De Sousa being held out at KU

I get the concept, but NCAA cleared him. If they retrospectively punish KU, they'll have to punish themselves.

Kinda like how courts punish themselves when their verdicts are overturned? Not trying to be smart but think about what your saying. The NCAA does no wrong in their eyes and theres no punishment needed when they find new evidence after the fact. You can downplay it all you want but if the NCAA decides to push the issue your f#cked and nothing you can do but RIP the banner and take what you got coming.
I get the concept, but NCAA cleared him. If they retrospectively punish KU, they'll have to punish themselves.

Kinda like how courts punish themselves when their verdicts are overturned? Not trying to be smart but think about what your saying. The NCAA does no wrong in their eyes and theres no punishment needed when they find new evidence after the fact. You can downplay it all you want but if the NCAA decides to push the issue your f#cked and nothing you can do but RIP the banner and take what you got coming.

Courts are independent of the process - they are not the defendant or plaintiff and were not a party to the actions that gave rise to the dispute between the two. The NCAA participates in the process by clearing the player.
Courts are independent of the process - they are not the defendant or plaintiff and were not a party to the actions that gave rise to the dispute between the two. The NCAA participates in the process by clearing the player.

Courts have nothing to do with KU bending over and taking it finally. I was only comparing your flawed logic to another governing body. If you can give me a example where the NCAA punished themselves I'd love to hear it. Maybe they'll have 1 less margarita on the following Friday? That'll teach em
During the season they informed Memphis that they were investigating his SAT scores and recommended he be held out, but was played anyway.

Not exactly how that went down.

“Dee cited the principle of ‘strict liability.’ He likened the Rose case to a school learning later that a player had accepted money or, in essence, turned pro while playing on the college level. In either case, the school must vacate games in which the player participated.”

That Dee is Paul Dee, Chairman of the Infractions Committee, commenting after Memphis had 38 wins vacated. See anything familiar?
If testimonies were ironclad then I wouldnt of won my workman's comp case... they lied pretty bad against me but the written evidence was in my favor and guess what.... I won my case
Courts have nothing to do with KU bending over and taking it finally. I was only comparing your flawed logic to another governing body. If you can give me a example where the NCAA punished themselves I'd love to hear it. Maybe they'll have 1 less margarita on the following Friday? That'll teach em

It is not flawed logic. I never said the NCAA would punish themselves. I'm saying they won't retroactively punish KU, since they were also victims of the Maryland booster's payment deception.
Not exactly how that went down.

“Dee cited the principle of ‘strict liability.’ He likened the Rose case to a school learning later that a player had accepted money or, in essence, turned pro while playing on the college level. In either case, the school must vacate games in which the player participated.”

That Dee is Paul Dee, Chairman of the Infractions Committee, commenting after Memphis had 38 wins vacated. See anything familiar?

We all know the NCAA is inconsistent in how it applies the rules. The facts in Rose's case are unique to that case and the De Sousa situation is unique to De Sousa. Also there are two more trials pending and the NCAA knows this is a pervasive issue.

Also, the NCAA warned Memphis during the season. If he was pulled at that time, those games wouldn't have been vacated under that strict liability statement.
It is not flawed logic. I never said the NCAA would punish themselves. I'm saying they won't retroactively punish KU, since they were also victims of the Maryland booster's payment deception.

How much did KU make from that FF last year? How much did KU cost Dukies last year. Just the fact you cheated K out of a FF means your screwed. You made to much money off your FF and screwed K to much to get to play the victim card to the NCAA.
We all know the NCAA is inconsistent in how it applies the rules. The facts in Rose's case are unique to that case and the De Sousa situation is unique to De Sousa. Also there are two more trials pending and the NCAA knows this is a pervasive issue.

Also, the NCAA warned Memphis during the season. If he was pulled at that time, those games wouldn't have been vacated under that strict liability statement.
Enjoy your little-remaining time in the sun.
Piper is coming and you’ll have nothing left but to swallow.
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We all know the NCAA is inconsistent in how it applies the rules. The facts in Rose's case are unique to that case and the De Sousa situation is unique to De Sousa. Also there are two more trials pending and the NCAA knows this is a pervasive issue.

You either don’t understand English or are strictly a troll. When the punishment for Memphis was handed down, the head of the infractions committee literally compared it to your best case scenario for De Sousa.

That being that he took the money but you guys didn’t know about it (ha).

For the record, the NCAA wasn’t investigating Rose during the season. They cleared him, and he played. The testing service tried to contact Rose before the tournament started. Rose claims he never got the notice. Don’t know if he is being truthful, obviously. But the NCAA never stepped in until a month after the season ended.

At any rate, your only hope at this point is an inconsistent application of the rules. Because you guys are in trouble by the existing rules, even if anyone actually believes that your staff didn’t know what was going on.
Kansas wasn't involved in that. He may be ineligible this season because of that - that's new information to KU and Self - but they aren't going to vacate anything last year. I may be wrong, that's just my opinion.

I dont know if they'll vacate. if I had to put a wager I'd say you guys dont have to..... But I'm pretty sure SDS is gonna miss the season. You guys are loaded enough without him. Im personally rooting for this all to be a huge distraction.... to make it easier for UK... I'm sure you understand but you guys still have 4 bigs that are really good.
Right, but Memphis was warned. NCAA cleared De Sousa and was duped just like KU. I also don't know how they could have vacated Memphis's wins, since the investigation was dropped after Rose graduated and would not cooperate with the NCAA.

But, wasn't there also warning red-flags with the "recruitment" of SDS going on at the SAME time as Preston's investigation? "DIRT-OUT/ DIRT-IN" [pfftt]
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You either don’t understand English or are strictly a troll. When the punishment for Memphis was handed down, the head of the infractions committee literally compared it to your best case scenario for De Sousa.

That being that he took the money but you guys didn’t know about it (ha).

For the record, the NCAA wasn’t investigating Rose during the season. They cleared him, and he played. The testing service tried to contact Rose before the tournament started. Rose claims he never got the notice. Don’t know if he is being truthful, obviously. But the NCAA never stepped in until a month after the season ended.

At any rate, your only hope at this point is an inconsistent application of the rules. Because you guys are in trouble by the existing rules, even if anyone actually believes that your staff didn’t know what was going on.

I know you like to play the troll card, but I can read just fine. If the Kansas thread on the trial wasn't so large, I would go dig up the posts and paste them here which outline the notification coming before the end of the season (believe there are also links to articles that support that there too). I can stipulate to your position, but my opinion are the cases are different, the NCAA's interpretation and execution of the rules is inconsistent, and my opinion is that KU won't vacate any games.
I dont know if they'll vacate. if I had to put a wager I'd say you guys dont have to..... But I'm pretty sure SDS is gonna miss the season. You guys are loaded enough without him. Im personally rooting for this all to be a huge distraction.... to make it easier for UK... I'm sure you understand but you guys still have 4 bigs that are really good.

If I were a gambling man, I wouldn't bet on De Sousa playing this season.
Wrong. They do not. Go read Self's press release transcripts.

They could take the Rug Doctor to jail in handcuffs and you would swear he was just visiting a friend. Hears something for you to think about. There will be more coming out soon on your coaches involvement to get players to come to kansass. The ball is already rolling.

Kansass is Doook/UNCheat***without the protection. Hope you come back with more of your senseless ostrich head burying BS. You still haven't been right yet; and there's no way anyone could be so naive without trying.
Kansas wasn't involved in that. He may be ineligible this season because of that - that's new information to KU and Self - but they aren't going to vacate anything last year. I may be wrong, that's just my opinion.
Well guess what your opinion is wrong dumb ass ! You can try your best to explain how the Rug Doctor and the JailHawks are not dirty, but the fact of the matter is they are !!
how many players does KU have to hold out each year to be "vetted" by the NCAA before they can play. Like half of their recruits. Why, because they are recruiting shady kids and shady kids go to shady schools. Where there is smoke there is fire. I maybe wrong, but only Noel came to UK with "questionable" vetting that still needed to be figured out regarding eligibility
I know you like to play the troll card, but I can read just fine. If the Kansas thread on the trial wasn't so large, I would go dig up the posts and paste them here which outline the notification coming before the end of the season (believe there are also links to articles that support that there too). I can stipulate to your position, but my opinion are the cases are different, the NCAA's interpretation and execution of the rules is inconsistent, and my opinion is that KU won't vacate any games.

I only play the troll card with trolls. I’m not disputing that the NCAA is inconsistent, and I have no clue whether you will or won’t vacate games.

But I know that you should. And I know that you will never “stipulate” to anything other than KU being innocent and skating. That’s what makes you a troll. If you would ever entertain the notion that you might be guilty, I might take you seriously.

I’m as big a UK fan as you’ll ever find, but I would never act like we’ve never cheated. And if presented with evidence of current cheating, I would face it head on.

What you do, although humorous at times, is ultimately very tiring. I consider it trolling. Maybe you have another name for it.
His guardian took money to influence him to play at Maryland from a Maryland booster. Your post is factually incorrect.
The NCAA changed the rule after Cam Newton. If someone representing a recruit accepts money even if the recruit did not know they are still ruled ineligible. So all games DeSousa played in last year he was ineligible and Kansas will end up having to forfeit those games. Remember Louisville.
The NCAA changed the rule after Cam Newton. If someone representing a recruit accepts money even if the recruit did not know they are still ruled ineligible. So all games DeSousa played in last year he was ineligible and Kansas will end up having to forfeit those games. Remember Louisville.

This is a very real possibility. I've stated as much before. I just don't think it will happen.