
No ones attacking.

It got real creepy watching a bunch of old men try and flirt. Other women have posted and didn't turn into that.

Now in theory, sounds great, but wasn't. It kept getting worse.

The D has been better last few weeks for everyone.

Never seen any of that. And if it did happen why is it anybodies business. It surely is not my business what anybody does. Its my understanding anybody is welcome unless constantly start some sorta shit. Thats my two cents

New keurig also will fill a carafe. Yea baby
Never seen any of that. And if it did happen why is it anybodies business. It surely is not my business what anybody does. Its my understanding anybody is welcome unless constantly start some sorta shit. Thats my two cents

New keurig also will fill a carafe. Yea baby
Love new stuff. Congrats on the new Keurig. QB is meticulous in how clean she maintains our home machine. The ladies here keep our office machine very clean. We haven't had any trouble. They could blow up tomorrow though.
Bonanza on now with Andy Griffith to follow.

Games and cards tonight.

More coffee about to commence. I don't have a Keurig. Just a 30 some dollar Mr. Coffee. Been wanting to upgrade to something.
If you are a coffee lover, you will enjoy the Keurig system. Expensive, but worth it.
Have you seen "The Cowboy And The Redhead?" Glen Ford and Rhonda Fleming.
You got a better one. I recently threw out a stove that I could have fixed. The new one has more bells and whistles. Wife loves convection now and is baking more. I need to somehow tear up the dryer, already got a new washing machine and refrigerator. I like new stuff.
Take a little mind break from all the snow, cold etc.
I could use that right now. Shitty day at work. Looking forward to an equally shitty week or worse next week. Just found an email from the resident Nuclear Pharmacist know it all trying to dis some of my work. I used HIS numbers and cited Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidance to prove that I am right.

I realize that I am about the lowest cog in this machine where I work, but I do know a few things about my field after 22 years.

Rant Over.
I could use that right now. Shitty day at work. Looking forward to an equally shitty week or worse next week. Just found an email from the resident Nuclear Pharmacist know it all trying to dis some of my work. I used HIS numbers and cited Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidance to prove that I am right.

I realize that I am about the lowest cog in this machine where I work, but I do know a few things about my field after 22 years.

Rant Over.

Give 'em Hell, 93. Don't take no ish from those bastiches. If you know your ish and do your job then stand your ground.
Son's truck



Never seen any of that. And if it did happen why is it anybodies business. It surely is not my business what anybody does. Its my understanding anybody is welcome unless constantly start some sorta shit. Thats my two cents

New keurig also will fill a carafe. Yea baby
Because it was creepy and killing the thread.

It's like a conversation where someone just keeps getting up and farting in other people's faces. Non stop.
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Before you throw the other one away, go here and read about it.
Yep. Had this same problem. Had my Keurig all of six months, and it just quit one day. Kept trying, and finally was able to run water through it. What came out looked awful. Cleaned it out and kept running water through it until it ran clear. Keep an eye on in to keep it clean, works fine.
Good evening folks. Haven't posted in the D-League for quite some time, so thought I'd stop in and say hey.

Got about 11 inches so far here and it's still coming down a good rate. Damn, I hate winter.

Left work at 10:30 yesterday, told them I'd probably see them Monday. I can work from home so I don't have to use any vacation days or personal days.

Cats looked good last night, and it's always a great thing when we win at AU and BW Arena.

Hope Skal has turned the corner; I have advocated he should play facing the basket for a while, as have others.

Made a big pot of chili and chillin'. I work a while, then kick back in my recliner and read for an hour or so. Log onto here for a while, check my e-mail, repeat, lol.

Hope all of you are well. WW.
Yeah, I remember that game. Better than losing, but it was boring as ****.

Funny story in my life about that game.

My father had agreed to pay for my school(if I stayed in state) IF I made a 2.5 or higher. Well, the first semester was a 2.8 and the second was a 2.2. He said pack your shit in your apartment and sent me to Florence, KY to work construction for my uncle at Mt. Zion Apts. It was to gain KY residency to go to UK and pay in state tuition.

I was thrown into a whole different world. The construction guys were different. For example, one overweight electrician told me he could run a mile in four minutes. The crew agreed he could. Another told me he could drive his car 55mph for one hour and go 60 miles. After that, I ate alone a lot. It was hard and lonely. However, that weekend my family came to see me up there. Nobody would go to the game except my Dad. Didn't have much extra money at the time so my Dad taking me to that game meant a lot then and still does to this day.

I made it through the year and was in the best shape of my life. I learned the value of a dollar. I did fall in love with a girl back home so came home to MTSU. The grades improved and made 3.25 or higher for several years following that ordeal. It's funny how hard work pays off in some way shape or form.

/life story