
Game was choppy. Thank you freaking refs. Pitiful. Break out for Skal.

Watch it Bert. Catfan will spill coffee everywhere and ruin your keyboard. Old codger. He's older than dirt. As a matter of fact, he helped God choose the color of dirt. FCC.
Hold down the old fart and the old codger remarks. You young sumbitches have not taken over the world just yet. Be nice to old people. You might want to borrow some money sometime.
Hold down the old fart and the old codger remarks. You young sumbitches have not taken over the world just yet. Be nice to old people. You might want to borrow some money sometime.

You are older for sure. Not much, but a little. But you are also right about respecting your elders. Manners. Gentlemen. Kentucky gentlemen. Polite. Respecting ladies. Holding doors.

Uh, need about 10k.

\Oh, and Don, how bout the BIL? How's that going? FCC.
A bit of snow at daybreak has been followed by straight ice. Loud as sin outside. Home with the little girl, dog, and wife lady. You can see tumbleweeds going by on work email and the two conference calls I have had were quick and painless. Essentially a 3 day weekend.

Wife wants to dress little girl in a snowsuit I wasn't aware we owned and have her "do snow angels" in the ice pellets outside. Stupidest idea I have heard of in a while.
  • No snow here. Overcast and warm, 28.
  • My office has a big staff meeting/lunch deal today, I'll miss my lunch hour workout.
  • Outlook isn't working, it started in safemode.
  • Glad to get a win.
  • Glad to see old friends and new friends in the thread.
  • I need to cut down on the junk food. Feeling fat.
  • Do you guys do your own taxes or use an accountant?
Wow, people form NY/NJ are sooo impressive. GTFO. I've seen NY get shut down in the mid-90's when I worked up there so GGP. Bunch of pale, bagel-eating heathens (and that's just the women). 1/2 the population couldn't change a GD light bulb but herr-durr we can sure make it through this snow and keep the economy going unlike you incompetent southerns!

(sorry, only 1 cup o' coffee so far I actually had a lot of good friends up there)

Georgia - we won't get crap here in this miserable confederacy but a ton of very cold rain. The needle will balance perfectly to assure that there is nothing like a cool snowstorm gonna happen down here no sir not on my watch. The ground here is so saturated with rainwater it can barely absorb anything anymore. Even smaller rains are causing minor, local flooding.
Why don't people just stay home and enjoy the snow?

I went out early and saw a lady stop dead in the road to get out and dog cuss this taxi driver that was on her ass. Must have been from Kook's town. We don't drive like that down here. You go girl. Cussed him long time.

Then I about slid into the taxi dude about 5 minutes later.

I'm home for the day. Salt trucks ain't even out.

My farts still smell like White Castle.
A bit of snow at daybreak has been followed by straight ice. Loud as sin outside. Home with the little girl, dog, and wife lady. You can see tumbleweeds going by on work email and the two conference calls I have had were quick and painless. Essentially a 3 day weekend.

Wife wants to dress little girl in a snowsuit I wasn't aware we owned and have her "do snow angels" in the ice pellets outside. Stupidest idea I have heard of in a while.
Don't forget to take lots of photographs of her.
My dad passed away nearly 6 years ago. His funeral was in Selmer, TN. They got hit with about an inch of snow/sleet the day before the service and it nearly shut everything down. Me & my brothers got to the flower shop just before they closed early & convinced the lady to do some casket flowers. Maybe 20-30 people attended the thing. Everyone was just too afraid to drive.

After the funeral, I drove back to KY. Stretches of the road would be clear, then you'd hit the county line and have 5-10 mi of packed snow.

Miserable time. Nothing to do in Selmer, TN on a good day. Hard to get a meal in that town when it snows.
Wow, people form NY/NJ are sooo impressive. GTFO. I've seen NY get shut down in the mid-90's when I worked up there so GGP. Bunch of pale, bagel-eating heathens (and that's just the women). 1/2 the population couldn't change a GD light bulb but herr-durr we can sure make it through this snow and keep the economy going unlike you incompetent southerns!

(sorry, only 1 cup o' coffee so far I actually had a lot of good friends up there)

Georgia - we won't get crap here in this miserable confederacy but a ton of very cold rain. The needle will balance perfectly to assure that there is nothing like a cool snowstorm gonna happen down here no sir not on my watch. The ground here is so saturated with rainwater it can barely absorb anything anymore. Even smaller rains are causing minor, local flooding.
Dumbassery on display.
Well, I posted why school gets called off at the drop of a hat the other day. At least, for Pike and Floyd counties. They don't want a repeat of the bus accident that happened in the 50's and killed/hurt a bunch of kids. Plus, a lot of roads are unsafe and untreated simply because road crews can't treat them.

A lot of the "hollers" in this area aren't in conditions for a salt truck or other road department vehicles to clear them. Would love to see a truck attempt to clear a place like Ridge Line, or Pounding Mill. They'd be over a hill before they knew what hit them. A lot of the rural school population lives in these places. So, what use is there to have school when 70-80% of the students couldn't make it?

Yeap a pancake flat Kansas or Iowa is different than the hills of Kentucky.
Snow and bad weather in the "snow country".

Our District Sales Manager in Buffalo was trapped in a snow bank for three days in 1987 and had to be hospitalized. I was snowed in at a Northern airport for three friggin' days in 1986, not a flight in nor a flight out and no way to get to a damned hotel (airport terminals are not nice if you need sleep). I was trapped in British Columbia in 1992 and it was horrible, as I had to stay in a ski town on the railroad's dime.

But the folks up North struggle when the storms are not normal, just like we Kentucky folks do.
Yeap a pancake flat Kansas or Iowa is different than the hills of Kentucky.
Iowa is not flat. See Grant Wood.


The topography seems similar to western KY where I grew up. Very different from eastern KY with it's small mountains. Kansas & Nebraska are flat.