
Iowa is not flat. See Grant Wood.


The topography seems similar to western KY where I grew up. Very different from eastern KY with it's small mountains. Kansas & Nebraska are flat.
That Grant doesn't cull anything.
But the folks up North struggle when the storms are not normal, just like we Kentucky folks do.

I don't know Bert, pretty sure no one ever has any problems up north due to snow or any other inclement weather. Only happens to southerns who can't cope with a little snowfall.

OMG YOU GOT SNOWED IN OVER 3" OF SNOW THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN UP HERE SMH <<======== Rinse/Repeat every single time it snows down south.
It's a pole barn, correct? Looks like a 40 wide.
They build it back in the 80s. Have closed off into rooms etc inside. But yes I believe it's a pole barn.

Side story on where I live. I grew up 2 house down from where I am now. Separated in '03 and this house was open. So kids and I jumped on it. Was pretty weird at first being that close to the house I grew up in, but worked out great. Mom really helped with the kids and they loved going up there so easily. Been here ever since. Ready to build over on farm though. Hope to in next year to two. And yes I will have a pole barn for a shop.
They build it back in the 80s. Have closed off into rooms etc inside. But yes I believe it's a pole barn.

Side story on where I live. I grew up 2 house down from where I am now. Separated in '03 and this house was open. So kids and I jumped on it. Was pretty weird at first being that close to the house I grew up in, but worked out great. Mom really helped with the kids and they loved going up there so easily. Been here ever since. Ready to build over on farm though. Hope to in next year to two. And yes I will have a pole barn for a shop.

That's great. As someone who left KY and has lived in New York and Georgia - there is a lot to be said for staying home. I've done some good things, traveled and met a bunch of people but I sacrificed a lot of time with my family (grandparents, parents, siblings) and that is my greatest regret. Now they are all gone - every one of them. I was 21 and bulletproof when I left KY, thought I had all the time in the world. In retrospect, had I known how things would turn out I probably would have never left.

If I ever get back to Kentucky, get a house on some acreage, I will never leave it again except to travel.
They build it back in the 80s. Have closed off into rooms etc inside. But yes I believe it's a pole barn.

Side story on where I live. I grew up 2 house down from where I am now. Separated in '03 and this house was open. So kids and I jumped on it. Was pretty weird at first being that close to the house I grew up in, but worked out great. Mom really helped with the kids and they loved going up there so easily. Been here ever since. Ready to build over on farm though. Hope to in next year to two. And yes I will have a pole barn for a shop.
I'd like to own a farm. Seems expensive though. If I could afford a decent sized farm in Iowa, I'd be rich.

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I wish everybody would just take a chill pill.

What food are y'all eating? I know y'all love food. I have had a PB&J, Cheez itz, BACON JERKY!!! (Omg), and I'm gonna make a grilled cheese here in a bit.

The snow has not stopped. Not even flurried. Full on showers since 7am.
I wish everybody would just take a chill pill.

What food are y'all eating? I know y'all love food. I have had a PB&J, Cheez itz, BACON JERKY!!! (Omg), and I'm gonna make a grilled cheese here in a bit.

The snow has not stopped. Not even flurried. Full on showers since 7am.
Now we're talking. Loved grilled cheese. Last ones I made I put jalapeño poppers on. I've eaten breakfast so far. Will eat something later. We have much soup etc. may make some stuffed bell peppers.
I wish everybody would just take a chill pill.


Just one? I suggest that the D adhere to the Violent Femmes recommended chill pill dosage…

I take one, one, one 'cause you ignored me
And two, two, two for posters new to the D
And three, three, three for my heartache
And four, four, four for my headaches
And five, five, five for my lack of "likes"
And six, six, six for my sorrow
And seven, seven for n…n…no tomorrow
And eight, eight, I forget what eight was for
But nine, nine, nine for all the lost posts
Ten, ten, ten, ten for everything, everything, everything
I wish everybody would just take a chill pill.

What food are y'all eating? I know y'all love food. I have had a PB&J, Cheez itz, BACON JERKY!!! (Omg), and I'm gonna make a grilled cheese here in a bit.

The snow has not stopped. Not even flurried. Full on showers since 7am.
Wife cooked bacon, eggs, and toast around 11. Just came back from the kitchen and almost made a PBJ, thought about a grilled cheese. Grabbed a Woodchuck Cider and came back to the couch. Grilled cheese will win out I believe.
I suppose me, Don, Bert and catfan,....maybe 55wild, 55md, Brady are the 55 and up. I'm sure about the first four mentioned. Not sure about the others there. FCC.

Add me to the 55 and up...but I'm 55 going on 22. There's a reason behind my madness. Sometime between now and when I hit 65 I'm going to wake up and the Buffalo Soldier will no longer be able to go on patrol. The little blue pill is out. Testosterone therapy is out. My cardiologist says I have the weirdest heartbeat he has come across in his 27 years of practice and he isn't going to do ANYTHING that might mess it up until I actually have a heart attack or some other heart issue that will make him have to do something. Ordinary people have 'skipped' beats and such. My heart will actually stop beating altogether for up to 3 seconds, then pick up like normal. It works for me, but drives him crazy.
Sleeting like a mutha out there for 4 hours at this point. City of Oaks dodged one, gang. Rather have this than freezing rain but would have liked a robust snow for the doggie.

Jealous of the real snow some of you are getting.

Feeling a shift with Skal. Hope I'm not disappointed. Not expecting the world but something may have clicked a bit. We need something while Lee dicks around.

Charleston next week to hopefully reel in a couple of potential clients. Miss that place.

As Don would say....Over.
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A win is a win is a win. But Arkansas is a horrible team. Yes we won a conference game on the road. Yes we shut down their shooters and we out rebounded them. And yes it was fun to see some life from Skal. And Willis had a good game. All great accomplishments for this team. But that Arkansas team is the equivalent of some of the cupcake teams we beat early in the season. They have no bigs.

The true measure of improvement for this Cats team is if we can figure out a way to win against good teams with decent bigs. The Vandy game will be a good test since they have good shooters AND some adequate bigs. They have two legit 7' bigs in Jones and Kornett (Frank Kornett's son…I hated Frank back in the day). And they have a legit small forward whose name escapes me at the moment. Four of Vandy's 7 losses are against ranked teams…and they were close losses. Vandy has a good squad.

The game is at home though and we need to take care of business. Just not sure if we can handle their inside presence…especially on the boards. We need to be able to rebound so we can run their legs off in transition. Also...Hoping that Ulis, Murray and Willis shoot lights out from the arc.

Happy for the win. Just tempering my enthusiasm.
Science Break:

This new Hubble image depicts the star cluster Trumpler 14, a collection of about 2,000 young stars that lies 8,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of the Carina Nebula. This region of space has one of the highest concentrations of massive, luminous stars in the entire Milky Way — a spectacular family of young, bright, white-blue stars. These stars are rapidly working their way through their vast supplies of hydrogen and have only a few million years of life left before they meet a dramatic demise and explode as supernovae.

Close up of view of region depicted by the red circle in the image below.


The Carina Nebula.

The brightest star in the new top image is a supergiant called HD 93129Aa, which is about 80 times more massive, and 2.5 million times brighter, than the sun. HD 93129Aa's surface temperature exceeds 90,000 Fahrenheit (50,000 degrees Celsius), making the star one of the hottest of its type in the galaxy. (For comparison, the sun's surface temperature is about 10,000 degrees F, or 5,500 degrees C.)
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