
Damn. Beat me to it. I saw that avatar and was wracking my brain trying to remember who it was. I watched an old movie about an airplane hijacking that landed in his country once. Good movie.

Raid on Entebbe

True story and hell of an operation by Israeli commandos. Benjamin Natanyahu's brother was the first commando to board the plane and I think the only one to die.
Not to make the D political, but I have missed 2 chances to go see candidates this week.

  • Sunday, Hillary Clinton was at my daughter's elementary school (0.5 mi). Missed because my daughter was sick & I was working on the garbage disposal.
  • Had tix to see Trump at the gym down the street from my office last night, but daughter was still sick & wife had to work late.
  • IDGAF about either really, but there is a good chance that one of them will be the next pres, so from that angle it would have been cool. I like seeing all the security stuff that goes on.
Not to make the D political, but I have missed 2 chances to go see candidates this week.

  • Sunday, Hillary Clinton was at my daughter's elementary school (0.5 mi). Missed because my daughter was sick & I was working on the garbage disposal.
  • Had tix to see Trump at the gym down the street from my office last night, but daughter was still sick & wife had to work late.
  • IDGAF about either really, but there is a good chance that one of them will be the next pres, so from that angle it would have been cool. I like seeing all the security stuff that goes on.

I wonder if they sell beer at those debates. Prolly $13 for a 24-oz can of Bud.
I wonder if they sell beer at those debates. Prolly $13 for a 24-oz can of Bud.
That's baseball stadium prices. I'll be it'd be more.

Also, this has me thinking that instead of debates, there should be a contest like the MTV real world thing where all the candidates have to live in the same house for a month or 2. It would all be filmed and the house would be stocked with all kinds of booze & drugs.
That's baseball stadium prices. I'll be it'd be more.

Also, this has me thinking that instead of debates, there should be a contest like the MTV real world thing where all the candidates have to live in the same house for a month or 2. It would all be filmed and the house would be stocked with all kinds of booze & drugs.

Dude, I'd watch that. I'd just be skeptical that it wasn't scripted.......The irony......
All this talk about Hillary and Trump, what the hell happened to Ike? He was running against Adlai or some one when I went to sleep.

I'm sorry to report that Ike died in 1969, a scant 25 years after his Crusade in Europe. His replacement was a good enough fellow by the name of Kennedy, but he was shot to death in Dallas, TX by his own kinsmen.
I'm sorry to report that Ike died in 1969, a scant 25 years after his Crusade in Europe. His replacement was a good enough fellow by the name of Kennedy, but he was shot to death in Dallas, TX by his own kinsmen.

His replacement invented the Tonkin Gulf and escalated the Vietnam War and made Lady bird's Land and sea company millions or billions? I think I dreamed that during my nap.
Its odd. When I was in my 20's, I used to meditate a lot. I came to a sense of peace within my ownself and dying. I can to grips that I was going to die, and the best way to handle this was to face and accept, to use death as an ally.

Now that I have children, I have so many more attachments that I had never had. I struggle with this. I am suddenly scared of dying. Not for my own legacy (or at least thats what in my head), but for my children's sake. I know that it beyond my control, and give this to God, but I find myself fearful of death and not letting go. I want my children to succeed. I want them to be antonymous.

I dont know where this will lead, but just a thought in my head.
Keeping a 2-beer limit tonight.

Me too.

Science Break:

The nearly full moon has been rising in the east around dusk. Tonight the moon will not be alone. It will rise with the planet Jupiter just a short distance above it.

Over the next few weeks, Jupiter will rise a few minutes earlier each night, until it reaches opposition on March 8, meaning it will be directly opposite the sun in the sky, and visible the whole night. The moon, meanwhile, will rise about 50 minutes later each night due to its orbit around the Earth. Tonight, it rises around 9:30 p.m. your local time, possibly slightly earlier or later depending on your location.

The planet can be enjoyed by anyone, whether or not they have optical assistance. With the naked eye, Jupiter is just a point of light, but it shines as brightly as the headlight on a locomotive. If you look carefully in binoculars, you can spot the tiny dots of Jupiter's brightest moons alongside the planet; it helps if you steady the binoculars on a tripod.
In a telescope, Jupiter really comes into its own. The planet's four brightest moons change positions, hour by hour and night by night, but almost always in a straight line east and west of the gas giant.
My pastor called Nikes by their English phonetic spelling (i.e. not NYE-KEES) one time during a sermon. It was hard to listen to him the rest of the time wondering how a grown educated man made it to his mid 40s not knowing how to pronounce that name.
My pastor called Nikes by their English phonetic spelling (i.e. not NYE-KEES) one time during a sermon. It was hard to listen to him the rest of the time wondering how a grown educated man made it to his mid 40s not knowing how to pronounce that name.
My grandmother did this too. Every year for my birthday when I was a kid, she got me a pair of Nike shoes. She always pronounced it wrong, and I never told her any better. Always kinda tickled me to hear it.
So, am I in the minority that doesn't have a problem with what the UT radio guy said about Makayla Epps on the air? He said she was the type of player that if she plays for you, you love her, but if she doesn't, you want to put your fist in her face. I just don't have a problem with that. In context, he was talking about her getting cocky on the court and bobbing her head after scoring and such. Even I will admit, watching the girls play, she has a certain attitude that I understand opposing fans not liking.

Besides, how many players have we said the exact same thing about? Marshall Henderson, pick a Plumlee, Tyler Hansborough, pick a Louisville player, Laettner, Reddick. Hell, if Matt Jones has said the same thing about any of those players, the fan base would rally behind him for speaking the truth.
If the mid-bitch wang whip results in any form of physical sensory pleasure then the answer is no.
It doesn't always result in that, but it is very effective in putting a stoppage to said bitching. I broke it down last night. It's pretty much the a-bomb of anti-bitching weapons. She really has nowhere to go when you drop a mushroom tip in the middle of her attack.