It’s awfully early for the season to be over

I've never been fooled by the strength of a UK team like I have this one and they have fooled me several times. Fool me once your fault, fool me twice, mine. I'll own that.
No one wants to accept it yet you do. Do you still believe that Stoops is the best we can do or have you changed that just maybe there is coach out there for less than $9 million a year that could not embarrass the program in year 12?
This is the simple reason we will always be mediocre, too many fans are willing to accept the 11 year SEC losing record of Stoops. It just blows my mind that we have fans who are afraid to try another coach. What is the difference in losing with a new coach? we may get a coach who doesn't sit on their rich fat ass and cruise to 7-5 average season. With the new SEC scheduling, KY will be lucky to be bowl eligible with Stoops. Who the heck wants that?
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