
I see that a lot. I called Region 1, boys and girls varsity for 13 years. Watched many, many games in my life time. What I have observed is that there is a pulse to every game. As a ref, find the pulse and then don't screw it up. the best thing refs can do is at the end of the game, people can't remember who the refs were. Stay invisible. Just ride the pulse. Today, that is rarely seen. They want to be seen and they have agendas. End of rant. Probably didn't make sense anyway. I'm too tired. Love y'all, FCC.

Last night we had 'Blind' Karl Hess. He was the fat white ref. Blind Karl is an ACC reject. Blind Karl has to be the worse ref on earth. My son called midway through the first half after Blind Karl had called 8 straight fouls against Kentucky to discuss how horrible Blind Karl is. Not one damned foul on an Arkansas player during that stretch.

I really believe that some of these refs bet the games and try to keep the score within the spread that they have bet. Blind Karl could not call 8 straight fouls against Kentucky within some alternative reason driving him.

It is time the SEC got some new blood in the officiating department. Why do we end up with the same turdheads all the time. Tony Greene, Doug Shows, Blind Karl, Roger Ayers, Pat Adams and Doug DeRosa. I left some out, but we get some of the same old crap all the time.
Hey Bert, Through. Man, it's getting it here. Started sleeting about 1am. Turned to snow about an hour later. I have been up mostly since then. Pretty stuff.

Watched the game at midnight on ESPN replay. Good road win. Should have done Auburn the same way. Oh well, it is what it is. Refs screwed the pulse up (see earlier post). They have no idea what that is. FCC.
Currently 30 degrees F here. It is a freezing rain and sounds like sleet (wet sleet). Just hope it can warm up a bit before it does damage.

I suggest if you are in this carp that you don't get out except to buy some milk and bread for LEK.

Oh what a difference 45 minutes makes. No sound out side now as the freezing rain has turned into massive snow flakes (thank God as freezing rain is dangerous). The temp is still 30.4. Maybe we will get that 5-8 inches that is predicted.

Stay safe folks.
Game was choppy. Thank you freaking refs. Pitiful. Break out for Skal.

Watch it Bert. Catfan will spill coffee everywhere and ruin your keyboard. Old codger. He's older than dirt. As a matter of fact, he helped God choose the color of dirt. FCC.

What?, You didn't like the color? Drop a card in the suggestion box.

I like the way the team competed last night.
Good God.

Y'all a bunch a pussies with a couple inches of snow. It happens every other year that KY and southern states get about 6-7 inches of snow and everybody freaks out and schools shut down for a week.

Here's a pro tip: KY is not the Deep South. You put the heat on every winter and you get snow. Tell your local gubments to buy some goddamn rock salt, spread said rock salt on roads the night before Frankenstorm and ensure nation, businesses and industry doesn't treat you like flyover country and stereotypical dunderheads.

I lived in Louisville in '93 when we got the blizzard. The entire town shut down for over a week. UPS almost left the town because of this incompetence.

Grow up and prepare.

Up here, we work no matter what. 'Merica.

Love you....

Good God.

Y'all a bunch a pussies with a couple inches of snow. It happens every other year that KY and southern states get about 6-7 inches of snow and everybody freaks out and schools shut down for a week.

Here's a pro tip: KY is not the Deep South. You put the heat on every winter and you get snow. Tell your local gubments to buy some goddamn rock salt, spread said rock salt on roads the night before Frankenstorm and ensure nation, businesses and industry doesn't treat you like flyover country and stereotypical dunderheads.

I lived in Louisville in '93 when we got the blizzard. The entire town shut down for over a week. UPS almost left the town because of this incompetence.

Grow up and prepare.

Up here, we work no matter what. 'Merica.

Love you....


We hicks thank you for the tip. FCC.
You know it's all hands on deck when NBC puts the chunky girls on TV. Just an observation.

Good God.

Y'all a bunch a pussies with a couple inches of snow. It happens every other year that KY and southern states get about 6-7 inches of snow and everybody freaks out and schools shut down for a week.

Here's a pro tip: KY is not the Deep South. You put the heat on every winter and you get snow. Tell your local gubments to buy some goddamn rock salt, spread said rock salt on roads the night before Frankenstorm and ensure nation, businesses and industry doesn't treat you like flyover country and stereotypical dunderheads.

I lived in Louisville in '93 when we got the blizzard. The entire town shut down for over a week. UPS almost left the town because of this incompetence.

Grow up and prepare.

Up here, we work no matter what. 'Merica.

Love you....


Being at Mile Post 38 on I-65 (close to Tennessee line as in South Kentucky), I can tell you we use salt and brine. Of course we often don't need it; however, as a past Mayor, I can assure you that we dumbass hillbillies plow snow and salt roads.

We just don't live in the Klondike like you Eskimos.[roll]
Being at Mile Post 38 on I-65 (close to Tennessee line as in South Kentucky), I can tell you we use salt and brine. Of course we often don't need it; however, as a past Mayor, I can assure you that we dumbass hillbillies plow snow and salt roads.

We just don't live in the Klondike like you Eskimos.[roll]
Then why when the sky farts a half inch of snow, Kroger is Black-Fridayed out of milk and toilet paper & schools automatically shut down? It's either:
A). You're idiots -or-
B). The roads are actually unsafe and not treated properly and from experience the people are not confident that they can drive.

I'd like to think the latter.
Sorry. I'm cranky.

Drink cocoa. Carry on.

Apology accepted, not necessary though, cause you are loved Kook. We've been through some stuff with you. The passing of your dad. You was such a good son.

Anyway, it's been too cold for salt to work for the last couple of days. Forgot the temp it works on. But we have been below it. FCC.
Apology accepted, not necessary though, cause you are loved Kook. We've been through some stuff with you. The passing of your dad. You was such a good son.

Anyway, it's been too cold for salt to work for the last couple of days. Forgot the temp it works on. But we have been below it. FCC.
Salt is ineffective on snow/ice below 17 degrees IIRC. Gonna have to break out the compound that works at below zero temps.

Another problem is road crews can't get to many roads that aren't main roads in my area. US23 and 119 get cleared quickly, but after that, it's kind of a crapshoot if your road gets cleared. I live just off state route 194, and it has yet to be cleared this morning. What little traffic has been on it has been crawling.

Not to mention that when we get a heavy, wet snow, pretty much the whole county loses power.
26. Same here Herod. At lest 4 inches so far and coming down still big time. Beautiful. Kids up. Fired up. Already on Xbox. Great times.

How about the rest of y'all? Looks like the entire state is getting pounded.

Bko, any snow? FCC.
no snow yet - but watching news now and they say it's coming in the next hour or two. Boss texted this morning and said don't bother coming in since I'd only be there for a couple of hours.
Will laugh if this fizzles out.
Then why when the sky farts a half inch of snow, Kroger is Black-Fridayed out of milk and toilet paper & schools automatically shut down? It's either:
A). You're idiots -or-
B). The roads are actually unsafe and not treated properly and from experience the people are not confident that they can drive.

I'd like to think the latter.
Well, I posted why school gets called off at the drop of a hat the other day. At least, for Pike and Floyd counties. They don't want a repeat of the bus accident that happened in the 50's and killed/hurt a bunch of kids. Plus, a lot of roads are unsafe and untreated simply because road crews can't treat them.

A lot of the "hollers" in this area aren't in conditions for a salt truck or other road department vehicles to clear them. Would love to see a truck attempt to clear a place like Ridge Line, or Pounding Mill. They'd be over a hill before they knew what hit them. A lot of the rural school population lives in these places. So, what use is there to have school when 70-80% of the students couldn't make it?
So, whatever Mike Anderson was pissed about last night, he got over it quickly. Apologized to Cal before post game interviews, and Cal apologized to him if something he said triggered it. Speculation is he got pissed Cal didn't pull starters until the last couple of minutes.
What a little bitch. Did you see him jerk Cal's arm when he did his blowby?