
I mean I just want to know what people think. Everyone says “loan based on future earning” which obviously isn’t true.
What exactly do you think the loan was based on? Do you think any other poor Duke college student could have gotten a $70k loan if he wasn’t looking at an nba career?
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I mean I just want to know what people think. Everyone says “loan based on future earning” which obviously isn’t true.
What it comes down to, for me at least, is how the NCAA treats Duke differently. They had enough evidence to penalize Duke and vacate games in which Lance Thomas participated after he recieved that loan.

The fact that the NCAA decided not to do anything because they couldn't get the parties to talk just shows how they willingly turn a bling eye when it comes to Duke. They didn't let the "nobody will talk with us" strategy work for Memphis and Derrick Rose. The public complaint filed by the jeweler is credible evidence. At least as credible as the ACT cancelling Rose's test score for a non-response to letters he never received. Both rendered the athletes ineligible, and strict liability requires that the games the players participated in be vacated.
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So was it based on his (then) current earnings? How much was Duke paying him his senior year?

Most likely based on the fact he had $30k down. I walked past a jewelry store today with big sign that said “no credit needed, 90 days to pay” The dude had 15 days to pay. Was the plan to get drafted and paid in December?
Most likely based on the fact he had $30k down. I walked past a jewelry store today with big sign that said “no credit needed, 90 days to pay” The dude had 15 days to pay. Was the plan to get drafted and paid in December?
How many times have you been approved for a $70k loan? There is no way anyone is extending that type of credit on the mere fact that someone puts $30k down. It doesn't work that way.
It's clear the Bagley family was payed money for him to play basketball and to steer him to a Nike school. This would make him a professional. See Enis Kanter. Paying kids to go to a school is not within the rules. See University of Louisville.

What sucks about that whole situation is he was paid money by the team he played for to use for education. It wasn't anything to do with the school he committed to. He even was going to pay it back, but I guess they deemed it to much (I believe it was $30k) and he became permanently ineligible from playing in the NCAA.

Along comes Margin Bagley, who supposedly received benefits that were allegedly from Nike and not the school he committed to and not a single question about his eligibility (I'm betting it amounted to a lot more than $30k). This doesn't even count the fishy circumstances of graduating from high school in 3 years while attending 3 different schools and being magically eligible to get into a prestigious academic university that a very good student probably couldn't do with the same circumstances.

You also have Duval who everyone said was going to have trouble qualifying and of course there is no problem getting into Duke. If I went to Duke and legitimately got in I would be pissed that this is allowed. Now jump ahead a year and there is another issue with a player's eligibility because of impermissible benefits. Coach K of course will deny, deny, and deny some more knowing full well that he has the NCAA in his back pocket and can do no wrong.

If I were an AD at a major NCAA university, I would be communicating to other universities about this lack of equal treatment and start looking into forming another governing body and leaving the NCAA and their corrupt favorite conference (ACC). It is ridiculous that everyone doesn't have to play by the same rules or the rules are allowed to be changed to prevent certain schools from being punished.
I know... I said up thread that Duke should have been punished for Maggette. My point is if you want to say K has been paying players and cheating based on Maggette you would say the same thing of Cal.
people do say it about cal.