
Set me a pick and I'm good out to 30 feet. No question I could beat every player on the team at HORSE. No doubt in my mind.

Sorry to burst your bubble Speers but these guys actually shoot really good in practice. And get to a game early and watch Ulis and Murray shoot before warm-ups begin. They rarely miss a shot.

But i'll be damned if any of them can shoot the rock in a game. Briscoe can't make anything but lay-ups.
No shit? I rarely miss either.

Made 100 3s tonight in 20:38 rebounding my own misses before I left the gym. Timed myself. I'd bet my $ playing HORSE against any of em. That's 1 every 12 seconds rebounding yourself. Of course it's pretty easy to rebound when 8/10 of em are falling through the net.

I'd bet all of my bitcoins, and i have hoarded a huge cache of bitcoins, that you couldn't even beat Willis in a game of PIG.
Well then, Speers, we have come to an impasse as i have traded all of my interwebz dollars in for bitcoins. I saw a trend in the market so i pounced.

I would however, bet the farm that you could beat every single current Cat in a free throw shooting contest. Of course i would also make the same bet on willy beating all of the Cats in a free throw shooting contest...while willy was stoned...with a crack pipe in his left hand....and a hooker perched on his left shoulder. So...grain of salt and all that noise.
#22 is an athlete that plays basketball, not an athletic basketball player.

That answer it?

True. But the man has played enough basketball to figure some shite out. Like how to back off when you have absolutely no shot at the ball on a rebound. And that an athletic 4 shouldn't be reaching in 40' from the basket. Or 80' from the basket. Basic stuff.