
Entire house has fever and croup cough. Pleasant bunch, we are.

Touch winter. I'm moving in @Willy4UK.

Sweet Idi Amin avatar. Perhaps I'll do Edie Gourmet?
Damn. Beat me to it. I saw that avatar and was wracking my brain trying to remember who it was. I watched an old movie about an airplane hijacking that landed in his country once. Good movie.
The way that whole thing evolved that day was amazing. One tweet to Toronto animal control to pick it up, and it became a viral memorial to roadkill. By the end of the night the little dead feller had a registry book with signatures of those who came to visit, several candles lit around him, a cigarette in his hand, a rose in the other, but the finishing touch, was that damned framed picture by his head.

Dude, that is awesome. Man, I wish more of that kinda stuff would happen more often

Kooky, you can always move your family into my 1 bed 1 bath 684 sq ft apartment. Has a balcony
Don are you a Randolph Scott fan? One of his obscure movies, The Walking Hills, was on the other day. Worth it for no other reason than Ella Raines.

Don are you a Randolph Scott fan? One of his obscure movies, The Walking Hills, was on the other day. Worth it for no other reason than Ella Raines.

I saw some of that. That was not a Western in the true sense of the word. But yeah, I am a Randolph Scott fan. he also produced some of his movies. He was a Georgia Tech grad. He made a ton of Westerns. Yeah, she was beautiful. She could have been a movie star.
Randolph Scott and Cary Grant used to be single and roommates/ It was rumored that they were gay guys, but I don't think they were. I once knew an attorney named Scott Randolph. I like to notice the co-stars and figure out what other movies they were in, i.e. Martin Balsam was the detective in the original Psycho.
I don't know how not act like a complete creep when I'm dropping off or picking up a prescription for Lortab. Trying not to look shady makes me feel like I'm being shadier than an actual drug dealer ...

Funky, my man, you are doing it all wrong. Pull up to the drive thru pharmacy window real slow and ring the little bell like 20 times real fast. Then stare off into the horizon. After about the 4th time the pharmacist asks if they can help you the slowly turn your head towarfd them...keep the blank stare though...wait a few seconds for full dramatic pause...and then say "Huh?".

When you do finally in a low voice and really really slow. The slower the better. And keep squinting and batting your eye lids slow like you are fighting hard not to fall asleep.

Then when they give you your scripts keep the minivan in "park" and rev the engine like you are in the Daytona 500.

Have fun.
[roll]So I see you've gone from 20+ to 14 to 12 to 9 points.

Wheres all that bravado and confidence in your original prediction now? Make up your mind, Speers! basically just proved mine and LEK'S point in the first place...UK had more room for improvement over the time span.

And no worries. I get people mixed up here all the time too. Especially the Gang of 55.

I was almost in the Gang of 55. I owned a 55 Pontiac Starchief and took the name starchief55. I lost it somehow and couldn't get it back. Ended up just starchief5.
I dropped it off inside and the girl asked (it doesn't help that every female pharmacy tech/student is a smokeshow. She asks when I needed it, and I was truly in a hurry ...

"As soon as possible"
*nervous laugh*
"I have some shopping to do, so I can wait."

Do shopping, remember I have to get gas ...

Get gas and decide to go wait in the drive up until it's ready. Of course I pull up like one half of a second after it's ready and get the text as I'm asking the SAME GIRL who is now working the window ... I couldn't have looked more eager to get tooth pain medicine if I was actually a meth head ...