
At times, normally when I am buzzing, wish it was all a bad dream and we still haven't played Wisconsin. I wake up and we are still 38-0. After we beat ND I really believed we were going 40-0.

Me too Brady.

Just got in from a middle school game across the river. Got beat by 30

Watched a lot of the game on iphone. As I said a couple of days ago, and you guys killed me, but Skal just needs minutes. Of course I don't know what goes on in practice, but he can't improve if he's sitting on the freaking bench. Play the kid! That's all.

Glad to get a win. And Anderson is certainly a prick. Old news.

Thanks to Bko (yep, miss you), and Bert, Don, Brady for the last 2 pages, just caught up a bit.

Been going since 3:30 am, so wore plum out. FCC.
Boring game to watch tonight, glad they won..lady cats down 7 at the end of 3..
Cheddars was their onion rings.
long ass day today sitting through seminar and testing..
generator on standby in case it's needed after storm hits..

Stay warm, stay dry, and stay safe fellers. Don't overexert clearing snow..
Boring game to watch tonight, glad they won..lady cats down 7 at the end of 3..
Cheddars was their onion rings.
long ass day today sitting through seminar and testing..
generator on standby in case it's needed after storm hits..

Stay warm, stay dry, and stay safe fellers. Don't overexert clearing snow..
Not boring. We needed to win that game. We had to win that game.
Boring game to watch tonight, glad they won..lady cats down 7 at the end of 3..
Cheddars was their onion rings.
long ass day today sitting through seminar and testing..
generator on standby in case it's needed after storm hits..

Stay warm, stay dry, and stay safe fellers. Don't overexert clearing snow..
yes we needed that win but it seemed as if neither team really got into a rhythm. 60+ free throws. A boring game to watch IMO
you can put that on the officials. Was telling a friend that I thought it was a strangely called game.
I wouldn't call it boring since we won convincingly - and it looked like Skal put on his big boy underoos today.
  • I was pretty sure that we were going to get beat tonight. So this win feels pretty damn good.
  • Willis is playing better. He has a ways to go on defense, but give him credit for getting better.
  • Skal played better too. Fingers crossed.
  • Poy is a mystery man.
  • So is Lee.
  • Tyler Ulis is till our little engine that could.
  • Murray has to be in there. He's wild as Hell, but he has to be in there.
  • Briscoe can't shoot a lick.
  • I was disappointed a few times at our defense around the basket.
  • I was not happy with the way we finished some of our drives to the basket.
  • Our perimeter defense was real good.
  • FT shooting was good except for the turds that can't shoot them.
  • Happy.
Good win for the Cats. Proud of Derek. 35 mins wow.

Gonna snow I've heard

you can put that on the officials. Was telling a friend that I thought it was a strangely called game.
I wouldn't call it boring since we won convincingly - and it looked like Skal put on his big boy underoos today.

I see that a lot. I called Region 1, boys and girls varsity for 13 years. Watched many, many games in my life time. What I have observed is that there is a pulse to every game. As a ref, find the pulse and then don't screw it up. the best thing refs can do is at the end of the game, people can't remember who the refs were. Stay invisible. Just ride the pulse. Today, that is rarely seen. They want to be seen and they have agendas. End of rant. Probably didn't make sense anyway. I'm too tired. Love y'all, FCC.
I just could not get much into it I reckon, still have the Auburn sting churnin a bit. Kept waiting on them to cough up the lead figuring Arky would start making circus shots but the D held up. Glad Skal came around a bit, needed him after Poy got into foul trouble and Lee for that matter. Seemed to bother Poy tonight, had a lot of head hangin....BKO back in da house!
Daughter just talked me into ordering BWW. She's gone after it. My wife will have a fit in the morning. Maybe I can hide the evidence, then write something different in the check book.. Make up an oil change or something like that. I should get off here cause I'm so tired I might say something crazy.

Bko, you are needed in the line up. Special. If I remember right, we said we are best friends. So, we need to converse somewhere. I don't have twitter or facebook. I have the d. Saving lives. FCC.
Daughter just talked me into ordering BWW. She's gone after it. My wife will have a fit in the morning. Maybe I can hide the evidence, then write something different in the check book.. Make up an oil change or something like that. I should get off here cause I'm so tired I might say something crazy.

Bko, you are needed in the line up. Special. If I remember right, we said we are best friends. So, we need to converse somewhere. I don't have twitter or facebook. I have the d. Saving lives. FCC.
No offense man, and, I hate saying it, but it got real gross for most of us with the constant gross flirting. Felt cheap and desperate. It was killing this thread. It was like having a party and someone just came in and took a giant shit in the middle (kinda like herods in game red ass).
No offense man, and, I hate saying it, but it got real gross for most of us with the constant gross flirting. Felt cheap and desperate. It was killing this thread. It was like having a party and someone just came in and took a giant shit in the middle (kinda like herods in game red ass).

LEK, honey, so stop flirting. She is a grown woman. Handles herself very well. I enjoy the conversation. I don't flirt. I just am glad to have a female friend to talk with on here. LEK, my dear friend, expand your horizons. Whatever that means. BWW here. Over and out. Love all of my friends and cherish our conversations. Remember, saving lives, we are saving lives. FCC.
I'm thinking March 9 or 10, whatever that Wed and Thursday is LEK, maybe we can catch a beer and a game somewhere. Of course I have to
Daughter just talked me into ordering BWW. She's gone after it. My wife will have a fit in the morning. Maybe I can hide the evidence, then write something different in the check book.. Make up an oil change or something like that. I should get off here cause I'm so tired I might say something crazy.

Bko, you are needed in the line up. Special. If I remember right, we said we are best friends. So, we need to converse somewhere. I don't have twitter or facebook. I have the d. Saving lives. FCC.
You had me at wings. You had me at wing.