
Well. At the damn ER with kid. Leg injury, may need surgery. He's 4. :oops:
-Good luck. Nothing worse than seeing your kid hurting. My son broke his arm once and seeing the little guy hurting was tough...would have traded places with him in a heartbeat.

-Also Travolta is awful and I'm glad someone else recognized him for being the awful actor he is. He and Nicholas Cage amaze, and inspire, me. They are high school drama class bad, yet considered accomplished and good at their craft. That amazes me. I will have that same sense of amazement, and inspiration for life's possibilities, when Skal inks his rookie contract...and he will.
  • LEK - hope the kid is ok. Your wife is a CRNA, right?
  • Haha Jason nutlezs dogs. The description of them coming out of the anesthesia reminds me of when my daughter had an MRI at age 3. She woke up drunk after it. Crawling, trying to walk, stagger around. Sharp-hard objects everywhere.
  • Duke lost. Kansas lost. Cool, but I just want to see UK win.
  • Light snow tonight. It will all be plowed overnight.
  • LEK - hope the kid is ok. Your wife is a CRNA, right?
  • Haha Jason nutlezs dogs. The description of them coming out of the anesthesia reminds me of when my daughter had an MRI at age 3. She woke up drunk after it. Crawling, trying to walk, stagger around. Sharp-hard objects everywhere.
  • Duke lost. Kansas lost. Cool, but I just want to see UK win.
  • Light snow tonight. It will all be plowed overnight.
Yea, she is.

-well got out about 1:30 ish. Tired. Have to go to a specialist, but he's in a cast. He's just crying in pain. It's killing me.
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has some weird dreams last night:

1. Dreamed our oldest dog ripped his ear open again and was bleeding all over the place and we were on vacation and it was 3am. Freaking out because we didn't know where an open vet clinic was. Thought he was gonna bleed to death. *I'm sure the was brought on due to slight concerns about him ripping his stitches from ball removal yesterday and the fact that he's already had his ear ripped open and bled all over the place once before.

2. Dreamed I cost UK a game in the NCAAT. Strangely there was only a couple thousand people at this game and I was center court about 8 rows up. They were playing some team wearing red but it wasn't UL. There was a bunch of whites on the other team so that basically means Wisconsin or Nebraska. Anyway, it was back and forth at the end and UK took a 3 point lead on a layup with like 10 seconds left. The other team comes down and immediately makes a layup to cut it to 1. Then UK inbounds with just a couple seconds left and the other team fouls Murray at midcourt as time runs out and the horn sounds but the ref blows the whistle and I stand up and yell "GOOD LATE WHISTLE ASSHOLE!!!!" and this douchebag ref looks up at me in the stands, my heart sinks because I know what's coming, and calls a technical on me. A fan. In the stands. Murray misses his FTs with no time on the clock, Red team makes their tech FTs, game over. UK loses by 1 and it's all my fault.

I woke up depressed :(

Well ... us blue hairs would never have done something like that.
IF there is a bright side to this tho...if he's the typical little boy, that cast WILL be used as a weapon. My kid brother had to get recast twice using his broken arm as a baseball bat
#2 had 2 broken arms at the same time. He broke one playing football with his cousins. Got it set and casted. Then he thought it would be cool to walk on the parallel bars with a broken arm. Broke the other one.

Man, I'm not gonna lie. I get you and Kooky mixed up all the time.

Kansas by at least 9 Saturday.

[roll]So I see you've gone from 20+ to 14 to 12 to 9 points.

Wheres all that bravado and confidence in your original prediction now? Make up your mind, Speers! basically just proved mine and LEK'S point in the first place...UK had more room for improvement over the time span.

And no worries. I get people mixed up here all the time too. Especially the Gang of 55.