
Brady, I picked this one up over in Old Town in Kissimmee. Same exact identical shirt.

I was 7 years old and the first time I cried in a movie theater.
I was about that age the first time I watched it. Would have been about 91 or 92 when I saw it. Cold War had just ended, and I was just old enough to understand USA good, Ruskies bad. That movie had me convinced that Russia was making an army of Super Boxers, and we needed to G.I. Joe a bitch.
When I was a little boy (7/8) we were digging foxholes in a huge sawdust pile. As I was digging with my implement another child hit we in the head with a pick. It tore my scalp and blood just gushed. I ran home and stayed in the yard while someone got my momma. We had a new house and I knew that I shouldn't bleed all over the new place. Had to go to the hospital and get sewed up. The worst part of the whole deal was getting the area shaved. Ordeal.

I always just assumed that you (and the rest of the D) were dropped on your head as an infant. Same as I was. Didn't figure on the axe pick to the skull syndrome. Makes you unique in that regard. Good for you.
well I think I made one post about the 20+ and that was after the Oklahoma game when both Kansas and Oklahoma looked like they could beat the Pistons. Kansas was playing great ball and had just beaten the #2 team. UK had been playing awful. Plus I was inebriated. At that point I would've taken Kansas by 20.

Since then UK has played two very good games back to back and Kansas has lost a couple times. If the spread was anything less than 8 for Kansas right now, I'd take them. Still say UK has about a 10% chance at best to win, but if Kansas plays like they did against Oklahoma, then they'll win by 15+. UK just isn't at that level yet.

[laughing]That, my wildcat friends, is a classic case of "backtracking" with a healthy dose of "covering all the bases" on the side. [laughing]

So, if i understand you correctly…Kansas might win by 20+ if they are playing great and UK is playing poorly. But they will probably beat UK by at least 8. But UK still has a 10% chance of winning, mind you. But if Kansas plays like they did a couple of weeks ago then they will win by 15. OK. Got it.

Why can't you just admit that LEK and I made a good prediction two weeks ago when we said that UK would improve more than Kansas would (because they had much more room for improvement) over the next two weeks and that UK might get beat in Lawrence but wouldn't get blown out?

It's OK Speers. They all already know. It's just a matter of you accepting the truth.


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When Spears said he didn't care about what anybody on the internet/Cats Illustrated thinks about him Diet Mountain Dew almost came out my nose from the laughing convulsion. I had forgot bout it. Then his last post reminded me.

You really believe that or are you bullshittin?

That one got me...
The way that whole thing evolved that day was amazing. One tweet to Toronto animal control to pick it up, and it became a viral memorial to roadkill. By the end of the night the little dead feller had a registry book with signatures of those who came to visit, several candles lit around him, a cigarette in his hand, a rose in the other, but the finishing touch, was that damned framed picture by his head.
The way that whole thing evolved that day was amazing. One tweet to Toronto animal control to pick it up, and it became a viral memorial to roadkill. By the end of the night the little dead feller had a registry book with signatures of those who came to visit, several candles lit around him, a cigarette in his hand, a rose in the other, but the finishing touch, was that damned framed picture by his head.
The framed pic is the clincher.
Just randomly request for a beej. See what happens next...

Don't even request. In mid-bitching/nagging, just whip it out. You got one of three options:

A sudden freeze with a "what the hell" look.

Random spontaneous sex.

Uncontrollable laughter followed by her walking away.

Either way, she will STFU, so you win. Just depends to what degree.
Don't even request. In mid-bitching/nagging, just whip it out. You got one of three options:

A sudden freeze with a "what the hell" look.

Random spontaneous sex.

Uncontrollable laughter followed by her walking away.

Either way, she will STFU, so you win. Just depends to what degree.

I started laughing at this response. And then mid-laugh i suddenly realized…that's actually really good advice. Ima use it myself.

Thanks, herod.
Don't even request. In mid-bitching/nagging, just whip it out. You got one of three options:

A sudden freeze with a "what the hell" look.

Random spontaneous sex.

Uncontrollable laughter followed by her walking away.

Either way, she will STFU, so you win. Just depends to what degree.
This is genius. I keep re-reading it and it is perfect. Mind you that this technique should not be used in front of the kids... But genius indeed.
This is genius. I keep re-reading it and it is perfect. Mind you that this technique should not be used in front of the kids... But genius indeed.
Didn't have kids to worry about when I did it. Most nagging/bitching sessions happened when I would spend the night at her place. First time I did it, I got reaction 1, followed by 2. Later, it became a toss up between 2 and 3.
Evening guys and gals. Just got in from a long day of traveling all over central & southern Ky. Long ass day. Got to do it again tomorrow, but Thursday & Friday should be office days.

Hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to "check in" for a bit. Trying to become at least a semi permanent contributor to the League, if you guys want me that is. :)

I enjoy most everyone on here, and like to read everyone's posts. (Really would like to meet Willy and Funky sometime; those two are a hoot!)

I've met, and become friends with 3-4 that post on here over the years.

Got a load of laundry in the dryer; waiting for it to finish so I can hang the shirts, pants, etc.

Early day tomorrow, so hoping to hit the sack soon.

Oh btw, met a client rep today who was INCREDIBLE, I mean INCREDIBLE. She was @ my age, 50ish, (so some of you wouldn't be interested, lol), but she was beautiful. "Barbie" figure, beautiful in every way. She's the type that when she enters a room, every man stares, period. I had a difficult time paying attention to what she was saying to me. If she wasn't a client I would have asked her out, even though she may have turned me down, lol, I would at least have had to try!

Later League. WW.