
I'm ready to accept the fact that Coach did a total wiff on this recruiting group..That's gonna happen from time to time..We have ZERO presence front court and a sporadic at best back court.
Briscoe IMO needs to move on, no outside threat and could not hit a bulls ass with a bass fiddle when it comes to free throw shooting. Murray is erratic,Ulis is our only consistent threat. No way we should have lost to LSU with the teams that beat them. Same with Ohio State..
I'm also now accepting the fact that ANY team on schedule can do the same that LSU did, even at home. IMO this is Deja Vue when Nerlens was here...Yea this team could be NIT bound..Looking forward to next year..Not in the cards this year.

Onto other shit, my surgery is scheduled for Feb 3rd finally..
Alex Poythress my sweet Christ that kid.

Difficult to watch him play basketball. I wish it was different but at this point I really believe he should be coming off the bench and on a very short leash. One mental breakdown after another.

Watching Briscoe shoot free throws is similar to dropping your balls on a hot plate. Drive Goodwin style, throw up a ridiculous shot, get fouled, miss both, rinse and repeat. How does he deserve any clock at this point?

You might say, well, who else? Who do you throw in?

The answer is, I don't care. Start experimenting.

Really kind of concerned about Skal messing with our chemistry next year. Potential will get him drafted even if he continues to play like this through the end of the year, but I don't think he'll jump. He's going to decide to come back and I'm not sure that is a good thing at this point. The thought of attempting to play in the NBA right now has to make him wet his bed at night.
  • Good morning. Sad.
  • Worst ride home ever.
  • Worst performance from the bigs that I can remember.
  • Skal being in there is killing us. The kid is just too weak to be in there. HITF can the pros draft anyone that weak?
  • Alex was also pitiful last night.
  • Lee played 5 minutes and fouled out. How can that happen?
  • Mulder showed promise with those 8 boards.
  • Briscoe shoots his FTs so badly that he can't be out there long.
  • We're going to lose a lot of SEC games. Sad.
  • Turrible effort from most.
  • Ulis and Murray were great.
  • Over.
Skal IMO needs to not be playing at the 5, that's not him. Would he be more comfortable/productive playing the 3 or 4, I think so,but who do you play at the 5? Poy is a better 5 player than any we have right now..

And lately Poy has simply sucked at basketball. Man has he regressed from those 8 games last year.
Argubs, I agree. I think Cal is experimenting but he hasn't figured it out either. If just like to see less of Briscoe/Skal and more of Willis/Mulder/...Mathews? Idk. I think Willis has earned it. Mulder just started playing for some reason. It's clear Briscoe and Skal suck and don't deserve to play as much. Until Willis and others suck as bad they do, they should he more minutes.

Skal needs to not play a lot, and he needs to go to the draft asap for the sake of our team. IDGAS. I would ever draft that guy.

Poy would be better at the 5. Skal would be better at the 4. But the problem is all those guys suck and we don't need them on the court. So, if you have Skal and Poy in at he same time you are damn idiot. I really only want to see Lee out there. Sub Poy for him. We have zero bigs, so let's just play our guards. Willis/Mulder/Mathews can play 4 against most teams.
Skal IMO needs to not be playing at the 5, that's not him. Would he be more comfortable/productive playing the 3 or 4, I think so,but who do you play at the 5? Poy is a better 5 player than any we have right now..
I don't know if Alex has any back to the basket moves, but wth, he doesn't have any front to the basket moves. Maybe the Ausie or Kiwi at the 5.

I'm really looking forward to late spring/early summer. Cold weather will be over. This debacle of a basketball season will be done. Girl Scout cookie sales will be done.
LSU could go EF themselves...absolutely hate losing to them.

This loss better get Cal and out kids' heads straight now or this year is already over.

Thing is I like this team. Rem. beating Duke? Where"d they go?

-Poy - what a puss last night
-Ulus - where the EF was he in the 2nd half?
-Too many shot from outside when we should be driving and dishing for dunks, yeah Briscoe and dude from OZZ I am talking to you.
-Defense, we lokked liked children out there, no energy, no anger EF this!##!
<> I'm not ready to bail on this team just yet. Chalking last night up to the fact that they obviously weren't ready to play from the start and everything going wrong all in one game. Lots to be worried about but it's still relatively early for a Cal team. Still holding out hope that we can peak late and make a run. I'll revisit this thought around the first week of February.

<> Still want to see what the big Aussie can do. Last night seemed like the ideal situation to get him some PT. Not sure what Cal is waiting on with that kid. Unless he plans on redshirting him. Anyone have the info on this subject?

<> Briscoe gets PT because of his defense. But Cal should put strict limitations on his shot selection. Absolutely, positively no 3 point shots. None.

<> Mulder and Hawkins (when he gets healthy) should play more.
Not sure what to think about a grown man that doesn't like chili. Before now I didn't think such a thing existed.

Damnd straight man. My Belle will cook a pot, we'll eat off ot for days...airy combo; w spagetti, w dogs (cooked on the rotisserie, for breakfast, lunch, snack and MFn dinner.

It aint chili you dont like its the chili that youve had you dont like:)
I posted the below on RR in a thread about losing to LSU's coach. One guy said something about Jones having a game plan.

"Mouse, what was his game plan? Serious question. I watched part of the lsu/vandy game and didn't notice he did anything different last night. Simmons brings the ball down, looks for a lane, either drives or kicks out. This maybe be premature on my part, cause I havn't seen him play enough, but the 2 games I've seen him play, he is very good at getting his teammates involved. On the other hand, he only played about half a game last night and in addition, maybe his teammates were sick of hearing the comparing to bron bron and magic and decided they would light it up....which they did. FCC."

The more I thought about it, last night lsu hit some shots every time we started any sort of effort to get back in the game. Several NBA threes that were killers. Laundry calls. FCC.