
Miami up 11 on Duke 55-44. Back to 7.
Started watching, lead was 14, immediately cut it to 5. Back to 9.
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feel like I should hire you as en emergency counselor for when it's needed one day.

Wife: Who's this Kooky fella?
Me: Oh just this guy I know from the internet.
Wife: How long have you known him?
Me: A while. We've never met. He just types posts on this message board that make pretty good sense.

Damnit, Speers! Pay attention, son! How do I know you aren't paying full attention? Because I'm not Kooky!!! I'm Kaizer…aka KS…aka El Kaizer Presidente Supremo!!!

Close that porn window on your monitor, get your hand off your pecker, and listen up!!! I need your full attention here. Because if i only have half of your attention then that's exactly what you will wind up with…HALF!!! And she'll get the other half. And "half" means she will get the house and kid and you will get to pay the bills along with alimony & child support. Only time you will see that house is to fix something that's broke or to pick up your kid every other weekend.

Damn, son. You probably won't even get to keep the mutts. You might get to take them to the park to play fetch once a month if you're lucky. But you're in the south. I mean it is uppity, high class, country music capital of the world Nashville…but it's still the south. Get the wrong judge and look at him crossways and he'll make you split the mutts in two…literally!!! And you'll get the half with the tail no doubt.


BTW…all of this advice is FOC of course. For now. But hiring me as an emergency counselor when the ish hits the fan is going to cost you. Big time. So pay attention now…or pay me later, young grasshopper.
Damnit, Speers! Pay attention, son! How do I know you aren't paying full attention? Because I'm not Kooky!!! I'm Kaizer…aka KS…aka El Kaizer Presidente Supremo!!!

Close that porn window on your monitor, get your hand off your pecker, and listen up!!! I need your full attention here. Because if i only have half of your attention then that's exactly what you will wind up with…HALF!!! And she'll get the other half. And "half" means she will get the house and kid and you will get to pay the bills along with alimony & child support. Only time you will see that house is to fix something that's broke or to pick up your kid every other weekend.

Damn, son. You probably won't even get to keep the mutts. You might get to take them to the park to play fetch once a month if you're lucky. But you're in the south. I mean it is uppity, high class, country music capital of the world Nashville…but it's still the south. Get the wrong judge and look at him crossways and he'll make you split the mutts in two…literally!!! And you'll get the half with the tail no doubt.


BTW…all of this advice is FOC of course. For now. But hiring me as an emergency counselor when the ish hits the fan is going to cost you. Big time. So pay attention now…or pay me later, young grasshopper.
You tell him Kooky
Duke just isn't that good of a team. They live and die with the 3. If they aren't hitting from the arc then they look really bad. And even though our weak ass bigs made Plumlee IV look like Wilt the Stilt…he is not very skilled. He is probably the least skilled Plumlee of all the long line of Duke Plumlees. He might even be adopted.
LOL, we it sure seems like it.

They just started on side/back roads last night I believe. We have some serious roads that are in bad terrain/river areas. We got confirmed 13 inches.
Pile county already called off for tomorrow, and I would say Wednesday ain't looking too good either. My uncle and I used his four wheeler to plow the road from where I live to the main road today. It's a county road, but our magistrate sucks ass unless it has to do with the Phelps area. Still got side roads covered in ice/snow. Gonna take a few days to melt that out of here.
Pile county already called off for tomorrow, and I would say Wednesday ain't looking too good either. My uncle and I used his four wheeler to plow the road from where I live to the main road today. It's a county road, but our magistrate sucks ass unless it has to do with the Phelps area. Still got side roads covered in ice/snow. Gonna take a few days to melt that out of here.
How much? #NoHomo
Seriously? WTF? You got one guy on a 4 wheeler plowing snow for the entire county down there in sticks or what?

How much snow did you get?
Yeah, we kinda do. State road department has the main roads clear, but all county roads in my district have been virtually untouched. See previous post about magistrate sucking ass. Got about 12 inches here, but it melted down to about 8 today.
Damnit, Speers! Pay attention, son! How do I know you aren't paying full attention? Because I'm not Kooky!!! I'm Kaizer…aka KS…aka El Kaizer Presidente Supremo!!!

Close that porn window on your monitor, get your hand off your pecker, and listen up!!! I need your full attention here. Because if i only have half of your attention then that's exactly what you will wind up with…HALF!!! And she'll get the other half. And "half" means she will get the house and kid and you will get to pay the bills along with alimony & child support. Only time you will see that house is to fix something that's broke or to pick up your kid every other weekend.

Damn, son. You probably won't even get to keep the mutts. You might get to take them to the park to play fetch once a month if you're lucky. But you're in the south. I mean it is uppity, high class, country music capital of the world Nashville…but it's still the south. Get the wrong judge and look at him crossways and he'll make you split the mutts in two…literally!!! And you'll get the half with the tail no doubt.


BTW…all of this advice is FOC of course. For now. But hiring me as an emergency counselor when the ish hits the fan is going to cost you. Big time. So pay attention now…or pay me later, young grasshopper.
You sayin Speers is looking at porn, yanking his wiener and thinking of me?!?

I hope you know, this means war.
Seinfeld? Sir I'll have you know that -- owing to my avocation as a Hatcher titty aficionado -- I coined the phrasing in that post, thank you very much.
Lois Lane Hatcher titties were on point. As a boy coming of age during the run of that show, superman wasn't the only man of steel. But, it also got me thinking about this conversation:
Side note:In my head, the "Easter bunny" is Mav parading around the mall in the pink bunny suit.
LOL, we it sure seems like it.

They just started on side/back roads last night I believe. We have some serious roads that are in bad terrain/river areas. We got confirmed 13 inches.
This is ridiculous. They should get the students on BigWheels to plow that shit. We get 30mf" and we don't miss a beat in ONE DAY.

The cost of having teachers sitting around for a week should equal the cost of 2 plow trucks and some salt...

No offense.
This is ridiculous. They should get the students on BigWheels to plow that shit. We get 30mf" and we don't miss a beat in ONE DAY.

The cost of having teachers sitting around for a week should equal the cost of 2 plow trucks and some salt...

No offense.
None taken. But we do have to make the days up. Barren County did 3 days of at home internet based work for students and teachers. They can do up to 10 days. We need to do that.
Damn them Jay hawking bastards
Let em go. I'd much rather them be on a high by winning a tough game on the road than I would having to go into Lawrence, and they have a chip on their shoulder from having just lost. I'm torn about the game. I feel UK stands just as much chance giving them a good game/possibly winning as they do getting rocked by 30.
Outside of Pulp Fiction, Travolta has got to be the worst actor to be considered an A-Lister.

Fun facts:

Travolta's mom, Ellen - was my mom's English teacher at St.Cecelia HighSchool (Englewood NJ)....

At the same time, St Cecelia had a decent coach for their football team - Vinny Lombardi.

Even more fun... I took the Lombardi factoid and used it to get a meeting with Paul Hornung for a development idea I had coming out of college. I designed a multi-story sports bar at OK Storage in Louisville and set a power meeting with Ward Plachet (owner of Coyotes) ... In any case they loved my idea, design, ambition but all stared at each other looking at the cost estimate...