
"You can't fix stupid" and that is on Cal. Basic stuff you learn on the basketball court while on elementary school teams, where is it?
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My wife asked me what does Cal say to this team after the game? I told her that I would tell them to bring a bucket to practice tomorrow.

Also on fts, if you shoot under 70%, I'd make it a rule to shoot under handed (granny style). Figure that shit out.

Most of the team looked like they didn't want to be there in the first half. I think this team would get beat by a lot of Tubby UK teams.
My wife asked me what does Cal say to this team after the game? I told her that I would tell them to bring a bucket to practice tomorrow.

Also on fts, if you shoot under 70%, I'd make it a rule to shoot under handed (granny style). Figure that shit out.

Most of the team looked like they didn't want to be there in the first half. I think this team would get beat by a lot of Tubby UK teams.
I'd take a couple of the Ramel Bradley teams over this one.
My wife asked me what does Cal say to this team after the game? I told her that I would tell them to bring a bucket to practice tomorrow.

Also on fts, if you shoot under 70%, I'd make it a rule to shoot under handed (granny style). Figure that shit out.

Most of the team looked like they didn't want to be there in the first half. I think this team would get beat by a lot of Tubby UK teams.
Sadly. What a long evening.

I actually refrained from drinking and posting last night. Ya see how well that worked out.
Turrible, turrible game last night. Lee, Poythrese, Briscoe, Matthews did not contribute to any thing but fouls and missed free throws. UK sucked. I expected possibly a loss but not an 18 point beat down.

Baby it is cold outside. We may end up with a cold winter after all. December was warm but January is one cold bitch.

On basketball, I think this year will be a fun year but we are going to have a bunch of losses and may not win the SEC.

You good folks have a fine day and if you are in the frigid parts of the country stay warm.
Wednesday blah.

Dieting blah. Hungry.

UK basketball blah

Cold weather blah.

The game was not a good one for any of the BB team. Coaches, players. No one. This team is not a good team. No other way to spin it. I don't think it has the potential to be either. Why would they be? We have players who reached their max potential and that's it. They are what they are. Not even sure they are likable at this point. They will still win their fair share of games. but looking at road games and I'm trying to figure out how we win those. The 2011 team lost many road games as well. Of course they made a run to the FF. I just simply don't see that potential in this team right now. Can they? I don't have faith in that.

Really looking forward to the NCAA FB championship. I'll go with the trendy pick and go with Bama. I think their D is much better. Some point to Clemson being offensively similar to Ole Miss who rang up a lot of points against Bama. That is true, but also remember Coker did not start against Ole Miss and Bama had 5 TOs in that game.....and still almost came back to win.

Also looking forward to the NFL playoffs. I don't have a favorite team in the NFL, I just really enjoy the games. Also I guess it's the new thing to call it a "tournament". I've heard ESPN talking heads refer to the NFL playoffs as this repeatedly in the last few days. Don't recall that before.

Did I mention I'm hungry.
Yeah well, stick around my man. Because this latest ish is tame compared to the tranny talk and dolphin sex conversations in the D about 1500 pages ago. Each went on for about 4-5 pages. Yep, you read that right...5 pages...on dolphin sex. And believe it or not...that was BEFORE willy joined the fray.

Hell I nearly drown.
I refed with one of them in high school. Even with his relatively long NBA tour, I still don't have confidence in him, just like I didn't in hs. Havn't talked to him in years, but back then he couldn't stand the Cats. Just sayin'. FCC.

Are you taking about Doug Shows?

I have a friend who refs with him and he said Shows hates UK.