
Have I ever told y'all the story that if I had started teaching when I should've, I'd have one more year after this year.

Back at it tomorrow I reckon. Wonder if I can work Andy Griffith/old movies into the content. I do show Barney trying to recite the Declaration of Independence every year.

Cats and Missouri later. Not expecting much except a W.
Hell to the Fn no. I'd take it as a compliment if anyone ever said it about it. Actually hope they have.
Just making sure. Not only do I not have a problem with what he said, I tend to agree with it. Like when that Auburn player kept doing that checking his watch taunt against UK, I wanted to throw a haymaker at him. Epps has a lot of that in her. As an opposing player, nothing would please me more than to see someone like that get a nice elbow to the chin.
Just went off on a family member. Haven't heard from them since Dad passed, and they pulled that Old Regular Baptist bullshit of saying I won't see him anymore. Told them if that's all they called to talk to me about, they could get ****ed. Finally got so mad I just hung up the phone on them. Actually feel better. That shit is poor taste, IMO.
Its odd. When I was in my 20's, I used to meditate a lot. I came to a sense of peace within my ownself and dying. I can to grips that I was going to die, and the best way to handle this was to face and accept, to use death as an ally.

Now that I have children, I have so many more attachments that I had never had. I struggle with this. I am suddenly scared of dying. Not for my own legacy (or at least thats what in my head), but for my children's sake. I know that it beyond my control, and give this to God, but I find myself fearful of death and not letting go. I want my children to succeed. I want them to be antonymous.

I dont know where this will lead, but just a thought in my head.
I can relate. When I was younger I didn't fear death, I actually embraced the concept. I knew I would be successful by the worlds standards because I was too connected and intelligent not to be, but I didn't know if the fruit of achievement was enough to offset the nuaisance and effort it takes to get there.

I honestly didn't find much pleasure in what was considered pleasurable. It was the acknowledgement that all we aspire to do, or everywhere we aspire to go, is done with established time limits and then they are done. Or everything we aspire to have had mechanical limits or its usefulness to us had an expiration date. My mind was a constant conundrum.

After having children I found that death didn't scare me, it was untimely death that did. There are things I wanted to see play out. I want to be here in case I'm needed. It gave achievement a new purpose. I want to be a security blanket of sorts and ensure my children that though they may fall at times in life, I would be there to limit how far that fall can be. I guess it's called perspective.

I was always inquisitive and an over thinker. I did turn things over to God and I think that family simplified lifes vision and that made the whole life thing make sense.
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Its odd. When I was in my 20's, I used to meditate a lot. I came to a sense of peace within my ownself and dying. I can to grips that I was going to die, and the best way to handle this was to face and accept, to use death as an ally.

Now that I have children, I have so many more attachments that I had never had. I struggle with this. I am suddenly scared of dying. Not for my own legacy (or at least thats what in my head), but for my children's sake. I know that it beyond my control, and give this to God, but I find myself fearful of death and not letting go. I want my children to succeed. I want them to be antonymous.

I dont know where this will lead, but just a thought in my head.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this kind of stuff. I'm just not sure about death and dying anymore. Won't know until it happens.
So, am I in the minority that doesn't have a problem with what the UT radio guy said about Makayla Epps on the air? He said she was the type of player that if she plays for you, you love her, but if she doesn't, you want to put your fist in her face. I just don't have a problem with that. In context, he was talking about her getting cocky on the court and bobbing her head after scoring and such. Even I will admit, watching the girls play, she has a certain attitude that I understand opposing fans not liking.

Besides, how many players have we said the exact same thing about? Marshall Henderson, pick a Plumlee, Tyler Hansborough, pick a Louisville player, Laettner, Reddick. Hell, if Matt Jones has said the same thing about any of those players, the fan base would rally behind him for speaking the truth.
This describes everyone good that's been on the opposing team. It's how it should be. On a larger level, UK is that way.
I feel a bit down tonight. I am now beginning to come to grips with the fact that when Flip Wilson died he was a greedy person. He took Geraldine Jones and her boy friend "Killer' with him. The selfish asshole also took the Reverend Leroy Jones with him too. I am sure there are others but I'm too upset to deal with them, just now.
Around half time, I started getting error messages from rivals. I started thinking the thread has died.

That was a fun game to watch. I feel better about our chances Saturday, but at Kansas. It is a tough place to get a win. It should really show us where the team is.

Things seem like they are starting to click for the team, with the exception of Poy & Lee. Those two seem to be the same as they were 3 yrs ago.

I kept having trouble during, and shortly after the game. For some reason I envision this was happening somewhere at Rivals headquarters.